Disciplinary Review Sample Clauses

Disciplinary Review. An employee may be placed on disciplinary review for a specified period of time not to exceed six (6) months for each such instance with the understanding that should the causes for such action not be satisfactorily corrected or remedied during the period, subsequent disciplinary action may be taken. The six (6) month restriction shall apply only to managerial imposition of discipline and is not intended to restrict the ability of a third-party neutral to invoke a greater period of disciplinary review. An employee on disciplinary review shall serve at the pleasure of his/her appointing authority during such review. In the case of an employee serving disciplinary review, the forfeiture of appeal rights shall extend only to acts or omissions related to the conditions of such disciplinary review.
Disciplinary Review. 31 1. A regular, non-probationary physician being suspended or 1 terminated may appeal the discipline by making a request to the Medical Director within 2 fifteen (15) days of the date of imposition of discipline. A regular, non-probationary 3 physician who is denied removal of discipline from his or her file under Article 12 - 4 Personnel File may appeal the denial by making a request to the Medical Director within 5 fifteen (15) days of the date of notice of the denial. The physician appealing the 6 suspension or termination, or denial of removal of discipline, shall be entitled to 7 representation as set out in Section V. below. 8 2. Upon receipt of the request, the Medical Director will convene and 9 impanel an ad hoc Review Committee. The committee will have five members: 10 a. Two MCHD staff physicians identified by the bargaining unit, 11 b. Two MCHD leadership physicians (e.g., Site Medical 12 Directors), and 13 c. One generalist or specialist community physician with a 14 clinical practice that is relevant to the clinical performance of the physician for whom 15 discipline has been proposed, nominated by the Medical Director subject to approval by
Disciplinary Review a. A College Assistant, Sign Language Interpreter, or hourly Disability Accommodations Specialist whose appointment or reappointment is terminated for a reason other than lack of work or lack of funds and who has worked 500 or more hours in each of the preceding nine (9) contract years, shall have the right to a review by the College Director of Human Resources of the decision to terminate. b. A College Assistant, Sign Language Interpreter, or hourly Disability Accommodations Specialist whose employment is terminated for a stated reason relating to his or her misconduct shall have the right to a review of the decision to terminate, provided he or she makes such a request in writing within ten (10) work days of his or her becoming aware of such decision. The review shall be conducted by a review officer, which shall be the College Director of Human Resources, unless another person, other than the employee's supervisor, has been designated by the president as the review officer. There shall be no appeal from the decision of the review officer. c. The College Assistant, Sign Language Interpreter or hourly Disability Accommodations Specialist shall be entitled to representation by a respective Union representative. The College Assistant, Sign Language Interpreter or hourly Disability Accommodations Specialist or the respective Union shall have the right to bring witnesses. d. Unless the employee has been advised in writing of a reason for termination related to misconduct, any College response to a request for reference or unemployment information shall contain no negative information. WHITE COLLAR AGREEMENT 2000-2002 PAGE 93 College Assistants, Sign Language Interpreters or hourly Disability Accommodations Specialist may request transfer from one shift to another within a college by written communication to the College Director of Human Resources. To the extent that the College Director of Human Resources is involved in the selection process, he or she shall consider job skills, administrative requirements and available funding in filling vacancies in a requested shift.
Disciplinary Review. An employee may be placed on disciplinary review for a specified period of time not to exceed six
Disciplinary Review. An employee may be placed on disciplinary review for a specified period of time not to exceed six (6) months for each such instance with the understanding that should the causes for such action not be satisfactorily corrected or remedied during the period, subsequent disciplinary action may be taken. The six (6) month restriction shall apply only to managerial imposition of discipline and is not intended to restrict the ability of a third (3rd) party neutral to invoke a greater period of disciplinary probation. An employee on disciplinary probation shall serve at the pleasure of his/her Appointing Authority during such period of probation. In the case of an employee serving disciplinary probation, the forfeiture of appeal rights shall extend only to acts or omissions related to the conditions of such disciplinary probation.
Disciplinary Review. All disciplinary action taken in connection with violations of rules which would result in discharge will be reviewed by the Director of Personnel or his/her designee within five (5) working days of the disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Review. A review requested by the employee of written discipline submitted to the human resources department other than suspension without pay, dismissal or disciplinary demotion.
