Union Membership Requirements Sample Clauses
Union Membership Requirements a. During the life of this Agreement, employees of the Employer who are subject to this Agreement shall be required as a condition of employment to maintain membership in the Union in good standing, subject to federal law. Compliance is required by the thirty-first (31st) day after employment or the thirty-first (31st) day after the date of this Agreement, whichever is later.
b. The Union shall notify the Employer and the affected employee in writing of an employee’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Article and shall afford each such employee fifteen (15) work days, after the employee has been mailed such notice at her or his last known address, in which to comply. If said employee does not comply with the provisions of this Article within said fifteen (15) workdays, the employee shall be promptly terminated upon written notice of such fact from the Union and the Employer. The Union will hold the Employer harmless from any claims or liability arising out of this section, including the expense of defending against such claims.
Union Membership Requirements. All employees of the Employer who are subject to this Agreement shall be required, as a condition of employment, to become a member and maintain their membership in the Union in good standing during the life of this Agreement.
Union Membership Requirements. Section 1. Employees will be required, as a condition of employment, to join the Union after completion of thirty (30) days, or in lieu thereof, pay an agency service fee as established by the Union. The City shall notify each employee of this requirement at the time of their employment, and shall notify the Union that such employee has been hired, which notice shall include name, home address, occupation, classification, and rate of pay.
Section 2. Should any employee fail or refuse to join the Union or maintain membership therein, or in lieu thereof pay an agency service fee as established by the Union, as herein before provided, the Union may request the City to discharge said employee, provided that such request is made in writing to the Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director shall then notify the employee within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt of the aforestated request, that he/she will be terminated if he/she does not join or rejoin the Union within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt of said letter from the Human Resources Director or the Department Head. Further, the employee will be discharged by the City in accordance with the foregoing, unless either said employee joins or rejoins the Union in accordance with Section 2 of this Article, or in lieu thereof pays an agency service fee as established by the Union. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if the City has notified the Union that the matter is in dispute, the City will not be obliged to discharge said employee until the matter has been fully adjudicated.
Section 3. The City shall deduct union dues or agency service fee from the earned wages from each employee in such amount as determined by the Union, provided that no such deduction shall be made from any employee’s wages except as authorized by him/her on an appropriate form, a copy of which shall be submitted to the City. Such authorization shall be continued thereafter if a Contract exists between the City and the Union.
Section 4. The Union agrees to defend, indemnify and save the City harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, or other forms of liabilities, including, but not limited to, all legal fees and costs that shall arise out of, or by reason of, action taken or not taken by the City for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this Article of this Contract.
Union Membership Requirements. A. Employees may join the FFU Local 1324, but union membership is not a condition of employment with the City.
Union Membership Requirements. 4
3.1 Union Shop 4 3.2 Right to Refuse to Cross Picket Lines 4 5.1 Check-off Payments 5 5.2 Deductions 5 5.3 Remittances 5 5.4 Dues Receipt 5
Union Membership Requirements.
Section 1. Employees hired after July 1, 1966, will have the option to join the Union after three hundred ninety-five (395) days from their date of employment.
Section 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the City and the Union agree that all employees covered by this Agreement will have the option to pay to the Union required initiation fees and “Dues” on a bi-weekly basis, the amount thereof to be set by the Union from time to time, in order to aid the Union in defraying costs in connection with its obligations and responsibilities as bargaining agent for said employees. Such deduction shall be discontinued only in the event of termination of the employee's services or upon his/her written request.
Section 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Union to solicit the membership of employees to voluntarily join the Union under Section 2.
Section 4. The Union agrees to defend, indemnify and save the City harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, or other forms of liabilities that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the City for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this Article.
Union Membership Requirements. New Employees Article 7 Labour-Management Bargaining Relations
Union Membership Requirements. Union Shop Right to Refuse to Cross Picket Lines No Cessation of Work Checkoff Payments Deductions Remittances Dues Receipts
Union Membership Requirements. 5.01 Upon signing this Agreement, all employees of the Employer, shall, as a condition of employment, become and remain members in good standing of the Union, according to the constitution, and by-laws of the Union. As a condition of employment, all new employees shall become and remain members in good standing of the Union.
Union Membership Requirements. Section 1. It is agreed that, upon compliance with the requirements of Section 8(a)(3)(i) of the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, as amended, or upon a change in the law eliminating such requirements, good standing membership in the UNION shall be a condition of employment for all employees on and after the thirtieth day following the beginning of such employment. For the purpose of this provision, a member of the UNION shall be deemed to be in good standing only if his initiation fees and periodic fixed dues are not in arrears for more than thirty (30) days.
Section 2. Any employee of the COMPANY who, at any time while this Agreement is in effect, has been performing a class of work which is subject to the UNION membership requirements of this Agreement, but who is subsequently transferred or promoted to a class of work which is not subject to the UNION membership requirements of this Agreement, shall have the privilege of withdrawing from UNION membership, and the UNION agrees that such withdrawal shall not prevent any such employee from renewing UNION membership in the event that thereafter the employee is assigned to a class of work in which UNION membership is required hereunder as a condition of employment.
Section 3. Any employee of the COMPANY who is required, hereunder, to become a member of the UNION as a condition of employment and is not a member of the UNION in good standing, as above defined, shall on ten (10) days' written request of the UNION, be removed from the COMPANY payroll at the end of the next weekly pay period after expiration of such ten (10) day period, provided he has not paid up such deficiency within that time.