Selection of Subcontractors Sample Clauses

Selection of Subcontractors. Procurement of Materials and Leasing of Equipment: The contractor shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure nondiscrimination in the administration of this contract. a. The contractor shall notify all potential subcontractors, suppliers, and lessors of their EEO obligations under this contract. b. The contractor will use good faith efforts to ensure subcontractor compliance with their EEO obligations.
Selection of Subcontractors. 6.3.1 If identified or requested in the District’s Request for Proposal/ Qualifications (“RFP/RFQ”), the Contractor must use any Subcontractors identified and included in the Contractor’s response to the District’s RFP/RFQ pursuant to Education Code section 17406(a)(4). All Subcontractors identified and included in the Contractor’s response to the District’s RFP/RFQ shall be afforded the protections of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 4100) of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code). 6.3.2 Following the award of the Contract to the Contractor by the District’s Board of Education, and for all Subcontractors not identified in the Contractor’s response to the District’s RFP/RFQ, the Contractor shall proceed as follows in awarding construction Subcontracts with a value exceeding one-half of one percent of the price allocable to construction work: Provide public notice of availability of work to be subcontracted in accordance with the publication requirements applicable to the competitive bidding process of the District, including a fixed date and time on which qualifications statements, bids, or proposals will be due. Establish reasonable qualification criteria and standards. Award the subcontract either on a best value basis or to the lowest responsible bidder. The process may include prequalification or short- listing. The process shall not apply to Subcontractors identified and included in the Contractor’s response to the District’s RFP/RFQ. Subcontractors awarded construction subcontracts under this Article
Selection of Subcontractors. In the interest of minimizing the expenditure of funds for the Work necessary to Complete the Project, Contractor acknowledges that it will provide public notice of availability of Work to be subcontracted in accordance with the publication requirements applicable to the competitive bidding process of the school district, including a fixed date and time on which qualifications statements, bids, or proposals will be due. Contractor shall award the subcontract either on a best value basis or to the lowest responsible bidder upon approval of the District.
Selection of Subcontractors. Contractor shall have the right to have portions of the Work performed by Subcontractors. Subcontractors designated as Major Subcontractors are identified in Exhibit P-1. After the Effective Date, Contractor shall provide periodic updates to the Exhibit P-1 list and shall submit the updated list to Owner for review. Owner shall identify to Contractor any added Major Subcontractors that are unacceptable to Owner and provide to Contractor a reasonable basis for Owner's rejection of any such added Major Subcontractors. Exhibit P-2 contains a list of potential Subcontractors that may be used for Site construction and related field services. Contractor shall work proactively with Owner to choose acceptable Subcontractors for performance of the Work that is not part of the Standard Plant. In the event Contractor desires to use any Subcontractors that are not listed in Exhibit P-2 to conduct its Scope of Work on Owner's property with respect to both the Standard Plant and on work that is not part of the Standard Plant, Contractor shall notify Owner and, within five (5) Business Days of such notice, Owner shall notify Contractor if such proposed Subcontractor is not acceptable to Owner (such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld). If Owner rejects any such selected Subcontractor and the use of a different Subcontractor would affect Contractor's costs for performance of the Work or the Project Schedule, Contractor shall be entitled to a Change Order pursuant to Article 9. If, however, Owner fails to provide such notice to Contractor within the five (5) Business Day period, then Owner shall be deemed to have approved such proposed Subcontractor. Subject to the prior provisions of this Section 3.7(a) with respect to Major Subcontractors, Contractor is not obligated to consult with Owner on its selection of Subcontractors not working on Owner's property. Owner shall have the right to recommend additions to Exhibit P-1 and P-2 from time to time, subject to Contractor's approval. Contractor shall be responsible for the actions and omissions of all Subcontractors.
Selection of Subcontractors. Procurement of Materials and Leasing of Equipment: The contractor shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of a. The contractor shall notify all potential subcontractors and suppliers and lessors of their EEO obligations under this contract. b. The contractor will use good faith efforts to ensure subcontractor compliance with their EEO obligations.