Disciplinary Review. 27 1. If suspended or terminated, a regular, non-initial trial service 28 Physician or Psychiatrist, or their Union Representative, may appeal the discipline by 29 making a request to the Medical Director within thirty (30) days of the date of imposition 30 of discipline. A regular, non-initial trial service Physician or Psychiatrist who is denied 31 removal of discipline from their file under Article 12 - Personnel File may appeal the denial 1 by making a request to the Medical Director within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice 2 of the denial. The regular, non-initial trial service Physician or Psychiatrist appealing the 3 suspension or termination, or denial of removal of discipline, shall be entitled to 4 representation as set out in Section V. below. 5 2. Upon receipt of a request, the Medical Director will convene a 6 mandatory meeting to formally discuss the Disciplinary Action. Unless an exception is 7 agreed to by the Union and the County, the attendees shall include the employee who 8 was disciplined, their Union Representative(s), the Medical Director or their designee, a 9 representative from Health Human Resources, and a representative from Labor Relations 10 in Central Human Resources. The Medical Director or their designee will respond to the 11 Disciplinary Appeal in writing within fifteen (15) days of the mandatory meeting. The Union 12 may appeal the Medical Director’s/designee’s response to an ad hoc Discipline Review 13 Committee by notice to Labor Relations in Central Human Resources within fifteen (15) 14 days after receipt of the response. 15 3. Upon receipt of an Appeal of the Disciplinary Action, the Labor 16 Relations Manager or Medical Director will convene and impanel an ad hoc Discipline 17 Review Committee. The committee will have five (5) members: 18 a. Two (2) MCHD regular, non-initial trial service staff Physicians 19 (other than the individual subject to discipline) selected by the Union, 20 b. Two (2) currently or formerly Oregon licensed non-Local 88-
Disciplinary Review. Letters of warning and discipline letters given to employees will be reviewed by the Union and the University every 6 months.
Disciplinary Review. 31 1. If suspended or terminated, a regular, non-initial trial service Dentist - 58 - 1 or their Union Representative may appeal the discipline by making a request to the Dental 2 Director within thirty (30) days of the date of imposition of discipline. A regular, non-initial 3 trial service Dentist who is denied removal of discipline from the Dentist’s personnel file 4 under Article 12 - Personnel File may appeal the denial by making a request to the Dental 5 Director within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice of the denial. The Dentist appealing 6 the suspension or termination, or denial of removal of discipline, shall be entitled to 7 representation as set out in Section V. below. 8 2. Upon receipt of a request, the Dental Director will convene a 9 mandatory meeting to formally discuss the Disciplinary Action. Unless an exception is 10 agreed to by the Union and the County, the attendees shall include the employee who 11 was disciplined, their Union Representative, the Dental Director or their designee, a 12 representative from Health Human Resources, and a representative from Central Human 13 Resources Labor Relations. The Dental Director or their designee will respond to the 14 Disciplinary Appeal in writing within fifteen (15) days of the mandatory meeting. The Union 15 may appeal the Dental Director’s/designee’s response by notice to Central Human 16 resources Labor Relations within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the response. 17 3. Upon receipt of an Appeal of the Disciplinary Action, the Dental 18 Director will convene and impanel an ad hoc Discipline Review Committee. The 19 committee will have five (5) members: 20 a. Two (2) MCHD regular, non-Initial Trial Service staff Dentists 21 (other than the individual subject to discipline) identified by the bargaining unit, 22 b. Two (2) currently or formerly Oregon licensed non-Local 88-5 23 unit member Dentists (which may include the Dental Director themself), as selected by 24 the Dental Director, and 25 c. One (1) arbitrator, selected as set out in the second paragraph 26 of Subsection III.D. above. 27 4. The Dental Director will inform the panel of: 1) in the case of imposed 28 discipline, the identified concerns regarding the Dentist’s performance, and the imposed 29 discipline and rationale for the imposed discipline; and 2) in the case of denial of a request 30 for removal, the demonstrable relationship to client care. 31 5. The Review Committee shall: 1 a. Convene an administrative heari...