Background to the Requirement Sample Clauses

Background to the Requirement. UK government’s National AI Strategy 1 set out a 10 year plan to make Britain a global superpower. The output from the work we are looking to tender with this document aligns with the priorities set out under Pillar 1 and 2 of the National AI strategy and more specifically with the need for applied AI technologies to new use cases and ensuring AI benefits all sectors of the UK economy. A previous report has suggested that AI could benefit the UK economy by an uplift of 22% GDP2. With this tender we are looking to identify a short list of options and associated economic benefits for investing in the expansion of capabilities by Digital Catapult to develop a national resource for the acceleration of testing and development of new AI & ML solutions. The Digital Catapult already has capability in this technology and deliver a number of different business support functions3 including the Machine Intelligence Garage and INJECT. We seek to identify and prioritise a list of additional investments options that have the capacity to accelerate adoption of AI technologies in the UK economy. The services tendered in this document seek to identify and quantify ROI from a short list of possible investment options to expand Digital Catapults capabilities in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning and associated enabling technologies/infrastructure to support the acceleration of adoption of AI & ML in the industry. The work will be delivered in two phases. The information gathering phase 1, that will lead to an interim report to outline the key findings gathered and phase 2 that will engage in evaluating and analysing information gathered and lead to writing of the final documents. The output of this report will be used to identify and prioritize opportunities for investments. We seek to identify a long list of options through consultation with Digital Catapult and external bodies, agree and finalize on a short list of options and conduct an analysis to evaluate potential economic benefit to the UK from investment in the different options. Innovate UK is currently preparing to deliver a number of activities to support access to expertise, AI & ML capabilities and R&D funding to support adoption and diffusion of AI & ML in the UK. The output of this report will identify potential priority areas where additional investment in building a new capability at Digital Catapult could address certain barriers that the industry is xxxxx://
Background to the Requirement. The Asset Management Unit (AMU) provides expert advice to Departments on all matters relating to the management of their assets. This ranges from assistance with the preparation and delivery of Asset Management Plans, the disposal of surplus assets and delivering spend to save opportunities. To support this advisory service, AMU wishes to appoint a framework of professional services providers. This Framework Agreement is for use by any public body subject to the Northern Ireland Public Procurement Policy (NIPPP). The list of public bodies covered by the NIPPP may change from time to time and any additional bodies may choose to avail of the services under this framework agreement as a Client. A full list of current participating bodies is available at xxxxx:// procurement-policy-applies The Framework Agreement may also be used by the following bodies: Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Ards and North Down Borough Council Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council Belfast City Council Causeway Coast and Glens District Council Derry City and Strabane District Council Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Mid Ulster District Council Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
Background to the Requirement. 1.1 The Authority invited quotes from suitable service providers for the renewal of its Colligo Contributor Uploader Support and Maintenance licences. 1.2 As indicated in its tender response to the Authority, the Contractor has renewed the Colligo Contributor Uploader support which expired on 24th February 2014.
Background to the Requirement. DSIT is a Government Department. Formally the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the department split into DSIT and the Department for Energy and Net Zeri (DESNZ) as a result of the Machinery of Government (MoG) announcement in February 2023. DSIT was established in February 2023. DSIT is driving innovation that will deliver improved public services, create new better-paid jobs and grow the economy. The Corporate Services group is one of three Director General led groups in DSIT. The other two Groups are Science, Innovation & Growth (SIG), and Digital Technology & Telecomms Group (DTG). The role of Corporate Services is critical to the effective functioning of the department, and to provide expert corporate service provision to DSIT policy teams that are driving forward the Government’s agenda. As a result of this MoG and the subsequent Cabinet Office Statement of Practice (COSoP) process, the Corporate Services group has undergone a significant restructuring. This restructuring of Corporate Services involved moving functions into Corporate Services (such as an Analysis function), moving staff from other Government departments into Corporate Services (such as staff from (Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and Cabinet Office), moving functions out of Corporate Services (such as Digital), and relinquishing corporate service functions into an Integrated Corporate Services (ICS) model. These changes have resulted in new Senior Leadership personnel within DSIT’s Corporate Services group, and in new ways of working for both the senior leadership team and for all staff across the group.
Background to the Requirement. 2.1 The methodology for apportioning costs to enterprise was last reviewed after the 2007/08 Farm Business Survey. This found no compelling evidence for making any changes to the methodology for allocating agricultural costs to individual enterprises. 2.2 However, since 2008/09 a methodological change in allocation and apportionment of fixed costs across agricultural and non-agricultural enterprises has been in place. The results of this change have not yet been empirically examined and with 5 years of data now available it is timely to revisit and review the methodology again.
