Rostering Arrangements. 8.5.1 The Employer may roster Employees in such a way that Employees:
(a) Work longer hours on one or more days over a roster cycle as part of their ordinary hours of duty; and
(b) Take a rostered day off at some later time.
8.5.2 An Employee who works on a rostered day off basis on a 20-day roster cycle over a 12-month period is entitled to 12 rostered days off over that period.
8.5.3 The Employer must give the Employee 4 weeks’ notice of the day the Employee is to take as a rostered day off.
8.5.4 Substitution of rostered days off
(a) With the agreement of the Employer, an Employee may substitute their scheduled rostered day off for another day.
(b) The Employer may substitute another day for a rostered day off in any of the following circumstances:
i. a machinery breakdown;
ii. an electrical power shortage or breakdown;
iii. an unexpected spike in the work required to be performed by the business; or
iv. another emergency situation.
Rostering Arrangements. 12.1. The employer must notify an employee of their working shifts. An employee will be given at least 7 days’ notice of a change in rostered shift, subject to clause 37.10—Consultation about changes to rosters or hours of work.
12.2. Employees may arrange to temporarily change rosters, subject to the employer’s approval. Rosters so changed will be paid for at the rates applicable to the original roster.
12.3. The Employer may arrange a temporary change to rosters without notice in the case of emergency, including when they are unexpectedly and significantly understaffed.
12.4. Employees will, except where circumstances outside the control of the employer make it impracticable, be granted a 10-hour break without loss of pay from cessation of work on the one day and the commencement of work on the next day.
Rostering Arrangements. 4.1. A roster is a collection of shifts worked, maintaining an average of 38 hours per week for full-time employees.
4.2. In accordance with rostering arrangements in place for each correctional facility as at 1 April 2016, rosters for Correctional Health Services employees will range from one to 30 weeks long but have an average of 38 hours per week over the life of the roster.
4.3. By consultation and mutual agreement, flexible rostering practices may be included in rosters to allow for shifts of varying lengths of between four and 12 hours.
4.4. Any Correctional Health Services employee may be required to work reasonable time in excess of ordinary hours.
4.5. A Correctional Health Services employee will not perform more than 16 hours of consecutive duty inclusive of overtime. Overtime in combination with a 12 hour ordinary shift should be worked in exceptional circumstances only.
4.6. A Correctional Health Services employee who works a shift of 12 ordinary hours is entitled to two paid meal breaks, each of 30 minutes duration. The first meal break is to occur between the third and sixth hours of duty and the second meal break is to occur no later than the tenth hour of duty.
4.7. A Correctional Health Services employee in receipt of the aggregated shift allowance or who is a shift worker whose hours of work are regularly rotated in accordance with a shift roster covering two or more shifts per day will be paid for all overtime at the rate of double time. Overtime will be paid on the employee’s base rate
4.8. For a casual employee an ordinary shift is to be no more than 12 hours.
4.9. A Correctional Health Services employee engaged in 12 hour shift arrangements is entitled to a ten hour break between the end of an ordinary rostered shift and the beginning of the next ordinary rostered shift except in emergent circumstances where the minimum will be eight hours.
Rostering Arrangements. 3.2.1 This subclause applies to all employees listed in the classifications contained within this Agreement. Provided that the parties to this Agreement may agree in writing to alternative rostering arrangements than those provided by this subclause should they be necessary to facilitate the implementation of a new rostering system.
3.2.2 Employees may elect to form a Rostering Committee. Where formed, the PTA will consult with the Rostering Committee to develop and modify rosters consistent with operational requirements of the business and the reasonable needs of employees.
3.2.3 A Master Roster shall be exhibited primarily for the purpose of indicating all Protected Days Off and all known work. Protected Days Off are not to be moved once placed on the Master Roster, unless it is necessary to change the Master Roster to accommodate a permanent change in services provided. (Road Coach Operator’s rosters are posted annually and Protected Days Off may be altered for changed rosters that cover Long Weekends, School Holidays and Boarders Long Weekends as agreed with the Road Coach Operator Representative). A Protected Day Off shall be 24 hours commencing 0001 hours to 2400 hours on the day designated as the protected day off.
3.2.4 In preparing the Master Roster at each depot the Employer shall maximise each employee’s time off including consecutive days off and reasonable time off on weekends.
3.2.5 To the extent that it is reasonably practicable, rosters will be balanced so that employees work a similar number of hours and shifts, including additional shifts, in providing required services for a location.
3.2.6 Where a change to a Master Xxxxxx is proposed, consultation will occur with the affected employees and the Rostering Committee (if applicable) and will commence at least twenty eight (28) days prior to the intended implementation date of the new roster.
3.2.7 Following consultation, the final Master Xxxxxx is to be posted at least fourteen (14) days in advance of implementation.
3.2.8 The Master Roster will assign sign on and sign off times.
3.2.9 A Working Roster shall be posted ten (10) days in advance of it becoming operational. Such roster is to reflect the Master Xxxxxx as far as practicable, and will only change as a result of employee absence from the workplace on account of personal illness, workers compensation, and family leave arrangements and/or a driver relieving at another depot, but such changes will not allow a Protected Day Off to be ...
