VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 7.1 Arrangements for Dues Deductions……………………………. 21
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 7.1 Arrangements for Dues Deductions
1. Dues deduction will be accomplished IAW 5 USC §7115.
2. Employees eligible for bargaining unit membership may elect to pay Union dues by having the Agency deduct a pre-specified amount of monies from the employee’s regular paycheck. This will be accomplished by filling-out form SF 1187 Request for Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form and forwarding the completed form to the Union. The Union will certify the amount of dues while completing the appropriate portions of the form and then forward the form to the Agency.
3. Allotments will become effective on the first full pay period commencing after receipt of the applicable form by the employee Payroll Office. The Agency will be responsible for making the Union whole for dues not collected as a result of an administrative delay or error, unless that delay or error is caused by reasons beyond the Agency’s control.
4. An allotment shall terminate when the employee leaves the unit as a result of any type of separation, transfer, reassignment, promotion or other action which would exclude the employee from the bargaining unit; upon loss of exclusive recognition by the Union; when the Agreement providing for dues withholding is suspended or terminated by an appropriate authority outside DoD, or when the employee has been suspended or expelled from the Union. Employees can make arrangements with the Union for other methods of payment (i.e., personal check, debit, or allotment through MyPay).
5. An employee may voluntarily revoke his/her allotment for the payment of dues by submitting an SF 1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form directly to the Union. Once the request is validated the Union will submit the request to the Agency. Upon completion, copies will be provided to the employee, the Union, and to HRS-LMER. By statute, dues allotments must be made for no less than one year.
6. Employees shall have the option of dues revocation on their first-year Union membership anniversary. After the first anniversary, dues may only be revoked in intervals of one (1) year, beginning on or after the first anniversary date of the allotment. The SF 1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form must be submitted prior to the anniversary date, but no earlier than thirty (30) days, in order to be considered timely. Failure to submit the request within the timeframe specified herein will result in dues deduction ...
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 1 - Any employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs who is a member of the NFFE and is included in the consolidated bargaining unit covered by this agreement may make a voluntary allotment for the payment of dues to the NFFE.
Section 2 - The individual employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs who is a member of the NFFE and included within an exclusive unit shall obtain his/her SF-1187, "Request and Authorization for Voluntary Allotment of Compensation for Payment of Employee Organization Dues," from NFFE and shall file it with the designated NFFE representative, who will forward it to the human resources management (HRM) office for certification of eligibility for dues withholding and for transmittal to the appropriate payroll office. The allotment shall become effective on the first full pay period following receipt by HRM. The employee shall be instructed by NFFE to complete Part A and B. No other number must appear in the block provided as "Identification Number" except the employee's social security number.
Section 3 - Deductions will be made each pay period by the Department of Veterans Affairs and remittance will be made by one check each pay period to the National Office of NFFE. Remittances shall be accompanied by a listing, in duplicate, one for the National Office and one for the VA Council, for each pay period showing the names of the member employees from whose pay dues were withheld and the amount withheld. The listing will be segregated by individual field stations with a sub-total for each facility. The listing shall include the facility code number for identification purposes. It will be summarized to show the number of members for whom dues were withheld and the total amount withheld. Each list will also include the name of each employee member who previously made an allotment for whom no deductions were made whether due to leave without pay or other cause. If NFFE develops a computerized system for dues withholding, the parties will meet to determine if the VA can furnish dues deduction information in a compatible format.
Section 4 - It is agreed that part A of SF-1187, including the insertion of code numbers of the NFFE and the appropriate Local number, will be executed by the financial officer of the Local to which the employee member belongs or the National Secretary-Treasurer of NFFE. The amount so certified shall be the amount of the regular dues to be withheld from the employee's pay each pay period. Any initiation...
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 7.1 - Arrangements for Dues Deductions
1. Dues deduction will be accomplished IAW 5 USC § 7115.
2. Employees eligible for bargaining unit membership may elect to have Union dues deducted from their regular paycheck by submitting an SF 1187 Request for Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form to the Agency either directly or through the Union.
3. Allotments will become effective on the first full pay period commencing after receipt of the applicable form by the Agency’s Payroll Office.
4. An allotment shall terminate when the employee leaves the bargaining unit because of any type of separation, transfer, reassignment, promotion, or other action which would exclude the employee from the bargaining unit; upon loss of exclusive recognition by the Union; when the Agreement providing for dues withholding is suspended or terminated by an appropriate authority outside DoD; or, when the employee has been suspended or expelled from the Union.
5. Upon receipt of a properly completed SF 1188 and following one calendar year after the employee’s dues have been withheld, revocation will be processed as soon as administratively feasible once received in the Payroll Office.
6. The Agency will be responsible for recuperating dues not collected as a result of an administrative delay or error, unless that delay or error is caused by reasons beyond the Agency’s control.
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 7.1 - Arrangements for Dues Deductions
1. Dues deduction will be accomplished IAW 5 USC §7115.
2. Employees eligible for bargaining unit membership may elect to pay Union dues by having the Agency deduct a pre-specified amount of monies from the employee’s regular paycheck. This will be accomplished by filling-out form SF 1187 Request for Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form and forwarding the completed form to the Union. The Union will certify the amount of dues while completing the appropriate portions of the form and then forward the form to the Agency.