Background to the Requirement. The Authority requires the Contract to provide 75 Thin Client devices. The specifics of which are as follows: Redacted text Contractor’s Approach / Responsibilities Redacted text as detailed in their proposal dated 23 June 2014. The Contractor’s deadline for delivery is 30th June 2014, or as soon as possible thereafter. Address for delivery is the Authority’s Contact, Redacted text whose address is above. Schedule 2-2 (The Ordered IT Products, Service Levels, Service Credits and Implementation
Background to the Requirement. The Council (i.e. London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham) gave approval at the Cabinet meeting of 18 July 2011 for selected school support services to be transferred into an Employee-Led Mutual (ELM). In line with wider tri-borough working it is intended that the ELM will also include staff groups from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council. The services detailed in the proposal include OJEU part A services. The Council are therefore trailblazing an approach to create a genuinely employee-led organisation that remains compliant with EU procurement legislation. The current intention is to procure an Independent Sector Partner (ISP) to set up and support the ELM to ensure its sustainably going forward. It is intended that the ISP is remunerated for this support either through shares in the business or a right to future profits (e.g. payment by results consultancy relationship). The current state of play is as follows. The following have already been developed:
Background to the Requirement. 1.1 The Authority’s current Microsoft Agreement for student and staff ends in November 2014. This software enables staff to perform daily work activities and support students through their studies. Application software is fundamental to PC usage. 1.2 The Authority requires the Contract to provide a 3 year Microsoft Open Value Subscription to covers up to REDACT full time staff equivalents for the following products on Microsoft 2010 with Software Assurance. The specifics of which are as follows:
Background to the Requirement. NS&I Premium Bond customers that remain with the option of receiving notification and payment of their Premium Bond prize win receive a letter notifying them of their win, and a warrant (like a cheque) to pay into their bank. Those customers that have opted to get their prizes paid by BACs receive an email notification of their win. NS&I is aware that for some this takes away some of the emotional excitement that Premium Bond winners get from waiting to see if an envelope containing a prize arrives through the letter box; with previous research indicating this is an important dynamic that customers have with Premium Bonds The current process has been designed based around the constraints of the business systems rather than from a customer perspective. NS&I is therefore looking to take a step back and commission some research that gets the customer to design the process that would work for them and is seeking to engage a research agency with experience in applying a design based approach to carry out this work on NS&I’s behalf.
Background to the Requirement. 3.1 Under the Apprenticeship Reforms, new Apprenticeship Standards will replace the old Specifications for Apprenticeship Standards in England (SASE) Frameworks. 3.2 A number of these new Apprenticeship Standards are already available for delivery; so at present there is a cross-over period where some new Apprenticeship Standards are being delivered alongside the SASE Frameworks. However, once a new Apprenticeship Standard is in place, the outdated SASE Framework which it replaces will be discontinued as soon as it is practical to do so. 3.3 Crown Commercial Service is working in collaboration with Civil Service Learning (CSL) to create a framework agreement with selected Education and Skills Funding Agency- registered apprenticeship training providers that supports public and third sector bodies to access training and apprenticeship services that meet UK standards. 3.4 In May 2017 the system for the funding and procurement of apprenticeship training changed with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, which requires public sector employers with a pay bill over £3 million each year to make an investment in apprenticeships (0.5% of their annual pay bill). 3.5 Employers will access the funds through a Digital Apprenticeship Account (DAA) controlled by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The DAA is hosted on a system known as the digital Apprenticeship Service (AS). Each levy-paying employer has a virtual account equivalent in value to its contribution, minus an amount equivalent to the notional contribution for its employees that live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, plus a government top-up of 10%. 3.6 Funds in the Digital Account can only be used to cover the cost of apprenticeship training and end point assessment for apprenticeships undertaken in England. To access the funds employers will need to show, through the AS, that it has a contract for the delivery of a recognised apprenticeship, by a registered provider. For these purposes a registered provider is a training provider that appears on the ESFA Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP). 3.7 Employers will inform the ESFA (through the Apprenticeship Standard) who their Apprentices are; the Training Provider will tell the ESFA who it is training for that particular employer. On the strength of this information the ESFA will then pay the Training Provider and subtract the relevant amount from the employer’s DAA. 3.8 The Public Sector apprenticeship targets equate...