Trading Days Off. An employee may be permitted to trade scheduled days off with another employee in the same work group for any one week. Requests for such trade must be agreed to by the affected employees and submitted, in writing, to the immediate supervisor for approval at least seven (7) days in advance. The employees will assume full responsibility for reporting to work as agreed and for notifying any overtime premiums that would normally be paid for the sixth and seventh day.
Trading Days Off. When an employee wishes to trade work time with another employee, such trading of work time shall be subject to approval of the On Duty Battalion Chief. Reference: Policy #205, Appendix III. When one employee voluntarily trades shifts with another, the number of hours worked will be calculated as if the employee had worked his/her normal work schedule for that shift.
Trading Days Off. Employees of the bargaining unit in the same job classification and with the same assigned duties may be permitted to voluntarily exchange days off. Before any days off can be exchanged, a notification must be filed with the Sheriff's office. The notification shall contain:
A. The specific day(s) to be exchanged; and,
B. The signatures of both parties to the exchange. It is agreed that the exchange of days must be completed within one (1) calendar year. The Employer is hereby indemnified by the signatures to the exchange for any financial liability resulting from a party to the exchange who fails to satisfy the agreement.
Trading Days Off. 1. Trading Days Off with other Flight Attendants
a. Reserves shall be allowed to trade days off utilizing ETB or another electronic system. Patterns of days off traded must conform to the patterns established in Scheduling, Section 10.D.18.
b. As a result of a trade, if one or more Golden Day(s) is placed in front of a Flex Day(s), such Golden Day(s) will be converted to a Flex Day(s) and the original Flex Day will be converted to a Golden Day. If the swap would result in a Reserve having more than the number of Golden Day(s) off as provided for in Scheduling, Section 10.D.18.b, one of the Reserve’s Golden Day(s) will be converted to a Flex Day.
c. Reserves may trade days off concurrent with the electronic system bid timeline on a daily basis.
d. Trades must occur within the same bid month.
2. Trading Days Off With the Company
a. A Reserve may request to trade her/his days off with the Company, which may include one (1) or more days off. All such requests will be subject to Company approval.
b. Reserve Flight Attendants’ requests for trades of days off will be awarded from among those Flight Attendants having requests on file at the specific time such requests are to be processed each day. For the purposes of awarding a day off trade request, all Flight Attendants serving Reserve at the base will be combined into a single seniority list according to the day(s) approved for trade, and requests will be awarded in seniority order.
Trading Days Off. When an employee wishes to trade days off with another employee, such trading of days off shall be subject to management approval and to the following controls and conditions:
(a) A trade must involve a reciprocal even exchange of days off between two (2) employees, and the traded days must not be more than twenty-eight (28) days apart from each other.
(b) No more than four (4) days or seven (7) days, depending on the employee's schedule, per pay period may be "traded" by an employee. "Trading" of days off shall be limited to accommodate special and unusual employee needs and shall not be approved on a frequently recurring basis for an individual employee.
(c) When a "trade" occurs, bi-weekly paychecks will fluctuate to reflect actual hours worked. Time worked in excess of the regularly scheduled hours per week as a result of trading days off shall be paid for at the straight-time rate.
Trading Days Off. When an employee wishes to trade work shifts and/or days off with another employee, such trading of work shifts and/or days off shall be subject to management approval and to the following controls and conditions:
a. A trade must involve an exchange of work shift and/or days off between two (2) employees that does not result in overtime or a violation of the ten (10) hour rule.
b. When a “trade” involving days off occurs, paychecks may fluctuate to reflect actual hours worked. Management may deny any trade that results in payment of any applicable overtime rate-of-pay for any party involved in the trade. In each case, days off must be taken within two (2) weeks of when a “trade” occurs.
c. Employees must give management notice in writing of a requested trade at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the proposed trade dates.
Trading Days Off. With supervisory approval an employee may trade days off with another employee, provided that the trade involves an even, reciprocal arrangement that is accomplished within a forty-five (45) day period. When trading days off, employees’ paychecks will vary to show actual time worked, and hours in excess of the provisions of Section 13.09 of this Article resulting only from the trade shall be compensated at the straight- time rate. In the event a person scheduled to work pursuant to a shift trade arrangement fails to report to work as agreed, the appropriate leave bank of that person will be charged.
Trading Days Off. 41.1 Patrolmen shall be allowed to trade their days off with other patrolmen by submitting a written notice to their shift commander. Written notice shall be signed by both patrolmen involved in the trade and shall be submitted at least three (3) days prior to the requested date of trade, except in the case of unforeseen emergencies which make it impossible for the patrolmen to give such advance notice. Shift commanders shall not unreasonably deny such requests. No patrolman shall work more than one (1) shift in any 24- hour period as a result of a trade. This provision shall not be interpreted in any manner so as to permit the payment of overtime pay to any patrolman. Priority for time-off requests shall be as follows: (1) vacation has priority over compensatory time and (2) compensatory time has priority over traded days off.
41.2 Patrolman shall not be allowed to trade with themselves except when the trade is based on training, seminars, negotiations or special assignments.
Trading Days Off. When an employee wishes to trade days off with another employee, such trading of days off shall be subject to management approval and to the following controls and conditions:
(1) A trade must involve a reciprocal even exchange of days off between two (2) employees, and the traded days must not be more than twenty-eight (28) days apart from each other.
(2) No more than four (4) days or seven (7) days, depending on the employee’s schedule, per pay period may be traded by an employee. Trading of days off shall be limited to accommodate special and unusual employee needs and shall not be approved on a frequently recurring basis for an individual employee.
(3) When a trade occurs, bi-weekly paychecks will fluctuate to reflect actual hours worked. Time worked in excess of the regularly scheduled hours per week as a result of trading days off shall be paid for at the straight-time rate. In each case, days off must be taken within two (2) weeks of when a trade occurs.
Trading Days Off. SECTION 1. Employees within the same classification, upon advance notice and approval by the Department Head, Nursing Administrative Assistant or Dietary Manager (based on your department), will be permitted to trade days off provided it does not cause the payment of overtime. A request form must be completed and submitted for approval at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the trade. A trade cannot be denied solely because of an open shift on the schedule.