BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. 6.01 Upon an integration, Union representation rights with the Successor Employer will be determined in accordance with the processes set out in OLRA or PSLRTA, whichever is applicable.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. 1. Site committees established for the express purpose of program improvement shall include representatives from the bargaining unit, district administration, and when appropriate outside agencies. The number of bargaining unit reps on any site program improvement committee shall be equal to or greater than the number of bargaining unit representatives serving on the school site council for that school. Bargaining unit representatives shall be elected by process consistent with KCTA bylaws.
2. There will be a KCTA Liaison to the Alternative Governance Board (“AG Board”) The KCTA Liaison is not a member of the AG Board; however he/she will actively participate in AG Board meetings. The KCTA Liaison may meet monthly with the Director of Special Projects and Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction. In addition the KCTA Liaison shall review AG Board agendas, recommendations and actions will be reviewed to provide an instructional perspective in support of the school improvement process. The KCTA Liaison position is designed to ensure that the Association has input in the Alternative Governance process.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. The Union has the right and responsibility to represent the interests of all Employees in the unit, to present its views to the District management on matters of concern, in writing, to consult or be consulted with respect to the formulation, development and implementation of personnel policies which are within the authority of the District, and to enter collective negotiations with the object of reaching an agreement applicable to those Employees within the unit.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. The Association shall be recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the following non-teaching employees employed by the Lakewood Local Board of Education: Bus Drivers, Food Service Personnel, Clerical/Secretaries, Custodians, Aides, Maintenance Personnel, Bus Mechanics, In-School Suspension Monitor, Health and Safety Monitors, Mail Route, Custodial Helpers and Library Technicians. All confidential employees, management-level employees, supervisors, seasonal and casual employees (including substitutes) and professional employees as defined by Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code, including the Local Superintendent, Assistant(s) to the Local Superintendent, Principals, Supervisors, Treasurer, Assistant(s) to the Treasurer, Treasurer Office Employees, Secretary to Transportation/Maintenance Supervisor, Secretary to the Local Superintendent, and Secretary to the Special Education Coordinator shall be excluded from the bargaining unit.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. The Association shall be recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the following non-certified employees employed by the Licking Heights Local Board of Education: all full and regular part-time non-certificated employees, secretaries, aides, custodial, transportation, maintenance employees, and food service employees. All professional employees, all management level employees, supervisory and confidential employees as defined in Section 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code including transportation supervisor, Fleet and Maintenance Manager, food service supervisor, substitutes, Superintendent's secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer's Assistants, Human Resources/Curriculum Secretary, District Registrar, and special education secretary shall be excluded from the bargaining unit.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. Union Representative may represent bargaining 2 unit members in management called investigatory/disciplinary meetings during 3 scheduled work hours on paid time provided these meetings do not interfere with 4 the normal operations of the Medical Center. The Association representative 5 must work with their supervisor to arrange time away from the department for
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. The Union shall be recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all employees of the District, including bus drivers, secretaries, custodians, maintenance, food service employees, aides, attendance officer, reader guides, EMIS Coordinator and mechanics, in the following classifications: Aide Attendance Officer/Courier Head Bus Driver Bus Driver Custodian EMIS Coordinator Cafeteria Xxxx Cafeteria Xxxx/Custodian Cafeteria Xxxx/Sales Cafeteria Head Xxxx Cafeteria Supervisory Xxxx Head Maintenance Maintenance Worker Head mechanic Mechanic Secretary All substitutes, managerial employees, confidential employees, supervisory employees and certificated employees including the Superintendent, Treasurer, assistant(s) to the Treasurer, and secretary to the Superintendent shall be excluded from the bargaining unit.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. 8.01 The President of the Bargaining Unit shall notify the Employer of the names of its elected and appointed representatives.
8.02 The Employer will recognize the following Bargaining Unit Committees:
(a) The Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee, consisting of not more than five (5) members of the Union for the purpose of conducting negotiations with the representatives of the Employer, provided that the Bargaining Unit may, from time to time, substitute on the Negotiating Committee. Members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee who spend work days negotiating shall be treated in all respects as though they are actively at work, covered by all terms and provisions of this agreement. The Employer will compensate three (3) members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee for regular hours spent in negotiating meetings between the parties to the extent that they shall suffer no loss of regular earnings. The Bargaining Unit agrees to reimburse the Employer for the full amount of all salary and benefits paid to additional members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee for days spent in negotiations. Where applicable benefits shall be deemed to equal 17% of employee's salary. Members of the Bargaining Unit's Negotiating Committee shall inform the appropriate supervisor five (5) days in advance of absences owing to negotiations. Where it is not possible to provide five (5) days notice, the appropriate arrangements will be made by the Employer on behalf of the members of the Bargaining Unit’s Negotiating Committee.
(b) The Labour-Management Committee, consisting of not more than three
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. Section 1. There shall be one (1) Union Xxxxxxx and one (1) Alternate Xxxxxxx chosen from among employees in a manner to be determined by the bargaining unit. The Alternate Xxxxxxx shall take the place of the Xxxxxxx in the Xxxxxxx'x absence.
Section 2. The bargaining unit representative shall represent the employees and shall be authorized to resolve grievances on behalf of such employee in any step of the grievance procedure herein. Such resolutions to grievances shall be final and binding upon the employees in the bargaining unit, however, in no event shall any such resolution or adjustment be contrary to or inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Employer and the Union.
Section 3. The bargaining unit shall designate to the Employer in writing, the bargaining unit representative, and the Employer shall not be required to recognize or deal with any employee other than the one so designated.
Section 4. The bargaining unit, in contract negotiations, may be represented by two (2) employee representatives and not to exceed two (2) non-employee representatives. Only one (1) employee representative will be paid his/her regular pay for negotiations sessions which are held during their scheduled hours.
Section 5. A representative or xxxxxxx shall first receive permission from his immediate supervisor to leave his work station and shall report back promptly when his part in the grievance adjustment has been completed. Any employee who takes an unreasonable or unnecessary amount of time in grievance procedure adjustment may have the privilege revoked.
BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTATION. The Union shall be recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all employees of the District, including bus drivers, secretaries, custodians, maintenance, food service employees, aides, attendance officer, reader guides, and mechanics, in the following classifications: Aide Health Aide Attendance Officer/Courier Head Bus Driver Bus Driver Custodian Cafeteria Cook Cafeteria Cook/Custodian Cafeteria Cook/Sales Cafeteria Head Cook Cafeteria Supervisory Cook Maintenance Worker I and II Mechanic I and II Secretary All substitutes, managerial employees, confidential employees, supervisory employees and certificated employees including the Superintendent, Treasurer, assistant(s) to the Treasurer, and secretary to the Superintendent shall be excluded from the bargaining unit.