STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. It is recognized that student discipline problems are less likely to occur in classes where a high level of student interest is maintained. It is likewise recognized that when discipline problems occur, they may most constructively be dealt with by encouragement, praise and emphasis upon the child’s desirable characteristics.
1. Whenever it appears to the teacher that a particular pupil requires the attention of special counselors, social workers, law enforcement personnel, physicians or other professional persons, and the teacher feels he/she has exhausted his/her teaching techniques and agrees the student can no longer be effectively handled by the teacher, the teacher shall refer the matter to the principal and shall furnish the principal with what techniques and action the teacher has taken in the past with regard to the student and furnish the principal with full particulars of the incidents which form the basis for the teacher’s conclusion that outside professional help is needed. The teacher may include written recommendations for the handling of the student as promptly as teaching obligations will allow. The administration will notify the teacher in writing of the action deemed appropriate consistent with their mutual support and assistance for the teacher.
2. A teacher may exclude a pupil from class temporarily because of the grossness of the offense or the persistence of the misbehavior or because it appears that the presence of a particular student in the class will impede the education of the balance of the class because of the disruption caused by said student, in which event the teacher must escort the pupil to the principal’s office or a place designated by the administration. In the event an administrator is not immediately available, the teacher shall return the student to the class, if another teacher is not available to take responsibility for the student until the building administrator returns to the building. Upon return to the building, the administrator shall make contact with the teacher and deal with the problem as soon as possible. In such cases, teachers will furnish the principal, as promptly as teaching obligations will allow, full particulars of the incident in writing and the principal will inform the teacher, in writing, of the disposition of the matter.
3. The procedure for suspension of students from school shall be distributed to students, teachers and parents each year. School authorities will endeavor to achieve correc...
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. 14.4.1 A student may be suspended from an employee’s class for the day of the suspension and the following day upon consultation with a GCCS administrator or administrative identified designee.
14.4.2 Most students enrolled at GCCS have engaged in conduct that is grounds for suspension or expulsion in their home school districts. Teachers need to be aware of this fact and review student files accordingly.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. All teachers shall enforce the Board of Education rules and regulations governing pupil conduct. The Board and administrative staff shall continue to support teachers' enforcement of the rules and regulations.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. The Employer agrees to provide assistance to all employees with respect to the maintenance of student control and discipline in accordance with policies and regulations established by the Employer.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. The Board will continue to accept its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to teachers with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the school. Such support will be provided by the appropriate administrative personnel. Any student who is determined by the administration, after consultation with appropriate professional people to be incapable of adjusting to the regular classroom, will be removed from such regular classroom if such removal is in conformance with appropriate State laws and regulations. Within the first week of school, each teacher and parent will be given a set of school regulations concerning student conduct, dress and appearance.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. 1. The administration and professional employees will make every effort to enforce the discipline policy within the limits of state and federal guidelines. The teachers shall have a voice with the administration to write a student discipline policy.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. Section A When, in the judgment of a unit member, a student requires attention of the principal, assistant principal, counselor, psychologist, physician or other specialist, the unit member shall so inform the unit member’s principal or immediate supervisor. The principal or supervisor shall arrange as soon as possible for a conference between the principal/supervisor, the unit member and an appropriate specialist to discuss the problem and to decide upon appropriate steps for its resolution.
Section B When, in the judgment of a unit member, a student’s behavior seriously disrupts the instructional program to the detriment of others, the unit member will, after having dealt with the disruption, prepare and maintain anecdotal records to be used when contacting the parent or guardian to discuss the inappropriate behavior. A copy of such records shall be made available to the Administration. If immediate action is required, the unit member will call the office to request assistance of an administrator. Appropriate forms shall be developed by the Superintendent in consultation with the Association.
Section C Recommendations of the specialist shall be accepted and a copy of the report made available for review to the unit member in the principal’s office.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A teacher may order removed and referred to the Principal any pupil whose conduct is detrimental to the learning process in the class or whose conduct is contrary to the acceptable standards of good behavior on school property. As soon as possible, but not later than the end of the school day, the teacher initiating the removal shall present to the Principal a written report of the incident. The Principal shall inform the teacher of the disposition of the incident. REQUISITIONS FOR MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTION
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. If a staff member suffers the loss or destruction of a prosthetic device (ie: eye glasses, dentures, hearing aid) or has his clothing damaged while acting in the line of duty to stop a disturbance, is assaulted by a student, or while attempting to prevent the destruction of public property, such as a fire, the Board will assume the cost of the replacement or repair of such item. This does not apply to the loss of personal items such as a radio, tape recorder, purse, etc. Nor does this apply to loss due to the normal teaching duties and responsibilities. The teacher must report the incident and loss to the building administrator.
STUDENT CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. The Employer will give support to bus drivers with respect to the discipline of students who conduct themselves in a manner that threatens the safety and health of employees, the student, or other students. Steps will be taken to relieve bus drivers of disruptive and confrontational students. Bus drivers will be advised of medical conditions of students, which in the judgment of the Employer, may necessitate emergency action by the driver transporting the student.