Selection of Subcontractors. Contractor shall conduct a competitive process for the selection of subcontractors for construction of the Project. Contractor agrees that it will either solicit bids from subcontractors pursuant to the competitive bid procedures set forth in the Public Contract Code, or that it will utilize an informal bidding process established by the Contractor and approved in advance by District. Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that it receives at least three competitive bids from subcontractors for each trade component of the Project. Contractor shall inform all bidders for subcontracts that the District will not be a party to any contracts for construction services executed by the Contractor and selected bidders. District reserves the right to oversee the bidding process, and in no case will the Contractor award any subcontracts until the District has concurred with the selection, scope, and price of the subcontracted services. Contractor shall submit a listing of proposed subcontractors with associated breakdown of bid values to the District for the District’s review. In addition, at the District’s request, Contractor shall provide the District with full documentation regarding the bids or competitive quotes received by the Contractor. In no event shall such documentation be redacted or obliterated. Following District’s concurrence with the selection, scope, and price of subcontracted services, Contractor shall not make any changes in same without District’s express written approval of the proposed changes, which approval shall be in District’s sole discretion. District may terminate this Agreement if Contractor does not comply with this provision.
Selection of Subcontractors. Developer or the General Contractor, as applicable, shall solicit no fewer than three (3) competitive bids from qualified, licensed, insured, and bonded Subcontractors for each portion of the construction work to be separately contracted for by each Developer or the General Contractor, as applicable, and Developer shall select the Subcontractor(s) that have submitted the lowest responsible and responsive bid for each such separately contracted-for portion of Phase II. Authority shall have every reasonable right and opportunity to review all materials, bid packages, and related documents and to observe and attend all stages of and meetings related to such competitive bidding process, including, without limitation, a right to review the invitation to bidders and each submitted bid package and the right to be present when each bid is opened by Developer and/or the General Contractor and all selected Subcontractors shall be reasonably acceptable to Authority Executive Director. Developer shall provide copies of all documents and other information reasonably necessary or appropriate to permit Authority to verify that Developer has solicited competitive bids from such qualified contractors pursuant to this Section 3.2 and selected the lowest responsible and responsive Subcontractors as required herein, including copies of the invitation to bidders, all documents distributed to potential bidders by Developer, and all submissions received from bidding contractors in response thereto. Developer shall also submit to Authority evidence regarding each entity serving and/or contracting as the Subcontractor for each portion of the construction of Phase II and all other on-site and off-site improvements required to be constructed in connection therewith in accordance with the Scope of Development, the Entitlement to be approved by City, and the Development Plans, including all required licenses, certifications, insurance, etc., as reasonably requested by Authority Executive Director.
Selection of Subcontractors. In the interest of minimizing the expenditure of funds for the construction of the Project, Contractor agrees to select Subcontractors who are appropriately licensed by the State of California for each trade component of the Project in a manner that fosters competition. Contractor agrees that it will either solicit bids from potential subcontractors pursuant to the competitive bid procedures set forth in the California Public Contract Code, including specifically Public Contract Code section 20110, et seq., or that it will utilize an informal bidding process established by Contractor which also incorporates competitive bid procedures. Regardless of the method Contractor employs, Contractor will make a good faith effort to contact and utilize DVBE contractors and suppliers in securing bids for performance of the Project in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 1.77 of the General Conditions. In the event that Contractor chooses to select Subcontractors pursuant to an informal bidding process, Contractor shall ensure that it receives at least three competitive quotes from potential subcontractors for each trade component of the Project, unless the parties agree otherwise on a trade-by-trade basis. The District reserves the right to oversee the bidding process. Contractor shall inform all bidders that the District will not be a party to any contracts for construction services executed by Contractor and selected bidders. Contractor shall submit a listing of proposed subcontractors to the District for the District’s review. In no case, will Contractor award any sub-contracts until the District has concurred in the scope and price of the sub-contracted services. In addition, Contractor shall provide the District with full documentation regarding the bids or competitive quotes received by Contractor. In no event, shall such documentation be redacted or obliterated. In the event Contractor does not comply with this provision, the District may terminate this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions. Subcontractors awarded contracts by Contractor shall be afforded all the rights and protections of listed subcontractors under the provisions of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Public Contract Code Section 4100, et seq.).
Selection of Subcontractors. The firm will not discriminate on the grounds race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, intellectual disability, learning disability, physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness, or status as a veteran in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment.
Selection of Subcontractors. In the interest of minimizing the expenditure of funds for the construction of the Project, the Contractor agrees to select appropriately State of California licensed subcontractors for each trade component of the Project in a manner that fosters competition. Contractor agrees that it will also prequalify all subcontractors subject to Public Contract Code section 20111.6, using the District’s standard prequalification package. Contractor will 1. Contractor shall provide evidence of such registration information upon request of the District.