Court Time Compensation Sample Clauses
Court Time Compensation. 1. Employees shall be paid at one and one-half (1½) times their straight rate of pay, inclusive of travel time.
2. Multiple appearances on the same calendar day shall be paid separately or as one continuous appearance, whichever is least expensive to the City.
3. An appearance immediately before or after a regular scheduled shift shall not be compensated as court time, but rather as normal hours worked.
Court Time Compensation. Off-duty employees shall be compensated at the straight time rate for a minimum of three (3) hours, or for the actual time spent, whichever is greater, in any court of record, prosecutor's pretrial conference or any court-related appearance arising out of his official duties. If the payment of such time results in the employee working more than 80 hours in a fourteen (14) day period, said hours will be paid at the rate of time and one-half.
Court Time Compensation. If, as a result of actions taken during the course of employment with the Office of the Sheriff, an employee covered by this Agreement is subpoenaed to appear in Court and does personally appear and checks in pursuant to applicable Court procedure(s) on the employee's day off, the employee will be paid a minimum of three (3) hours pay at the overtime rate.
Court Time Compensation. The policy for off duty court pay will be two (2) hours straight time or overtime for actual time whichever is greater.
15.4 Time and one-half will be paid to any employee for work performed in excess of weekly hours scheduled. 9/84
15.5 Any employee having completed his/her day's work and recalled to work shall be paid his/her regular classification rate at time and one-half; however, in no case will s/he be paid less than straight time equivalent to two (2) hours regardless of the time spent on the job.
15.6 Double time (2X) will be paid to employees of the bargaining unit after sixteen (16) hours of continuous work.
15.7 Any employee required to work in a classification with a higher rate of pay than his/her regular classification or in a classification with a lower rate of pay than his/her regular classification and more than one pay period shall be compensated at the rate of pay of the higher or lower classification whenever s/he thereafter performs such work.
15.8 Upon approval of the Chief, officers shall have the option of overtime or compensatory time off in accordance with the contract provisions and federal/state law for time spent in scheduled training sessions and also in lieu of overtime pay for hours worked. An officer shall have up to 45 days to use accumulated compensatory time, unless manpower needs prohibit its use, at which time the Chief of Police has the discretion to extend the compensatory time or pay the time in wages.
Court Time Compensation. An employee who is required to make a court appearance related directly to their duties at the College outside their normal hours of work shall be paid for the hours worked, but at least a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate straight time rate or overtime rate, depending on the Employee’s accumulated total paid straight time hours worked in the work period.
Court Time Compensation. The following provisions govern compensation for court time when an officer is off duty:
A. When an officer is required to attend Court or judicial proceeding while off duty, said officer shall be paid at time and one-half his/her normal rate of pay and shall be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) hours pay at time and one-half (i.e., four and one-half (4 1/2) hours).
B. In determining the number of hours beyond three (3) that an officer is entitled to, the clock shall begin to run when an officer is first required by subpoena or otherwise to attend court or judicial proceedings and shall continue without interruption throughout the day until the end of the last court appearance of the officer that day.
C. For court time beyond three (3) hours, the officer shall be compensated in thirty (30) minute segments as described below: Hours of Pay Pursuant Time Beyond 3 Hours to Paragraphs 2 & 3 0-15 minutes 0 16-45 minutes 30 minutes 46-60 minutes 60 minutes
D. An officer may elect to take compensatory time in lieu of compensation for all hours or partial hours earned.
E. An officer has sixty (60) days to use such court earned compensatory time. If the officer does not use or is unable to use such compensatory time within sixty (60) days or if he/she is denied the use of compensatory time on two (2) occasions, he/she shall be entitled upon request to receive court time compensation payable in the manner described above.
F. An officer involved in court or judicial proceedings during a regular assigned tour of duty and required to remain at the proceedings as an extension of his/her normal workday shall receive overtime pursuant to Section 4.08 of this Agreement.
G. An officer who is required to attend Court or a judicial proceeding while off duty and who would otherwise be eligible for court time compensation under Section 4.10 may elect to remain on telephone standby without compensation so long as the officer makes the necessary arrangements with the State's Attorney's Office.
Court Time Compensation. If, as a result of official actions taken during the normal course of employment with the Department, an employee covered by this Agreement is required to appear in Court while off duty, the employee will be paid a minimum of three (3) hours pay at the overtime rate.
Court Time Compensation. 4 It is understood that an officer, as part of his regular duties is required from time to time to 5 appear before the Grand Jury, General Sessions Court, Criminal Court, or other courts of legal 7 hours spent in such Court appearances. An additional two (2) hours regular pay shall be allowed to 8 an officer as travel time to and from each such Court appearance, who utilized a privately owned 9 vehicle providing such travel time does not occur during the officer's regularly scheduled duty 10 shift. No more than one travel time allowance shall be granted for each twenty-four (24) hour 11 period to those officers who utilize a privately owned vehicle. Said pay shall constitute hours 12 worked for the purposes of computing overtime. As used in this Article, the term "Court 13 Appearance" includes conferences and necessary preparation immediately prior to the officer's 14 actual appearance in court. 15 16 In order to receive said compensation the officer must furnish written verified 17 documentation in a form satisfactory to the Sheriff's Office as set out by Sheriff's Office policy. 18 19 If an officer applies for court time compensation, any fees received by an officer in 20 connection with his court appearance shall be forwarded by the officer to the Sheriff's Office. 21 22 If it is necessary for the officer to leave directly from his workstation during his normal 23 shift for court appearance, the Sheriff's Office will, in lieu of the travel allowance, compensate the 24 officer for the period of the time between the end of his normal shift and the beginning of his court 25 appearance. In no event will such compensated period exceed two (2) hours. If it is necessary for 26 the officer to leave directly from his court appearance for his work station for the beginning of his 27 normal shift, the Sheriff's Office will, in lieu of the travel allowance, compensate the officer for the 28 period of time between the conclusion of the officer's court appearance and the beginning of his 29 normal shift. All such time shall be compensated for at the officer's regular hourly rate and shall be 30 counted as hours worked for the purposes of computing overtime. 31
Court Time Compensation. A. If, as a result of official actions taken during the normal course of employment with the Department, an employee covered by this Agreement is required to appear in Court while off duty, the employee will be paid a minimum of three (3) hours pay at one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular rate of pay. For each hour beyond the first three (3) hours that an employee is required to attend court proceedings, the employee shall be paid at the overtime rate.
B. In determining the number of hours beyond three (3) that an employee is entitled to, the clock shall begin to run when the employee is first required by subpoena or otherwise to attend court and shall continue without interruption throughout the day until the end of the last court appearance of the employee that day.
C. For court time beyond three (3) hours, the employee shall be compensated in ten (10) minute segments, i.e., one sixth (1/6) hour pay at the overtime rate for every ten (10) minutes.
Court Time Compensation. If, as a result of actions taken during the course of employment with the Department of Corrections, an employee covered by this Agreement is scheduled to appear in Court on the employee's day off, the employee will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the overtime rate.