Vacancies or New Positions Sample Clauses

Vacancies or New Positions. When the position for a vacancy is to be changed or a new job is to be created, the Employer shall provide the Union with information concerning the classification, salary range and position description information and qualifications. The classification and salary range shall be considered temporary for a period of thirty (30) days following the date of notification to the Union.
Vacancies or New Positions. A. In the event of vacancies or new position creations on the non-teaching staff, presently employed (if qualified) employees shall have first consideration for appointment to the vacant or new position. Formal written application through the appropriate supervisor to the Superintendent shall be made for the position. Appropriate Civil Service rules apply.
Vacancies or New Positions. The District shall advertise all job openings internally for a period of three (3) working days during the school year and one (1) working day during summer to enable current staff the opportunity to apply for any vacancy to be filled. If qualifications, skills and abilities are equal then seniority shall be the controlling factor. This Article does not apply when vacancies are filled from the recall list.
Vacancies or New Positions. When a vacancy occurs in the Regular service for a regular part-time position in the bargaining unit or a new regular part-time position in the Regular service is created in the bargaining unit, it shall be advertised for at least ten (10) working days prior to the established closing date. Where practicable, notices of vacancies shall be posted either electronically or on bulletin boards and, upon request, shall be provided in large-sized print or Braille where the posting location has the capacity to do so.
Vacancies or New Positions a. All vacancies or new positions will be made known to the Association members five (5) working days before public announcement of such vacancies except where immediate appointment is necessary for student needs. b. Preference for positions in this unit shall be given to qualified candidates who are residents of the Village of Freeport or the Freeport Union Free School District. c. Should the District be unable to fill part-time positions with qualified candidates from within the Freeport Village or Freeport Union Free School District, it may consider qualified candidates who reside outside the Village or District. d. Preference for full time positions will be given to part-time employees who have been employed by the District for ten (10) months or longer.
Vacancies or New Positions. The Human Resources Office shall advertise all bargaining unit positions concurrently internally and externally for at least five (5) working days. All applying bargaining unit employees who meet the minimum qualification for the During the interview portion of the process selection shall be made based upon qualifications, capabilities, and relative work experience. Where qualifications, capabilities and relative work experience are substantially equal, the most senior employee shall be awarded the position. The bargaining unit President or their designee shall serve on the interview committee(s) for bargaining unit positions.
Vacancies or New Positions. When a vacancy occurs for a bargaining unit position or a new position is created in the bargaining unit, it shall be advertised for at least ten (10) days prior to the established closing date. applications be acknowledged. Notice of vacancies shall be posted on bulletin boards. The notice of vacancy shall state, where applicable, the nature and title of position, salary, the qualifications required, hours of work and the area in which the position exists. In a vacancy, the Employer shall give primary consideration to qualifications and ability to the required duties. Where and ability are relatively equal, seniority shall govern. An applicant who is invited to attend an interview with the employer shall be granted off with no loss of pay and with no loss of credits to attend the interview. ARTICLE PAY ADMINISTRATION Promotion occurs when the incumbent in a position is assigned to another position with a higher maximum salary than their former position. An employee who is promoted shall receive that rate of pay in the salary range of the new grade which is the next higher to present rate of pay, except that: where such a change results in an increase of less than three percent they shall receive the next higher salary rate again, mount will be considered as a one-step increase; a promotional increase shall not result in the employee’s new salary rate exceeding the of the new salary grade. Where an employee: (a) at the maximum rate of a salary grade is promoted, a new anniversary date is established based upon the date of promotion; at a rate less than the maximum rate of a salary grade is promoted and receives a promotional increase: greater than a one-step increase, a new anniversary date based on the date of promotion is established; of one step or less, the existing anniversary date is retained. Where the duties of an employee are changed as a result of reorganization or reassignment of duties and the position is evaluated to a position with a lower maximum salary, an employee who occupies the position when the re-evaluation is made is entitled to salary progression based on merit to the maximum of the higher position including any revision of the maximum salary of the higher position that takes effect during the salary cycle in which the re-evaluation takes place. An employee to whom the above section applies is entitled to be to the first vacant in their former salary grade. Where a position is reassessed and is evaluated to a grade with a lower maxi...
Vacancies or New Positions. I When a vacancy occurs in the Classified Service for a bargaining unit position or a new classified position is created in the bargaining unit, it shall be advertised for at least ten (10) working days prior to the established closing date when advertised within a ministry, or it shall be advertised for at least fifteen
Vacancies or New Positions. When vacancies occur or new positions are established within the scope of this Agreement, notices thereof shall be posted on all notice boards within thirty (30) calendar days. Such notice shall contain an outline or summary of the requirements of the position and the rate of pay applicable. When a vacant position is posted, it is understood between the parties that a position shall be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days. The posting procedure shall only apply to regular full time and seasonal positions, and temporary positions of sixty (60) days or more duration. Vacancies may be posted internally and externally at the same time. Internal applicants will be given priority over external applicants.