USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. INDUSTRIAL INJURY, an employee who is on disability leave shall not be entitled to take annual leave until the exhaustion of disability leave or the termination of disability, whichever comes first.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. INDUSTRIAL INJURY, an employee shall not be entitled to disability leave until 40 hours shall have elapsed following the exhaustion of accumulated sick leave.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. The time at which an employee may take vacation leave shall be determined by the Department Head with due regard to the wishes of the employee and to the needs of the department, and otherwise as set forth in this Agreement. All vacation schedules shall be arranged in advance, and approved by the Department Head. In case of emergency, the Department Head may cancel and reschedule any or all approved vacation leaves in advance of their being taken, and, if necessary, may call back an employee from a vacation in progress. If an employee is called back from vacation for an emergency, the Town will reimburse, at current IRS rates for mileage, if any, the employee for reasonable travel expenses based on paid receipts submitted. Use of vacation or comp time is time worked for calculating overtime.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. Leave agreed to be taken between . The employer keeps separate records of accumulated leave. If employment ends before the accu- mulated leave is taken, the unused leave will be compensated for.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. A teacher xxx utilize accumulated sick and personal leave days to remain in pay status during any portion of this leave.
3.10.1. An employee who is quarantined may elect to take as much of the employee's accumulated sick leave or accumulated vacation leave or accumulated compensating time off as is necessary to avoid loss of pay. Should the time lost exceed the sick leave, vacation leave, and accumulated compensating time off, such excess shall be leave without pay.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. Accumulated Leave may be used for the following reasons:
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. Unit employees who are on unpaid Administrative Leave and/or unable to report to their work may use their accumulated, if any, Vacation, Holiday or Compensatory Time for any of the unpaid work time due to their incarceration or indictment.
USE OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE. Accumulated Leave may be used for the following reasons:
1. Due to personal illness, injury or on orders of a physician to remain absent due to exposure to disease. In cases subject to the Worker’s Compensation Law, such leave time may be used to supplement Worker’s Compensation so that the total amount paid an employee will equal, but not exceed, his/her regular salary for the period of absence from duty. (Please note: if an employee chooses not to use accumulated leave during a Family Medical Leave of absence, they need to be aware it may affect their ability to collect short term and long term disability).
2. Leave time due to the illness or injury of an immediate relative (Immediate family is defined below) shall not exceed nine (9) working days per occurrence.