Vacation Replacement Sample Clauses
Vacation Replacement. Notwithstanding Section 29.1 (j) above, casuals may be used to fill the vacancy(ies) created by regular city drivers who are on vacation providing qualified regular employees are given the first opportunity to fill the vacancy(ies) in accordance with seniority.
Vacation Replacement. Full-time staff not scheduled for ten (10) shifts will be given the opportunity prior to the posting of each schedule to increase to ten (10) by picking up vacation shifts. Remaining shifts will be offered equitably to the Part-time staff.
Vacation Replacement. An employee may be temporarily replaced in cases when a vacation period extends beyond four (4) consecutive weeks.
Vacation Replacement. Notwithstanding Section above, casuals may be used to fill the created by regular City drivers who are on vacation providing qualified regular employees are given the first opportunity to fill the in accordance with seniority as outlined in Section If as a result of a casual working in excess of eight (8) hours in any one (1) day, a regular City driver, who was on duty and in position to perform the work, is deprived of an overtime dispatch, then the Company will, upon receipt of a grievance pay to the senior such driver who files such grievance who was available to accept such overtime dispatch, an amount equal to the overtime pay for the hours worked by the casual in excess of eight (8) hours on such dispatch less the overtime hours worked by such driver. Laid off regular employees shall be given the first opportunity for casual work and they will be entitled to the daily call-in guarantee. Where casuals are required, the Local Union will be contacted and given the first opportunity to supply qualified persons. A casual, excluding a laid off regular employee, shall receive an hourly rate of pay as set out in Appendix “A. All casuals shall be required to punch a time card. Casuals’ time cards will be made available upon request from the Xxxxxxx Business Representative of the Local Union. The card shall indicate the employee’s name the casual is replacing. The Company shall deduct from all casuals from their first pay, and each month thereafter, an amount equal to the Union monthly dues and such monies shall be forwarded to the appropriate Local Union as outlined in Article and the Company shall indicate “Casual” on the form. In the event the Company utilizes casuals employed by outside agencies, the Company shall remit an amount equal to the Union monthly dues with respect to all such persons and all the conditions of Article will apply.
Vacation Replacement. Full-time staff not scheduled for ten
Vacation Replacement. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this article, for purposes of vacation schedules only, the following procedure shall apply: Where possible, the entire full time schedule of an employee on vacation will be offered in seniority order to part time and casual employees able to cover the entire schedule at straight time, provided they have given the Employer availability. There shall be no movement of shifts by Casual or Part-time employees in order to qualify for the entire full-time schedule. Where the vacation cannot be given in the entire block, the shifts will be distributed by availability and seniority.
Vacation Replacement. During the course of these negotiations, the issue of Vacation Replacements for Stock (9040) was discussed. As long as current practices continue, the Company agrees to designate two (2) employees per production shift for Department 9040 to be utilized as permanent vacation replacements. The parties recognize that vacations fluctuate shift to shift, which may necessitate the vacation replacement persons having to periodically switch shifts. Further, during periods of the year when vacations are not being taken, the parties agree to utilize these employees within the divisional absentee pool. (c16)
Vacation Replacement. Notwithstanding Section above, casuals may be used to fill the created by regular city drivers are on vacation providing qualified regular employees are given the first opportunity to fill the in accordance with seniority.
Vacation Replacement. Store openings (four (4) weeks).
Vacation Replacement. Subject to the availability of part time staff, where the Employer elects to schedule overtime for vacation replacement. The Employer shall post a notice of available shifts which shall be filled on a first come basis.