Workload Management Strategies Sample Clauses
Workload Management Strategies. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that staff and management in the Hospital have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse effect that excessive workloads may have. The provision of adequate coverage when the staff member is on breaks or leave will be a priority to ensure the business needs are met and also to assist the staff member with workload management. The parties agree that staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for staff. The process to follow in order to address workload concerns shall be as follows:
a) Issue raised in writing with the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager, if not resolved. A copy of this issue may also be given to higher management if the employee believes this to be appropriate at this time.
b) Issue raised at staff meetings or
c) Issue raised in writing with the Finance Manager, if not resolved;
d) Issue raised in writing with the Chief Executive Officer. The HCT can be used as a mechanism to review unresolved workload management issues.
Workload Management Strategies. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that staff and management in the Hospital have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload in line with Best Practice models and recognise the adverse effect that excessive workloads may have. The parties also agree that staff and management have a responsibility to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, priority will be given to achieving a balanced and safe workload for staff. Matters of workload and safety shall initially be raised with the employee’s direct Manager/Coordinator/Team Leader through already established group forums and unit/service meetings. Workload Management issues will be a standing item for discussion in unit/service forums/meetings on a regular basis. If staff are not able to resolve an issue with their direct Manager, the matter shall be raised with the Executive Manager responsible for the area. If the matter remains unresolved, staff may seek the support of their representative to further discuss the matter with the Executive. If not resolved the matter should be referred to the LCC– Support Services which will meet on a three monthly basis. In considering staffing levels, the LCC – Support Services will develop criteria for service areas, based upon outcomes of staff involvement in group forums and service meetings, to ensure an appropriate standard is attained through;
(a) measurement of bed occupancy workload;
(b) measurement of number of staff and their respective workload;
(c) establishment of appropriate casual pool;
(d) implementation of permanent relievers; and
(e) implementation of backfilling. The Hospital will roster for continuity of service levels and will ensure that increased workloads do not result from inappropriate rostering. Where occupancy or business is increased resulting in an increase in workload, the Hospital will continue to manage staffing levels to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff. This will include bed management and patient allocation strategies which are coordinated by Unit and Service Managers, Day and After-Hours Managers. Where occupancy or business is reduced resulting in a decreased workload, it is accepted that the Hospital may retain flexibility in the workplace by reducing any excess hours being worked outside contracted hours and/or by temporary deployment. Any issues of workload may be also reported via the completion of an incident report, which will be referred to the Workplace Health and Safety Committee for ...
Workload Management Strategies. (a) The parties agree that appropriate strategies should be implemented to maintain balanced and safe workloads, identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks and recognise the adverse effect that excessive or insufficient workloads may have on Employees.
(b) Employees' workloads must not exceed reasonable limits and staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, workloads do not become unreasonable. Employees and management are encouraged to raise and address workload issues as soon and as efficiently as possible through line management, as follows: An issue is raised by reporting and discussing the matter with the immediate in-charge person and by entering the matter through the electronic incident management system Once raised and reported in accordance with (b)(i), the matter will be investigated and responded to as soon as reasonably practicable. Any agreed outcome will be recorded in writing; Where a matter remains unresolved, after the steps set out at (b)(i) and (b)(ii) have been undertaken, it will be escalated to the Regional Operations Manager or delegate. The matter will be responded to within 7 days (unless agreed otherwise).
(c) If a workload issue remains unresolved, the matter should be dealt with in accordance with Clause 11, Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Workload Management Strategies. 2.2.1 The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that staff and management in the hospital have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse effect that excessive or insufficient workloads may have. Such effects can include increased overtime including unpaid overtime, decreased paid time for office and administrative work, decreased paid time for down time and peer support, decreased client contact time, increased pressure to take on additional tasks and responsibilities. In addition the parties to this agreement acknowledge that all staff and management have a duty to pursue appropriate strategies and work practices in order to identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks.
2.2.2 The parties agree that employees and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for staff.
2.2.3 Employees and management are encouraged to utilise the following avenues for raising workload issues:-
(i) consult a supervisor or manager; (ii) raise issues at staff meetings; (iii) consult the relevant Director.
2.2.4 If the issue is perceived not to have been satisfactorily addressed, it may be referred to the Local Consultative Committee (the “LCC”) by any person or party.
2.2.5 The LCC shall accept unresolved workload management issues in writing and will address those issues so far as they impact upon workloads.
2.2.6 The LCC shall immediately acknowledge receipt, inform the party of the date the meeting will address the issue and shall endeavour to process issues expeditiously and to provide feedback within four weeks of receipt of the submission.
2.2.7 The confidentiality of employees who make submissions to the LCC shall be respected.
2.2.8 Employees shall be entitled to make anonymous submissions to the LCC either as individuals or as a group through their employee representatives. Such submissions shall contain sufficient particularity so that the Employer can comprehensively address and resolve the issues contained therein.
Workload Management Strategies. 3.4.1 The parties agree that appropriate strategies should be implemented to maintain balanced and safe workloads, identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks and recognise the adverse effect that excessive or insufficient workloads may have on employees.
3.4.2 The parties agree that staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes are considered or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for all employees.
3.4.3 Staff and management are encouraged to use one of the following avenues for raising workload issues: - Report to immediate supervisor or manager; - Raise issue at staff meetings; - Complete the Workload Management Issue Form.
3.4.4 Unresolved, non urgent or ongoing issues will be addressed as per the Workload Management Issue Resolution Procedure. Corrective / preventative actions response process will be initiated for any non-compliance and all unresolved issues will be referred to the LCF and/or the Quality and Safety Committee.
3.4.5 Subject to clause 3.4.3 and 3.4.4, the LCF shall accept unresolved workload management issues either verbally or in writing and will address those issues in so far as they impact upon workloads.
3.4.6 The LCF shall immediately acknowledge receipt of the issue and inform the parties of the date of the meeting. The LCF will address the issue and will endeavour to process the issues expeditiously and provide feedback within 4 weeks of the LCF meeting.
Workload Management Strategies. (a) The parties agree that appropriate strategies should be implemented to maintain balanced and safe workloads, identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks and recognise the adverse effect that excessive or insufficient workloads may have on Employees.
(b) Employees’ workloads must not exceed reasonable limits and Employees and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, workloads do not become unreasonable
(c) Employees and management are encouraged to raise and address workload issues as soon and as efficiently as possible through line management. An issue is raised by reporting and discussing the matter with the immediate in-charge person and by entering the matter through the electronic incident management system and dealt with as per the “Incident reporting and review process policy”.
(d) If a workload issue remains unresolved, the matter should be dealt with in accordance with clause 11 - Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Workload Management Strategies. 3.3.1 The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that employees and management have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse effect of excessive workloads.
3.3.2 The parties further agree and acknowledge that employees and management should ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted that every reasonable endeavour is made to achieve a balanced workload for all employees.
3.3.3 Employees and management agree that workload management issues are to be addressed and dealt with until a resolution satisfactory to all relevant parties has been achieved. The process and appropriate stream of action is outlined in Attachment 2 of this Agreement. The Form and procedure contained in Attachment 2 can be changed at any time following appropriate consultation at the Hospital Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee and recorded in the meeting minutes accordingly.
3.3.4 If the workload management issue has not been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties after it has been dealt with as prescribed, the matter is to be referred to the relevant Hospital Committee which may include the Hospital Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee. If the issue is referred to a Hospital Committee other than the Hospital Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee, immediate advice of such referral is to be given to the Hospital Enterprise Bargaining Consultative Committee.
3.3.5 The Committee identified in sub-clause 3.
Workload Management Strategies. 2.2.1 The parties agree that appropriate strategies should be implemented to maintain balanced and safe workloads, identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks and recognise the adverse effect that excessive or insufficient workloads may have on nurses.
2.2.2 The parties agree that staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for nurses.
2.2.3 Nurses and management are encouraged to use one of the following avenues for raising workload issues. When an issue has been raised through one of the following avenues, a response shall be provided, where possible within 24 hours, but no later than within seven days: • Report to supervisor or manager • Raise issue at staff meetings • Consult relevant Director
2.2.4 Subject to clause 2.2.3 the LCF shall accept unresolved workload management issues either verbally or in writing and will address those issues in so far as they impact upon workloads.
Workload Management Strategies. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that staff and management in the Hospital have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse effect that excessive workloads may have. In addition the parties to this Agreement acknowledge that all staff and management have a duty to pursue appropriate strategies and work practices in order to identify and eliminate unnecessary tasks.
(a) The parties agree that staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for staff.
(i) Staff and management are encouraged to utilise the following avenues for raising workload issues:
(1) Consult supervisor or manager;
(2) Raise issues at staff meetings;
(3) Consult the relevant Executive Manager.
(ii) If the issue is perceived not to have been satisfactorily addressed, it may be referred to the LCC.
(iii) The LCC shall accept unresolved workload management issues either verbally or in writing and will make recommendation/s to address those issues so far as they impact upon workloads.
(iv) The LCC shall acknowledge receipt, inform the party of the date the meeting will address the issue and shall endeavour to process issues expeditiously and to provide feedback as soon as possible.
(v) The confidentiality of employees who make submissions to the LCC shall be respected.
(vi) Employees may make submissions to the LCC either as individuals or as a group through the relevant employee representative.
(vii) The LCC shall be kept informed of the relevant activities and deliberations in regard to workload management issues raised under this clause.
(viii) The parties agree to work towards the implementation of flexible rostering arrangements as part of the overall review of workload management to be undertaken during the life of this agreement.
Workload Management Strategies. The parties to this agreement acknowledge that staff and management in the hospital have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse effect that excessive workloads may have. The parties agree that staff and management should have access to a number of avenues to ensure that as changes or new processes are adopted, consideration will be given to achieving a balanced workload for staff.