Ratings Cláusulas de Ejemplo
Ratings. El Emisor no tiene asignadas calificaciones crediticias por ninguna agencia de calificación. Se podrá solicitar para cada emisión concreta la valoración del riesgo crediticio a una o varias agencias de calificación, reflejándose en dicho caso en las Condiciones Finales. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, a la fecha de registro de este Folleto de Base y según la última información pública disponible, el Banco tiene asignadas las siguientes calificaciones crediticias ("ratings") por las Agencias que se indican seguidamente: Xxxxx Ratings (1) F2 A- Julio 2014 Estable Moody’s (2) X-0 Xxx0 Xxxxx 0000 Estable Standard & Poor’s (3) A-2 BBB+ Junio 2014 Estable DBRS (4) R-1 (bajo) X Xxxxxx 2013 Negativa Scope Ratings (5) No disponible X Xxxx 2014 Estable GBB-Rating (6) No disponible A+ No disponible Estable
(1) Xxxxx Ratings España, S.A.U. (en adelante Xxxxx Ratings) (2) Moody’s Investor Service España, S.A. (en adelante Moody’s) (3) Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited (en adelante Standard & Poor’s)
Ratings. A la fecha de registro del Folleto de Base, el Banco tiene asignadas las siguientes calificaciones crediticias por las agencias que se indican seguidamente: Xxxxx Ratings (1) F2 A- Julio 2018 Estable Moody’s (2) X-0 X0 Abril 2018 Estable Standard & Poor’s (3) X-0 X Xxxxx 2018 Estable DBRS (4) R-1 (medio) A (alto) Abril 2018 Estable Scope (5) S-1+ AA- Marzo 2018 Estable
1) Xxxxx Ratings España, S.A.U. (en adelante Xxxxx Ratings).
Ratings. El Emisor tiene asignadas las siguientes calificaciones crediticias (“ratings” u opinión que predice la solvencia de la Entidad, de una obligación, de un valor de deuda o similar, o de un emisor de dichos valores, en base a un sistema de calificación previamente definido) por las agencias de calificación de riesgo crediticio, todas de reconocido prestigio internacional: Agencia Fecha Revisión Calificación a corto plazo Calificación a largo plazo Perspectiva Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited, Sucursal en España 29/11/2012 A-3 BBB- NEGATIVA Moody’s Investors Services España, S.A. 05/07/2013 P-3 Baa3 NEGATIVA Xxxxx Ratings España, S.A.U. 08/11/2013 F2 BBB NEGATIVA DBRS Ratings Limited. 04/03/2013 R-1 (low) A (low) NEGATIVA Las agencias de calificación crediticia mencionadas han sido registradas en la European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (CE) nº 1060/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de septiembre de 2009 sobre agencias de calificación crediticia. Las calificaciones A (low), Baa3, BBB y BBB- otorgadas a CaixaBank, S.A. por DBRS, Xxxxx´s, Xxxxx y Standard & Poor´s, respectivamente, indican la capacidad buena para hacer frente al pago de las obligaciones. Estas calificaciones crediticias no constituyen una recomendación para comprar, vender o ser titular de valores. Las calificaciones crediticias pueden ser revisadas, suspendidas o retiradas en cualquier momento por las agencias de calificación responsables de las mismas, no existiendo ninguna garantía de mantenimiento de las mismas durante todo el periodo de vigencia del Folleto. Las mencionadas calificaciones crediticias son sólo una estimación y no tienen por qué evitar a los potenciales inversores la necesidad de efectuar sus propios análisis de CaixaBank, S.A. en tanto Emisor El capital social de Caixabank a 16 de diciembre de 2013 es de 4.956.284.390 euros, representado por 4.956.284.390 acciones de 1 euro de valor nominal cada una de ellas, pertenecientes a una sola clase y serie, con idénticos derechos políticos y económicos, y representadas en anotaciones en cuenta. Las acciones de la sociedad están admitidas a cotización en las bolsas de valores de Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao y Valencia a través del Sistema de Interconexión Bursátil (Mercado Continuo) El Consejo de Administración, en sus sesión de fecha 12 de diciembre de 2013, aceptó la renuncia al cargo de vocal de dicho Consejo presentada por Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxx...
Ratings. 2.5.1 You acknowledge and agree that: (a) after receiving Transportation Services, a User will be prompted by Uber’s mobile application to provide a rating of you and such Transportation Services and, optionally, to provide comments or feedback about you and such Transportation Services; and (b) after providing Transportation Services, you will be prompted by the Driver App to provide a rating of the User and, optionally, to provide comments or feedback about the User. You shall provide your ratings and feedback in good faith.
2.5.2 You acknowledge that Company desires that Users have access to high-‐quality services via Uber’s mobile application. In order to continue to receive access to the Driver App and the Uber Services, you must maintain an average rating by Users that exceeds the minimum average acceptable rating established by Company for your Territory, as may be updated from time to time by Company in its sole discretion (“Minimum Average Rating”). In the event your average rating falls below the Minimum Average Rating, Company will notify you and may provide you, in Company’s discretion, a limited period of time to raise your average rating above the Minimum Average Rating. If you do not increase your average rating above the Minimum Average Rating within the time period allowed (if any), Company reserves the right to deactivate your access to the Driver App and the Uber Services. Additionally, you acknowledge that your repeated failure to accept User requests for Transportation Services while you are logged in to the Driver App creates a negative experience for Users of Uber’s mobile application. If you do not wish to accept User requests for Transportation Services for a period of time, you will log off of the Driver App.
2.5.3 Company and its Affiliates reserve the right to use, share and display your and User ratings and comments in any manner in connection with the business of Company and its Affiliates without attribution to you or your approval. You acknowledge and agree that Company and its Affiliates are distributors (without any obligation to verify) and not publishers of your and User ratings and comments, provided that Company and its Affiliates reserve the right to edit or remove comments in the event that such comments include obscenities or other objectionable content, include an individual’s name or other personal information, or violate any privacy laws, other applicable laws or Company’s or its Affiliates’ content policies.
Ratings. 2.6.1. Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (a) after receiving Transportation Services, a User will be prompted by Uber’s mobile application to provide a rating of such Transportation Services and Driver and, optionally, to provide comments or feedback about such Transportation Services and Driver; and (b) after providing Transportation Services, the Driver will be prompted by the Driver App to provide a rating of the User and, optionally, to provide comments or feedback about the User. Customer shall instruct all Drivers to provide ratings and feedback in good faith.
2.6.2. Customer acknowledges that Uber desires that Users have access to high-‐quality services via Uber’s mobile application. In order to continue to receive access to the Driver App and the Uber Services, each Driver must maintain an average rating by Users that exceeds the minimum average acceptable rating established by Uber for the Territory, as may be updated from time to time by Uber in its sole discretion (“Minimum Average Rating”). In the event a Driver’s average rating falls below the Minimum Average Rating, Uber will notify Customer and may provide the Driver in Uber’s discretion, a limited period of time to raise his or her average rating above the Minimum Average Rating. If such Driver does not increase his or her average rating above the Minimum Average Rating within the time period allowed (if any), Uber reserves the right to deactivate such Driver’s access to the Driver App and the Uber Services. Additionally, Customer acknowledges and agrees that repeated failure by a Driver to accept User requests for Transportation Services while such Driver is logged in to the Driver App creates a negative experience for Users of Uber’s mobile application. Accordingly, Customer agrees and shall ensure that if a Driver does not wish to accept User requests for Transportation Services for a period of time, such Driver will log off of the Driver App.
2.6.3. Uber and its Affiliates reserve the right to use, share and display Driver and User ratings and comments in any manner in connection with the business of Uber and its Affiliates without attribution to or approval of Customer or the applicable Driver. Customer acknowledges that Uber and its Affiliates are distributors (without any obligation to verify) and not publishers of Driver and User ratings and comments, provided that Uber and its Affiliates reserve the right to edit or remove comments in the event that such comments include obsc...
Ratings. El presente Programa no ha sido objeto de evaluación por ninguna Entidad calificadora.
Ratings. While UNDP evaluation policy does not require ratings as part of its performance standards, the GEF stipulates that ratings should be used to assess project relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the quality of M&E systems. UNDP has agreed to rate all UNDP terminal evaluations of GEF financed projects for these criteria, based on the following six point scale: • Highly Satisfactory (HS): no shortcomings • Satisfactory (S): minor • Moderately Satisfactory (MS):moderate • Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU): significant 14 OPS4-M2-ROtI Handbook | Global Environment Facility • Unsatisfactory (U): major • Highly Unsatisfactory (HU): severe • Not applicable (N/A) • Unable to assess (U/A) A useful table to include in the evaluation report is set out below. Overall quality of M&E (rate) M&E design at project start up (rate) M&E Plan Implementation (rate) Overall Quality of Project Implementation/Execution (rate)
Ratings. El presente Programa de Pagarés no ha sido evaluado por entidad calificadora alguna. A la fecha de registro del Programa, Santander Consumer tiene asignadas las siguientes calificaciones (“ratings”) por agencias de calificación de riesgo crediticio internacionales: Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited A-2 A- Estable 06/04/2018 Moody’s Investors Service España, S.A. X-0 X0 Estable 17/04/2018 Xxxxx Ratings España, S.A.U. F2 A- Estable 29/05/2018 Las agencias de calificación crediticia han sido registradas en la European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) de acuerdo con el Reglamento (CE) nº 1060/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de septiembre de 2009, sobre las agencias de calificación crediticia.
Ratings. El presente Programa de Pagarés no ha sido evaluado por entidad calificadora alguna. A la fecha de registro del Programa, Santander Consumer Finance, S.A. tiene asignadas las siguientes calificaciones ("ratings") por agencias de calificación de riesgo crediticio internacionales: