Class Size/Workload. Class size for the first two (2) course offerings in a particular mode shall be kept to a maximum of twenty-five (25), unless the instructor agrees to a larger class size. Once two (2) offerings in a particular mode have been accomplished by the instructor, the class size and its effect on the instructor's workload shall be governed by the provisions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, class size is considered to be the aggregate number of students enrolled in a course.
Class Size/Workload. A. We believe that the academic staff should be large enough to meet the demands imposed by the enrollment, the curriculum and the specific needs of the pupils and the community; and adequate to provide each staff member the opportunity for intellectual and professional growth.
B. The Board shall continue to strive to maintain a minimum class size suitable to subject area, with special consideration for children, teachers, class space, educational aides, and funding available.
C. The ratio of teacher to pupils on a District-wide basis shall be at least one (1) full-time equivalent classroom teacher per twenty-five (25) pupils in average daily membership. Said ratio shall be calculated in accordance with the state minimum standards for kindergarten through twelfth grade.
D. A minimum of five (5) full-time equivalent Educational Service Personnel (ESP) shall be employed on a District-wide basis for each one thousand (1,000) pupils in average daily membership.
Class Size/Workload. In the event an employee perceives a classroom assignment contains an inequitable number of students or special-needs students, that employee may request the principal to review student placement in that classroom. If the employee is not satisfied with the principal’s solution, the employee may request and shall be granted a review by the Superintendent. In the event an employee in a non-classroom assignment perceives an inequitable distribution of workload, that employee may request and shall have granted the immediate supervisor review the workload distribution. If the employee is not satisfied with the immediate supervisor’s solution, the employee may request a review by the Superintendent. The decision of the Superintendent shall be final.
Class Size/Workload. All teacher and Association concerns regarding class size and workload, will be resolved as a policy grievance pursuant to Article 6.A.b. Class size issues shall also be a subject for discussion at Superintendent-Association liaison committee meetings.
Class Size/Workload. The District will make a good faith effort to equalize class size/workloads among all employees and work groups, and to assign students with a diverse level of needs and talents to classes on an equitable basis. When an employee believes their class size/caseload is excessive, the employee may schedule a conference with their immediate supervisor to identify possible solutions. The employee(s) and/or affected department members and supervisor will consider the possibility of redistributing caseload, redistributing building assignments, and/or reprioritizing/reducing assigned tasks.
Class Size/Workload. A. The Board agrees to adhere to the Ohio Department of Education's regulations pertaining to student/teacher ratios where such regulations apply. The Board shall provide the Association President, or designee, copies of the Ohio Department of Education’s regulations, upon request of the Association, at the beginning of the school year.
B. If the statutory regulations change, the Board agrees to negotiate said changes as they affect the bargaining unit member's work.
Class Size/Workload. 10.1 OSA in its discretion takes into account the unique aspects of OSA’s physical
10.1.1 The physical limitations of a classroom or building
10.1.2 Equipment/stations available per student
10.1.3 Space needed to ensure performance and evaluation of students in skills and/or job training courses
10.1.4 Special academic needs, potential discipline issues, and the maturity level of the students
10.1.5 Safety of students and staff
Class Size/Workload. 10.1 OSA in its discretion takes into account the unique aspects of XXX’s physical
10.1.1 The physical limitations of a classroom or building
10.1.2 Equipment/stations available per student
10.1.3 Space needed to ensure performance and evaluation of students in skills and/or job training courses
10.1.4 Special academic needs, potential discipline issues, and the maturity level of the students
10.1.5 Safety of students and staff
Class Size/Workload. It is the policy of the District to maintain a student-teacher ratio that is both educationally sound and within the ability of the District to finance.
Class Size/Workload. A. By May 25, elementary teachers will submit in writing to the teachers and building principal their recommendations on class size/preceding grade composition formula for the following school year.
B. Reasonable effort will be made to honor class roster recommendations based on the following criteria: (1) academic ability; (2) discipline issues; (3) learning disabilities; (4) parental requests; (5) family considerations; (6) male/female balance; and (7) other special consideration determined by grade level teams. All parental requests submitted to and determined valid by the principal will be forwarded to the teacher(s) by May 25. K: 20 1-3: 22 4-6: 25 7-8: 27