Student Discipline Policy. The building administration and Professional Staff Members will follow the Board of Education's discipline policy, “the Student Code of Conduct”, and specific school procedures as developed by the School Student Discipline Committee to provide fair, consistent discipline in every building.
Student Discipline Policy. IDVA operates a virtual educational program. In this setting, many of the issues of student behavior and discipline addressed by a traditional brick and mortar school become the responsibility of the parent as such events are occurring in the home setting. IDVA as a public school adheres to all federal, state laws and regulations as well as school approved policies and procedures (Code of Conduct) relating to student discipline and the required reports and actions for disciplinary infractions by its students. IDVA complies with all requirements of due process for student disciplinary violations including provisions for notice, fair procedures and a fair hearing. Administrative disciplinary actions may include, but are not necessarily limited to the following consequences: ▪ Student conference with Head of School / teacher ▪ Group conference that may involve student, parent, teacher, and Head of School ▪ Counseling ▪ Loss of school privileges A student cannot be suspended or expelled and thereby deprived of a free education provided in the public schools without due process. Due process requirements guarantee all students the right to fair notice, fair procedures, and a fair hearing. The student and his or her parent or guardians have the responsibility to follow the procedures set forth herein in a respectful and timely fashion. A student who is accused of misbehavior or a breach of the Code of Student Conduct will be presented to the Head of School or designee by the person having knowledge of the misbehavior or breach of conduct.
Student Discipline Policy. A. A teacher may exclude temporarily from his or her class a student, who in the teacher's opinion is causing serious disruption. The teacher shall decide on the best course of action to deliver the student to another authority. "Temporarily" does not imply longer than one (1) day.
B. The teacher shall confer with the principal or assistant principal, providing necessary information concerning the problem and shall provide a written statement of the problem at the time, or within twenty-four (24) hours.
C. The teacher will re-admit the student after some adjustment is made or a conference is held with the parties concerned before the student is returned to class. The teacher will be informed of the results of the conference or adjustment. This will be in writing if the teacher so requests. The teacher may re-admit the student without conference or adjustment if the teacher so wishes.
D. Following such a conference one of three courses of action will be taken:
1. The student will be returned to class with the understanding that he or she will correct the behavior.
2. The student will be suspended.
3. By mutual consent of the teachers, a student can be transferred by an administrator from one room to another.
E. A continuous record of school discipline cases will be maintained by an administrator. This file or the administrator's conference with the teacher involved shall be used as a basis for recommendations for suspensions and intelligent administering of penalties for infractions.
F. A student who threatens or assaults school personnel shall be immediately suspended for a period of time for an investigation.
G. A place will be provided at all times during the school day for teachers to send students for disciplinary action. This place will be supervised by an adult or school employee. A teacher shall not be asked to provide this supervision unless it is by mutual consent.
H. Students can await disciplinary action in this place until they have been seen by the principal or assistant principal or until they have been released from class for the day with instructions to return to the principal the following day.
I. Whenever they are engaged in the performance of their professional duties, teachers will be responsible for student discipline.
Student Discipline Policy. Each bargaining unit member is responsible for carrying out the Agency’s student discipline policy and shall be provided copies of the Agency’s policies, guidelines, and regulations concerning pupil behavior and discipline, and, on an annual basis, will be provided information and guidance on school discipline procedures.
Student Discipline Policy. A written description of the rights and duties of all administrators and employees with respect to student discipline, including the use of corporal punishment and the rights of suspended students, shall be presented to each employee in writing on the first day of each school year (Reference: Student and/or Teacher’s Handbook).
Student Discipline Policy. Student discipline policies shall be reviewed annually by the Labor Management Committee.
Student Discipline Policy. This Student Activities Drug-testing Policy does not limit or otherwise affect Board policy, regulation or procedure regarding discipline for the sale, possession, use, distribution or purchase of drugs (or alcohol) when reasonable suspicion of such conduct arises out of circumstances other than the random testing conducted pursuant to the policy. (All consequences are cumulative 9th through 12th grades)
1. First Offense - 8 week suspension from all athletics and/or activities; 4 week suspension from all athletics and/or activities if counseling program is completed with a negative drug test
2. Second Offense - 365 day suspension from all athletics and/or activities
3. Third Offense-Removal from all activities for the remainder of the high school career. CITIZENSHIP POLICY- District Policy 2920
Student Discipline Policy. This Student Activities Drug-testing Policy does not limit or otherwise affect Board policy, regulation or procedure regarding discipline for the sale, possession, use, distribution or purchase of drugs (or alcohol) when reasonable suspicion of such conduct arises out of circumstances other than the random testing conducted pursuant to the policy. A concussion is an injury that changes how the cells in the brain normally work. A concussion is caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. Even a “ding”, “getting your bell rung”, or what seems to be mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. Concussions can also result from a fall or from players colliding with each other or with obstacles, such as a goalpost. Observed by the Athlete Observed by Xxxxxx, Coach, Teammate Nausea or vomiting Forgets an instruction Balance problems or dizziness Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Double or blurry vision Moves clumsily Bothered by light Answers questions slowly Bothered by noise Loses consciousness (even briefly) Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Shows behavior or personality changes Difficulty paying attention Can’t recall events after hit or drill Memory problems Appears dazed or stunned Confusion Does not “feel right” TELL YOUR COACH IMMEDIATELY Seek medical attention Inform parents Keep your child out of play See medical advice Discuss play to return with coach Give yourself time to recover Address academic needs Center for Disease Control NFHS Free Concussion Course xxxx://
1. Remove immediately from activity when signs/symptoms are present.
2. Release from medical professional required for return (MD, DO, Nurse Practitioner, Certified Athletic Trainer, or Physician Assistant)
3. Follow school district’s return to play guidelines and protocol
Student Discipline Policy. A. Discipline in the school is to be considered as an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. It is a means of training the child to assume his/her responsibilities and be in more control of his/her conduct, helping him/her to grow progressively in self-competency and maturity. As such, discipline promotes genuine character building.
B. Our discipline policy for K-3 through 1st grade follows a series of steps based on the child’s behavior. Our discipline policy is as follows:
i. Step 1: Verbal Warning
ii. Step 2: Timeout
iii. Step 3: Revocation of Rewards. This includes revocation of recess, playtime and other rewards.
iv. Step 4: Corporal Punishment
1. For purposes of this agreement, corporal punishment is limited to an open hand strike on the hands of the child.
2. Corporal punishment will only be applied to students in the following grades:
a. K-3, b. K-4, c. K-5, and
d. 1st grade
C. If a student continues to misbehave or violate the student handbook, the student may be subject to suspension or expulsion as determined by the Academy Board.
D. By signing this agreement, I, hereby, assume all risks associated with the provision of the above discipline policy administered to my child or children during their time at the Academy, including matters of health and safety associated thereof. I do, hereby, release, waiver, discharge, and covenant not to xxx the Academy, their respective trustees, officers, employees, students and agents from liability from any and all claims including the negligence of the Academy, their respective trustees, officers, employees and agents, resulting in personal injury, accident, or illness, including death and property loss arising from any and all discipline administered to my child or children.
Student Discipline Policy. The Board of Education has the legal authority to make all needed policies, rules and regulations for organizing and governing the school district. This includes the power to suspend or expel a student for conduct, which is prejudicial to good order and discipline in the schools or impairs the morale or good conduct of the students. These policies, rules and regulations will apply to all students in attendance in district instructional and support programs, as well as at school- sponsored activities and events. Detailed information regarding Board adopted discipline policies can be found on the Xxxxxx County R-III School District website at