Co-Teaching Sample Clauses
Co-Teaching. 1. Definition: Co-teaching is defined as an instructional delivery approach in which general and special education educators share responsibility for planning, delivery and evaluation of instructional techniques for a group of students; general and special education educators work in a coactive and coordinated fashion, which involves the joint teaching of academically and behaviorally heterogeneous groups of students in integrated settings.
2. Assignment to co-teaching sections/classes will be based on expertise and site/student needs as directed by site administrator.
3. For secondary level co-teaching sections, partners may be assigned up to four (4) co-teaching sections with no more than three (3) co-teaching preps each semester.
4. The District will provide two (2) days of professional learning each year for co-teaching teams (all levels).
5. To the extent possible, secondary school administrators shall give primary consideration in the development of the master schedule to providing co-teaching partners with a common preparation period.
6. Responsibilities of the co-teaching assignment may be divided and/or allocated according to a plan designed by the co-teaching partners with the approval of the site administrator.
Co-Teaching. Special Education and General Education teachers who participate in co- teaching will be paid for up to seven (7) hours annually at the professional rate for collaboration time, unless both teachers share a common planning period.
Co-Teaching. A rubric to determine which Special Ed students need co-teaching has been developed and will be used by special education departments at all comprehensive sites to place students, based on the district’s ELA and Math placement charts, into co-taught sections.
Co-Teaching. The Administration shall ask for volunteers to fill all co-teaching situations prior to assigning bargaining unit members. Members who become part of a co-teaching team shall be offered training. In co-teaching situations, the co-teachers will receive one (1) day of release time per quarter for collaborative purposes. The parties agree that attempts will be made to follow best practices regarding the ratio of students on IEP/504 and regular education students in co-teaching classrooms.
Co-Teaching. Consistent with the co-teaching model adopted by the District, no co-taught class with students receiving IEP academic and behavioral special education services shall contain more than 1/3 special education students. Placements in co-taught settings should be appropriate for each individual student, and allow for the least restrictive environment in accordance with the IEP team decision.
Co-Teaching. Co-Teaching shall be defined as a situation in which multiple licensed educators share the range of teaching responsibilities for the same class/section of students, including planning, preparing, and delivering lessons, family communication, and evaluating the progress of students. These provisions shall not apply to J-term classes.
A. The District will make reasonable efforts to minimize the number of unique preparations (e.g., fifth grade physical education, first grade general music) shared between members with co-teaching assignments.
B. The District will make reasonable efforts to align the preparation periods of members with co-teaching assignments to facilitate effective collaboration.
Co-Teaching. When classes are co-taught with an intervention specialist and a general education teacher, the following protocols shall be in place: Teachers paired for the first time in a co-teaching assignment shall be trained in a co-teaching method as scheduled by the District, which shall occur during the normal work day within the first two weeks of the school year, to the extent practicable. Where the co-teaching assignment starts at a time other than the start of the school year, and the co-teaching assignment is expected to last four (4) work weeks or more, teachers paired for the first time in a co-teaching assignment shall be trained in a co-teaching method as scheduled by the District, which shall occur during the normal work day within two weeks of the start of the assignment, to the extent practicable. The co-teaching team shall participate in subsequent training during the work day as determined by the principal. At the District’s discretion, in lieu of or in conjunction with the co- teaching method training, teachers paired for the first time may also be provided with one- time joint planning time during the normal work day within two weeks of the start of the assignment.
Co-Teaching. A co-teaching assignment is defined as a class taught in a shared 6 classroom with a general education teacher and a special education teacher in 7 order to take advantage of the expertise each professional brings to the 8 partnership. Co-taught classes will be intentionally structured to maintain the Least 9 Restrictive Environment (LRE) for students with IEPs. The District will ensure the 10 availability of ongoing training for all teachers who are co-teaching. Whenever 11 possible, building schedules will be developed to provide common planning time 12 for teachers who are co-teaching a class.
Co-Teaching. The District and Association share an interest in improving systems for students to have meaningful access and appropriate supports to the least restrictive environment, consistent with their respective IEPs. Together, we will work collaboratively to ensure co-taught classes increase the accessibility in the least restrictive environment and the likelihood of success for students who have been identified as neurodiverse. As co-teaching is still in early stages of development in Lakewood, the District agrees to form a committee to meet a minimum of four times a year to discuss needed professional development, collaboration, and appropriate implementation of a co-teaching model. Recommendations will be addressed in Labor Management to discuss how the District will support teachers and the program. Committee membership will include The Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Executive Director of Learning Support, impacted building principals, at least one special education and general education teacher, and a member that LEA requests. Committee members will be paid at the committee rate of pay.
Co-Teaching. All teachers who intend to co-teach English Language Arts and ELD will first complete training with their co-teaching partner on how to co-teach effectively. The co-teaching training will be synchronous or live.