Supervisor’s Responsibilities. It will be the responsibility of all workplace supervisors to hold monthly workplace meetings with their employees. Productivity improvements and work practices will be standard agenda items of these meetings.
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. 1. The Supervisor is Student’s primary teacher in the Field Placement and plays a central and instrumental role in educating Student. We appreciate all the attention and assistance you give Student.
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. When a supervisor has been notified of an on-the-job injury or illness, he/she shall, within two (2) working days, complete a “Supervisor’s Investigation Report” and forward this report to the Sheriff’s Captain assigned to the Administrative Division. If the supervisor fails to submit the report within two (2) working days, all associated on-the-job leave time shall be recorded as “Annual Leave - O.J.I.”, sick leave, CTO, or dock time depending on the employee’s situation, until such time the claim is evaluated by the County’s Risk Manager and is determined to be valid, subject to review and investigation by the adjuster.
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. To meet weekly with the student intern. • To support the intern’s learning process, and follow the handbook guidelines for supervision. • To provide feedback and evaluations on both the intern’s strengths and growing edges to enhance the intern’s learning process. • To establish the Teaching Placement Committee as appropriate, and offer support as needed. • To communicate with the Field Education Office as requested or if there are concerns or questions. • To comply with all expectations listed under Additional Requirements. ________________________________ Supervisor Signature _________________________ Date
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. Section 1.2 The Union recognizes and agrees that the employees covered by this Agreement are supervisors. As such, they possess managerial responsibilities both with respect to other individuals within the bargaining unit set forth in Section 1.0 and with respect to other employees of the Office of the Sheriff of Lenawee County. Accordingly, the parties agree that these supervisory responsibilities shall, at all times, be carried out without regard to the fact that any of the employees of the Employer may be represented by the same labor organization. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties that supervisors will not represent employees from other bargaining units in the presentation or investigation of grievances or in collective bargaining negotiations with the Employer.
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. (a) Review the proposal in relation to operational requirements and service/workload demands, and discuss with the employee(s).
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. Supervisors are responsible for enforcing the Authority’s harassment prevention policy. Supervisors must ensure that all employees are aware of the Authority's policy through open discussion of the policy at staff meetings and by posting the policy in a conspicuous location accessible to all staff members. Supervisors should be cognizant of employees' behavior and shall not permit any employee under his/her authority to be subject to or engage in any conduct prohibited by the Authority’s policy. Supervisors who receive complaints or who observe conduct prohibited by this policy shall inform the employee to cease the conduct immediately and advise the Executive Director. The Authority will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination, against any supervisor who fails in his/her responsibility to take immediate action in response to an employee’s complaint of harassment or to stop harassing conduct committed in his/her presence or to stop harassing conduct about which the supervisor has knowledge. The Authority does not consider conduct in violation of this policy to be within the course and scope of employment and does not sanction such conduct on the part of any employee, including supervisory and management employees.
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. Each Team Supervisor is responsible for the following:
Supervisor’s Responsibilities. Supervisors are responsible for enforcing the Authority’s harassment prevention policy. Supervisors must ensure that all employees are aware of the Authority's policy through open discussion of the policy at staff meetings and by posting the policy in a conspicuous location accessible to all staff The Authority does not consider conduct in violation of this policy to be within the course and scope of employment and does not sanction such conduct on the part of any employee, including supervisory and management employees.