Use of EIT Sample Clauses

Use of EIT. A regular nurse who has been continuously employed for six (6) months shall use EIT and be compensated at his/her regular rate of pay, including applicable differentials provided by appendices hereto, for any absence from work due to the following: 1. The nurse’s admission to a hospital, including a day surgery unit, as an inpatient or outpatient, for one or more days and any necessary absence immediately following hospitalization. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Medical Center makes any improvement in the benefit covered by this subparagraph for a majority of the Medical Center’s other employees who are not in a bargaining unit, the improvement will also be provided to bargaining unit employees. 2. When a nurse receives outpatient procedures under conscious sedation, spinal block, or general anesthesia in a free-standing surgical center or in a surgical suite at a physician’s office. 3. The nurse’s disabling illness after a waiting period of missed work due to such condition. The waiting period shall be the shorter of three (3) consecutive scheduled work shifts or 24 consecutive scheduled hours. 4. Partial day absences related to a single illness of the nurse, without an intervening full scheduled shift being worked, after a waiting period (as defined in Paragraph 3 above) of missed work due to such condition. 5. After qualifications for use under subsections 3 or 4 above and a return to work for less than one (1) scheduled full shift, when the nurse misses work due to recurrence of such condition. 6. Approved parental leave under applicable law or approved maternity leave in compliance with appropriate law requiring employers to treat pregnancy and childbirth the same as other causes of disability.
Use of EIT. OR and PACU nurses who work four (4) or more hours of callback during the night shift (11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.) and are scheduled to report for regular shift before 12:00 p.m. the following day, shall be allowed to utilize EIT pay to cover an absence during the following shift.
Use of EIT. EIT may be used beginning on the 90th day of employment. EIT may be used following the second complete shift missed (8, 10, or 12 hours) due to illness, injury, or temporary disability of the nurse, the nurse’s minor child, or to care for qualified family members in accordance with and subject to the Washington Family Care Act (RCW 49.12.265-.295) and applicable regulations as they may be amended from time to time, or as required by other applicable law or regulation, provided that a nurse must use all available PSL before accessing EIT for the nurse’s illness, injury, or temporary disability. Nurses who have more than fifty percent of their maximum EIT leave accrual in their leave bank will not be required to use PTO to satisfy any waiting period.
Use of EIT. A regular nurse who has been continuously employed 19 for six (6) months shall use EIT and be compensated at his/her regular rate of 20 pay, including applicable differentials provided by appendices hereto, for any 21 absence from work due to the following: 22 1. The nurse’s admission to a hospital, including a day surgery 23 unit, as an inpatient or outpatient, for one or more days and any necessary 24 absence immediately following hospitalization. If, during the term of this 25 Agreement, the Medical Center makes any improvement in the benefit Page 1 of 3 Date Accepted / / 1 covered by this subparagraph for a majority of the Medical Center’s other 3 provided to bargaining unit employees. 4 2. When a nurse receives outpatient procedures under 5 conscious sedation, spinal block, or general anesthesia in a free-standing 6 surgical center or in a surgical suite at a physician’s office. 7 3. The nurse’s disabling illness after a waiting period of missed 8 work due to such condition. The waiting period shall be the shorter of 9 three (3) consecutive scheduled work shifts or 24 consecutive scheduled 10 hours. 11 4. Partial day absences related to a single illness of the nurse, 12 without an intervening full scheduled shift being worked, after a waiting 13 period (as defined in Paragraph 3 above) of missed work due to such 14 condition. 15 5. After qualifications for use under subsections 3 or 4 above 16 and a return to work for less than one (1) scheduled full shift, when the 17 nurse misses work due to recurrence of such condition. 18 6. Approved parental leave under applicable law or approved 19 maternity leave in compliance with appropriate law requiring employers to 20 treat pregnancy and childbirth the same as other causes of disability.
Use of EIT. To use EIT, an employee must have earned/accrued EIT hours in his employee’s EIT account has a balance of 140 hours (92 hours for regularly scheduled part time employees). Absences due to illness or injury that exceed twenty four (24) consecutive scheduled work hours will automatically be charged to EIT. Employees who have less than 24 hours of PTO accrued shall have exhausted their PTO and take the balance of the 24 consecutive hours in unpaid leave before being covered by EIT. Employees required to leave work and/or remain at home by the Employer due to a contaminating exposure on-the-job, will not receive an occurrence under the attendance policy.
Use of EIT. Upon completion of three (3) months of employment, EIT may be used following the first two complete shifts missed due to illness, injury, or temporary disability of the nurse, the nurse’s minor child, or immediately upon hospitalization, immediately upon occurrence of an on-the-job injury, and immediately for invasive surgeries performed in a doctor’s office with resultant time loss. EIT may be accessed immediately on the first full complete shift missed by nurses who have more than fifty percent of their maximum leave accrual in their leave bank. EIT may also be used by the nurse to care for herself or himself or qualified family members in accordance with and subject to the Washington Family Care Act (RCW 49.12.265-.295) as the law may be amended from time to time, or other applicable law or regulation, presently including the following situations: (a) Absences to care for the nurse’s child who has a health condition requiring treatment or supervision, (b) Absences to care for the nurse’s spouse, parent, parent-in-law or grandparent, who has either a serious health condition or an emergency condition.
Use of EIT. 33 8.8.1 A nurse who has an invasive diagnostic or therapeutic procedure 34 performed in a hospital or invasive diagnostic or invasive therapeutic procedure in a 1 clinic setting as an outpatient with resultant time loss will utilize EIT immediately. 3 8.8.2 The first three (3) scheduled work days of absence for Bereavement for a 4 death in the nurse's family, may be withdrawn from the employee's EIT account. Nurses 5 who do not accrue EIT benefits may take three (3) scheduled work days off without pay. 6 The family is defined as parents, guardian or xxxxxx parents, spouses, children, adopted 7 children, those under a legal guardianship, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, in-law 8 equivalents of the above, spousal equivalents, and any person permanently living in the 9 household.
Use of EIT. A regular nurse who has been continuously employed for six (6) 20 months shall use EIT and be compensated at his/her regular rate of pay, including applicable 21 differentials provided by appendices hereto, for any absence from work due to the following: 22 1. The nurse’s admission to a hospital, including a day surgery unit, as an 23 inpatient or outpatient, for one or more days and any necessary absence immediately 24 following hospitalization. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Medical Center 25 makes any improvement in the benefit covered by this subparagraph for a majority of the 26 Medical Center’s other employees who are not in a bargaining unit, the improvement will 27 also be provided to bargaining unit employees. 28 29 2. When a nurse receives outpatient procedures under conscious sedation, 30 spinal block, or general anesthesia in a free-standing surgical center or in a surgical 31 suite at a physician’s office. 32 33 3. The nurse’s disabling illness after a waiting period of missed work due to 34 such condition. The waiting period shall be the shorter of three (3) consecutive 35 scheduled work shifts or 24 consecutive scheduled hours. 1 4. Partial day absences related to a single illness of the nurse, without an 2 intervening full scheduled shift being worked, after a waiting period (as defined in 3 Paragraph 3 above) of missed work due to such condition. 4 5 5. After qualifications for use under subsections 3 or 4 above and a return to 7 recurrence of such condition. 8 9 6. Approved parental leave under applicable law or approved maternity 10 leave in compliance with appropriate law requiring employers to treat pregnancy and 11 childbirth the same as other causes of disability. 12
Use of EIT. EIT will be used according to the following schedule for time missed due to illness or injury for each episode of the employee or the employee's child or other family member as defined in Section10.3: