Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters Sample Clauses
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12-hour rostered shift. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer, the employees directly affected and the NZNO. Such agreement shall be in writing and signed by the representatives of the parties. It is recognised that some areas may continue to utilise the standard eight-hour roster alongside the 10/12 hours rosters. An employee who elects to opt out of working 10/12-hour rosters shall give a minimum of four weeks’ notice. Employees who accept a new position which requires the individual to work a 10 hour shift are not eligible to opt out without the consent of the employer. 10- and 12-hour shifts are not recommended as a standard rostering pattern and shall occur only where clear clinical / service rationale supports this practice. Such shift patterns shall not compromise those employees who elect to work an eight-hour roster. If a party to this Agreement wishes, for health and safety reasons, to change the above roster patterns, they shall engage in a process of consultation consistent with Clause 25 in order to do so. Any 10- and 12-hour shifts shall be subject to (a) above.
a) Every employee shall have at least 2 consecutive 24 hour periods off duty each week. No employee working 10 hours per rostered shift shall work more than five consecutive duties. Where five consecutive 10 hour duties are worked the employee must then have a minimum of 3 consecutive 24 hour periods off duty. No employee working 12 hours per rostered shift shall work more than 4 consecutive duties. Where 4 consecutive 12 hour duties are worked, by agreement with the employee, then the employee must then have a minimum of 4 consecutive 24 hour periods off duty. It is recognised that 3 consecutive 12 hours shifts is the preferred maximum. Where 3 consecutive 12 hour shifts are worked the employee must have a minimum of 3 consecutive periods 24 hours off duty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, these off duty periods may fall separately no more than once every four weeks at the request of the employee or to facilitate rostering.
b) Meal Breaks and rest periods shall be observed in accordance with clause 7....
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. 7.10.1 In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered shift.
7.10.2 Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the Employer and the employees directly affected. It is recognised employees have the ability to consult NZNO before such agreement is reached.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. In specific instances, i.e., shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full-time employee can be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight, e.g., an employee who works 12-hour shifts may work 120 hours over a three-week roster and be considered to be full- time. However, no employee shall be required to work more than a 12-hour rostered shift. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer, the employees directly affected and the PSA. Such agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties’ representatives. Every employee shall have two periods of at least 24 hours off duty each week, except in the case of emergencies or by agreement; these shall be consecutive. These off-duty periods may fall separately no more than once every four weeks for the following reasons: or No employee working 10 hours per rostered shift shall work more than five consecutive duties. Where five consecutive 10-hour duties are worked, the employee must have a minimum of 3 consecutive 24-hour periods off duty. No employee working 12 hours per rostered shift shall work more than four consecutive duties. Where four consecutive 12-hour duties are worked, by agreement with the employee, the employee must have a minimum of 4 consecutive 24-hour periods off duty. It is recognised that three consecutive 12 hours shifts are the preferred maximum. Where three consecutive 12- hour shifts are worked, the employee must have a minimum of 3 consecutive 24-hour periods off duty. Meal Breaks and rest periods shall be observed in accordance with clause
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters.
12.1. In specific instances, i.e. duties of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g. an employee who works 12 hour duties may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered duty.
12.2. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the Employer and the employees directly affected. It is recognised employees have the ability to consult NZNO before suchagreement is reached.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. 6.13.1 In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full-time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 10-hour shifts may work 120 hours over a three-week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 10-hour rostered shift.
6.13.2 Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer, the employees directly affected and the NZNO. Such agreement shall be in writing and signed by the representatives of the parties
6.13.3 Every employee shall have at least two consecutive 24 hour periods off Shift each week. No employee working 10 hours per rostered shift shall work more than five consecutive duties. Where five consecutive 10 hour duties are worked the employee must then have a minimum of three consecutive 24 hour periods off Shift.
6.13.4 Minimum breaks between duties: No 10-hour roster shall contain breaks between duties of less than nine consecutive hours. If the actual breaks are not achieved, then the payment provisions of the overtime clause 8.0 shall apply. Note: if the employee requests a lesser break the overtime payments will not apply.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered shift. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer and the employees directly affected. It is recognised employees have the ability to consult NZNO before such agreement is reached. In relation to subclauses 8.1 to 8.4, Māori and Iwi provider’s meal breaks and rest periods will be taken in a culturally appropriate manner and in a way that is consistent with organisation policy.
8.1 Except when required for urgent or emergency work and except as provided in 8.2 below, no employee shall be required to work for more than five hours continuously without being entitled to a meal break of not less than half an hour.
8.2 An employee unable to be relieved from work for a meal break shall be entitled to have a meal while on duty and this period shall be regarded as working time. The employee shall comply with the employer’s policy as to where on the premises the meal may be taken.
8.3 Rest breaks of 10 minutes each for morning tea, afternoon tea or supper, and the equivalent breaks for night duty where these occur during duty, shall be recognised as time worked.
8.4 During the meal break or rest breaks prescribed above, free tea, coffee, milk and sugar shall be supplied by the employer when the break is taken on the premises. This shall not apply when employees are working offsite.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered shift. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer and the employees directly affected. It is recognised employees have the ability to consult NZNO before such agreement is reached. In relation to subclauses 8.1 to 8.4, Māori and Iwi providers meal breaks and rest periods will be taken in a culturally appropriate manner and in a way that is consistent with organisation policy.
8.1 Except when required for urgent or emergency work and except as provided in
8.2 below, no employee shall be required to work for more than five hours continuously without being entitled to a meal break of not less than half an hour.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters.
12.1. In specific instances, i.e. duties of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour duties may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered duty.
12.2. Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the Employer and the
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 12 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 12 hour rostered shift. Where the employer clearly identifies that alterations in staff hours are required the hours of work may be varied by agreement between the employees affected, NZNO and the employer. Such agreement shall be put in writing and signed.
Additional Provisions for Employees working Alternative Rosters. 10.15.1 In specific instances, i.e. shifts of longer or variable lengths, the ordinary hours for a full time employee are able to be averaged over a roster cycle of greater than one fortnight e.g.: an employee who works 10 hour shifts may work 120 hours over a 3 week roster and be considered to be fulltime. No employee shall be required to work more than a 10 hour rostered shift.
10.15.2 Alternative hours of work may be implemented by agreement between the employer, the employees directly affected and the NZNO. Such agreement shall be in writing and signed by the representatives of the parties.
10.15.3 It is recognised that some areas may continue to utilise the standard eight hour roster alongside the 10 hour rosters.
10.15.4 If the employer wishes, for health and safety reasons, to change the above roster patterns, they shall engage in a process of consultation consistent with Clause 25 in order to do so.