Rostering Arrangements. 3.6.1 Rostering is by a 7 day roster, other than for Monday to Friday workers, except where service delivery does not extend over 7 days of the week.
3.6.2 Notwithstanding 3.6.1 above, an employee may request a fixed day(s) off. An employee cannot be required to nominate a fixed day off at the instigation of the employer.
Rostering Arrangements. 5.1. A roster is a collection of shifts worked, maintaining an average of 38 hours per week for full-time employees.
5.2. In accordance with rostering arrangements in place for each correctional facility as at 1 April 2016, rosters for Correctional Health Services employees will range from one to 30 weeks long but have an average of 38 hours per week over the life of the roster.
5.3. By consultation and mutual agreement, flexible rostering practices may be included in rosters to allow for shifts of varying lengths of between four and 12 hours.
5.4. Any Correctional Health Services employee may be required to work reasonable time in excess of ordinary hours.
5.5. A Correctional Health Services employee will not perform more than 16 hours of consecutive duty inclusive of overtime. Overtime in combination with a 12 hour ordinary shift should be worked in exceptional circumstances only.
Rostering Arrangements. 6.2.1 Employees will be advised one week in advance of their rostered hours detailing commencement and finishing times which may include ‘broken shift’.
6.2.2 Work will be rostered in accordance with business demand within the range of operational areas within the centre across all seven days of the week, including public holidays.
6.2.3 Employees may be rostered to work a broken shift arrangement across a spread of hours not exceeding 16 hours per day inclusive of the meal period.
6.2.4 The work roster may be changed as mutually agreed between the parties with a minimum of 24 hours notice to be given by either the employee or the employer.
6.2.5 Where unforseen circumstances arise necessitating a change of roster at short notice including the shortening or lengthening of a shift prior to the commencement of the last rostered hour of work, the employer in consultation with the employee may mutually agree to vary a roster as required or to work additional hours. The family or personal commitments of the employee at the time must be taken into account.
Rostering Arrangements. (a) The Company will determine the most appropriate roster arrangement further to a detailed assessment of customer needs and optimal operational effectiveness.
(b) Full time employees shall normally be rostered to work their 38 hours over five days, Monday to Friday. Part time and casual employees may be rostered on a pro rata and as needed basis, which may vary from week to week depending on work demands.
(c) Roster changes will be by agreement between the Company and employee/s as far as practicable. If no agreement can be reached, then the Company may direct an employee to commence an alternative rostering arrangement by giving 7 days notice.
(d) Employees rostered for weekend work are required to comply with rostering allocations.
(e) In the event the company proposes to change the regular roster in any of its workplaces, the change will be in accordance with clause 7.1 (b) of this agreement covering the consultative requirements for proposals to introduce a change to the regular roster.
Rostering Arrangements. 33.1 UGL may, in consultation with the relevant affected Employees, introduce a new roster cycle or arrangement or ordinary hours and additional hours to suit the operational requirements of the contract. Where UGL is directed to or wishes to introduce a new roster cycle or arrangement(s), affected Employees will be provided at least one weeks’ notice of the change. Provided that this clause does not apply in situations where subclause 30.3 applies..
33.2 Subject to the Act, Employees may be required to work reasonable additional hours (i.e., overtime) to meet operational requirements. Depending upon the operational requirements, these additional hours may be worked on a regular and routine basis as part of an Employee's roster or for a specific event, project work, upgrade, shutdown, or turnaround work. Employees accept and acknowledge this requirement as being reasonable in the circumstances reflecting the nature of the rosters, the location of UGL and its operational requirements.
33.3 The pattern of working ordinary hours may be worked as a compressed work cycle and/or involve a roster system involving a rostered day off.
33.4 Rostered day off (RDO)
(a) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in clauses 32 and 34 of this Agreement, the ordinary working hours will be worked in a 20 day cycle, Monday to Friday inclusive, with eight hours worked for each of 19 days, of which 0.4 of an hour per worked day accrues for a paid RDO.
(b) RDOs are to be taken on mutually agreed days at regular intervals. If agreement cannot be reached, they are to be taken on days as directed by UGL.
(c) Provided that where operational requirements deem it necessary, RDOs may be deferred. In this case, up to five RDOs may be banked and taken at a mutually convenient time, provided that RDOs cannot be banked for a period longer than six months from their date of accrual.
(d) At the Employee’s option, written request may be made for the cashing out of accrued RDOs. In each case where cashing out occurs, UGL will reduce from an Employees’ RDO accrual the equivalent hours’ cashed out and the RDOs will be cashed out on the basis of single time.
Rostering Arrangements. 6.5.1 A weekly roster will be posted detailing the commencement time for each shift each employee is required to work with provision for:
a) A minimum shift of 2 hours up to a maximum of 12 hours.
b) A spread of hours not exceeding 16 hours per day inclusive of the meal period where a broken shift is worked.
6.5.2 In accordance with business demand the employer will offer work to the employee across the spread of all seven days of the week including public holidays.
6.5.3 With changes in customer demand or absences arising out of sickness or other personal reasons, the employer in consultation with the employee may;
a) reach agreement with the employee to work reasonable additional hours;
b) shorten a shift as required or extend a shift taking into account the family or personal commitments of the employee at the time;