3. Allotments will become effective on the first full pay period commencing after receipt of the applicable form by the employee Payroll Office. The Agency will be responsible for recouping dues not collected as a result of an administrative delay, error, or early cancellation unless that delay, error, or early cancellation is caused by reasons beyond the Agency’s control. When the Union alleges that a delay, error, or early cancellation has occurred, they will notify the HRO in writing with supporting documentation. If the Agency determines that a delay, error, or early cancellation did occur, and it was not caused by reasons beyond their control, then the Agency will recoup the amount in question. A dispute arising out of this section shall be submitted through the negotiated grievance procedure.
4. An allotment shall terminate when the employee leaves the unit as a result of any type of separation, transfer, reassignment, promotion or other action which would exclude the employee from the bargaining unit; upon loss of exclusive recognition by the Union; when the agreement providing for dues withholding is suspended or terminated by an appropriate authority outside DoD, or when the employee has been suspended or expelled from the Union. Employees can make arrangements with the Union for other methods of payment (i.e., personal check, debit, or allotment through MyPay).
5. An employee may voluntarily revoke his/her allotment for the payment of dues by submitting an SF 1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form directly to the Union. Once the Union verifies that the employee has met the minimum membership requirements, the form will be forwarded to the Agency. By statute, dues allotments must be made for no less than one year.
6. Employees shall have the option of dues revocation on their first-year Union membership anniversary. After the first anniversa...
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 7.1 - Arrangements for Dues Deductions
1. Dues deduction will be accomplished IAW 5 USC §7115.
2. Employees eligible for bargaining unit membership may elect to pay Union dues by having the Agency deduct a pre-specified amount of monies from the employee’s regular paycheck. This will be accomplished by filling-out form SF 1187 Request for Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form and forwarding the completed form to the Union. The Union will certify the amount of dues while completing the appropriate portions of the form and then forward the form to the Agency.
3. Allotments will become effective on the first full pay period commencing after receipt of the applicable form by the employee Payroll Office.
4. An allotment shall terminate when the employee leaves the unit as a result of any type of separation, transfer, reassignment, promotion or other action which would exclude the employee from the bargaining unit; upon loss of exclusive recognition by the Union; when the Agreement providing for dues withholding is suspended or terminated by an appropriate authority outside DoD, or when the employee has been suspended or expelled from the Union. Employees can make arrangements with the Union for other methods of payment (i.e., personal check, debit, or allotment through MyPay).
5. An employee may voluntarily revoke his/her allotment for the payment of dues by submitting an SF 1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form directly to the Union. Once the request is validated the Union will submit the request to the Agency. Upon completion, copies will be provided to the employee, the Union, and to HRO (Labor Relations). By statute, dues allotments must be made for no less than one year.
6. Employees shall have the option of dues revocation on their first-year Union membership anniversary. After the first anniversary, dues may only be revoked in intervals of one (1) year, beginning on or after the first anniversary date of the allotment. The SF 1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues form must be submitted prior to the anniversary date, but no earlier than thirty (30) days, in order to be considered timely. Failure to submit the request within the timeframe specified herein will result in dues deduction continuing for an additional twelve (12) months.
7. Dues withholding arrangements as set forth in this Article will continue if this Agreement is not renegotiated by its termination date becau...
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Voluntary allotments by Employees for the payment of dues to the Union shall be authorized and processed in accordance with the Memorandums of Understanding dated June 22, 1979, and September 30, 1988 contained in Appendix C.
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 2601. The Employer and the Union agree that the following provisions and time frames are applicable as long as the payroll function remains under the Employer's control; and that a reasonable effort will be made to keep time frames and provisions in the event the payroll function moves to another command.
A. Union dues shall be deducted by the Employer from an employee's pay each pay period when the following conditions have been met:
B. The employee has voluntarily authorized such a deduction on the Standard Form 1187, Allotment Form.
C. The employee's earnings are sufficient, after all other legal deductions, to cover the full amount of the allotment.
D. Section A of the Allotment Form has been completed and signed by an official of the Union and the form has been received by the Payroll Office.
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 1 - Any employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs who is a member of the NFFE and is included in the consolidated bargaining unit covered by this agreement may make a voluntary allotment for the payment of dues to the NFFE.
VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT OF UNION DUES. Section 1: The Employer shall deduct Union dues (the regular periodic amounts required to maintain an employee in good standing in the Union, excluding initiation fees, special assessments, back dues, fines and similar items) from the pay of all employees who are employed within the Unit in accordance with the following conditions:
a. The employee either is a member in good standing of the Union, or has signed up for membership in the Union subject to the payment of his first month’s dues through voluntary allotment as provided herein.
b. The employee’s salary for the payroll period involved is sufficient to cover the dues after legal and required deductions have been made.
c. The employee has voluntarily authorized such a deduction on Standard Form 1187, Request and Authorization for Voluntary Allotment of Compensation for Payment of Employee Organization Dues, supplied by the Union.
d. Section A of Standard Form 1187 has been completed and signed on behalf of the Union by an official authorized by the Union.
e. The completed Standard Form 1187 is transmitted to the Civilian Human Resources Office -East/Labor and Employee Relations Office so as to reach the office no later than 4:00