Change in FTE Status Sample Clauses

Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the least senior nurse(s) on the shift on that unit will receive the FTE reduction. The Employer will first seek volunteers from the unit and shift to accomplish these changes. Any nurse subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given preference up to their prior position (FTE) if the Employer seeks to expand the hours of an existing FTE on the nurse’s unit and shift. Any nurse subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE of greater than a .2 FTE, or an involuntary reduction resulting in a loss of employee or dependent medical insurance coverage will be placed on the Recall Roster (8.12).
Change in FTE Status. Reduction in hours shall be defined as a permanent reduction of an employee’s FTE level. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification, department and shift will receive the FTE reduction. The Employer will first seek volunteers from the job classification and shift to accomplish these changes. (a) An employee whose hours are to be permanently reduced shall receive a minimum of fourteen (14) days’ advance notice of the reduction in hours. Section 7.9(b) Employees whose hours have been reduced as per Section 7.9, may take the position of the least senior employee whose position is at the same FTE in their classification and cost center on another shift. If there is no such position in the cost center, the employee may elect to accept the hours reduction or take the position of the least senior employee in their classification with the same FTE level to that which they were assigned prior to the hours reduction, subject to Section 7.4.
Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the Employer will first seek volunteers from the job classification in the department affected to accomplish these changes. In the absence of an adequate number of volunteers, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification/department will receive the FTE reduction providing that skill, competence, and ability are considered equal in the opinion of the Employer based upon objective job relevant criteria. Any employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given preference up to their previous FTE if the Employer seeks to expand the hours of an existing FTE in the employee’s job classification/department. Any employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE of greater than a 0.2 FTE, or any involuntary reduction resulting in a loss of employee or dependent medical insurance coverage, will, if they continue working, have the same job rights as employees on the Recall Roster. Employees may combine the same job positions of less than one FTE to increase their FTE if the work schedules for each position do not conflict.
Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the least senior nurse(s) on the shift on that unit will receive the FTE reduction. The Employer will first seek volunteers from the unit and shift to accomplish these changes. Any nurse subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given preference up to their prior position (FTE) if the Employer seeks to expand the hours of an existing FTE on the nurse’s unit and shift, providing there is no conflict between their current schedule and the schedule related to the posted hours.
Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the Employer will first seek volunteers in the affected job classification from the unit/department and shift to accomplish these changes. In the event there are no or not sufficient number of volunteers in the affected job classification, the least senior employee in the job classification on the shift on that unit/department will receive the FTE reduction. Any employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given preference up to their prior position (FTE) if the Employer seeks to expand the hours of an existing FTE in the employee’s job classification on the employee’s unit/department and shift. Any employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE of greater than .2 FTE or an involuntary reduction resulting in a loss of employee, spousal or dependent coverage (or a reduction that increases the employee’s premium cost-share) under Article 12.1 will have recall rights under Article 5.4.4.
Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the Employer will first seek volunteers from the job classification in the Department affected to accomplish these changes. In the absence of an adequate number of volunteers, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification/Department will receive the FTE reduction providing that skill, competence, ability, and current performance are considered equal in the opinion of the Employer based upon objective job-relevant criteria. Employees subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given preference up to their previous FTE if the Employer seeks to expand the hours of an existing FTE in the employee’s job classification and the employee can perform the additional shift(s) at straight time and it meets the operational needs of the Department. Employees subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE of greater than a .2 FTE, or any involuntary reduction resulting in a loss of employee or dependent medical insurance coverage, will, if they continue working, have the same job rights as employees on the Recall Roster.
Change in FTE Status. Reduction in hours shall be defined as a permanent reduction of an employee's FTE level that does not amount to a restructure under 15. 20.1. If a reduction in FTE is determined to be necessary, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification, cost center and shift will receive the hours reduction. Provided, however, senior employees in the classification must be qualified to perform all the work required including applicable license. Prior to an hours reduction occurring, the Employer will first seek volunteers in the job classification, cost center and shift. Absent volunteers, the Employer will first remove from the schedule any temporary and probationary employees before reducing the FTE of a seniority employee. An employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given first preference up to their previous FTE status should the Employer expand the hours of an existing FTE in the employee's job classification, cost center and shift.
Change in FTE Status. Reduction in hours shall be defined as a permanent reduction of an employee’s FTE level. If a reduction in FTE is determined to be necessary, the 6.7.1 An employee whose FTE is reduced shall receive a minimum of fourteen (14) days’ notice of the impending hours reduction. 6.7.2 In the event the Employer increases FTE status, an employee in the impacted classification shall, in the order of seniority, be assigned the additional FTE they held before the reduction occurred. Such reassignment shall be consistent with scheduling requirements.
Change in FTE Status. If a reduction in FTE is determined by the Employer to be necessary, the Employer will first seek volunteers from the job classification and location to accomplish these changes. In the absence of an adequate number of volunteers, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification and location will receive the FTE reduction providing that skill, competence, ability are considered equal in the opinion of the Employer based upon objective job relevant criteria.
Change in FTE Status. Reduction in hours shall be defined as a permanent reduction of an employee’s FTE level. If a reduction in FTE is determined to be necessary, the least senior employee(s) in the targeted job classification, cost center and shift will receive the hours reduction. Provided, however, senior employees in the classification must be qualified to perform all the work required including applicable license. Prior to an hours reduction occurring, the Employer will first seek volunteers in the job classification, cost center and shift. Absent volunteers, the Employer will first remove from the schedule any temporary and probationary employees before reducing the FTE of a seniority employee. An employee subject to an involuntary reduction in their FTE will be given first preference up to their previous FTE status should the Employer expand the hours of an existing FTE in the employee’s job classification, cost center and shift. Further, should the Employer have a need to temporarily augment the hours in the classification, shift, cost center or work unit where the hours reduction occurred, the Employer when it is not an emergency event, will give first preference to the employee(s) whose FTE has been reduced who can work the hours at the straight-time rate of pay. 7.8.1 An employee whose FTE is reduced shall receive a minimum of fourteen 7.8.2 In the event of a reduction in FTE, the Employer will make a good faith effort to reduce the hours of the least senior person in a classification and shift, subject to patient care needs, staffing considerations and hours of operation. Employees whose hours have been reduced by more than 0.15 FTE shall have the following options: 1. Reduce their FTE in current position and be placed on the recall roster for a period of twelve (12) months pursuant to Article 7.5, Recall; 2. Subject to seniority, accept any vacant position in their classification for which the employee is qualified, subject to the Employer’s determination of qualifications as set forth in Article 7.2.2; 3. Bump from the low seniority roster per Article 7.4, Bumping; or 4. Employee may choose to be laid off and be placed on the recall roster for a period of twelve (12) months. 7.8.3 In the event the Employer reinstates the operation, an employee in the impacted classification shall, in the order of seniority, be assigned the additional FTE they held before the reduction occurred. Such reassignment shall be consistent with scheduling requirements.