Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program, subject to modification with the District’s written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed: Standards that meet or exceed Colorado Academic Standards Core Knowledge Curriculum Character Education Community Partnerships Parent Engagement Multi-tiered System of Support
Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the characteristics of its educational program set forth in the Renewal Application, subject to modification with the District’s written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed.
Educational Program Characteristics. The School will continually update curricular packages to meet the State and National education standards in effect. The School will utilize only research-based programming that meets or exceeds State/Federal standards for each subject offered. Aspen View Academy Charter School will use Core Knowledge across all subject matter to reach its mission.
Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the characteristics of its educational program, subject to modification with the District’s written approval.
Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program; modifications may be implemented by the School after providing notice of the proposed modification(s) to the District: GOAL Academy’s mission is to ensure that all students will graduate with life skills, post-secondary and workforce readiness, assuring they will become productive members of society. To do so, GOAL’s academic program includes the following program characteristics: • A unique combination of innovative and engaging on-line, face-to-face, and other cutting edge educational tools, “High Tech – High Touch” • A flexible, accessible, and adjustable educational program supported by regional face-to-face support and resources • A variety of academic options which create multiple graduation and completion pathways • State-of-the-art comprehensive curricula and supplemental software and programs which support a wide variety of student achievement goals • Post-secondary opportunities for all students with a wide variety of colleges, universities, and vocational programs • Dedicated wraparound services to address the full spectrum of student needs
Educational Program Characteristics. Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain its educational program as set forth in Section E of its original Application, including the following characteristics, subject to modification with the District’s written approval:
Educational Program Characteristics. The Programming of Westgate Community School
1. When a student has make-up work from absences
2. When extra practice is needed to become proficient in a skill
3. When a student has been unproductive during their class time
4. When there is a special “at home project.” If the student does have homework, the teacher will email you by the end of the day to inform you of the homework. Any and all instructions need to be included in the email to parents to ensure they can provide help to their student. The teacher will also provide the deadline of when the work needs to be completed and turned in so the student can receive a grade. If you need further explanation, please reach out to the teacher as soon as possible. ● Environment Education and Service Learning embedded into the curriculum and school day o School-wide Recycling and Composting campaign o Adoption of Washington Street, Clean-Ups by Teams with the Environmental Education Coordinator once monthly o Partnership with KIVA o Classroom Activities with our Chickens and Gardens on Campus o Green Up Our School Grant Recipient 2017 ● All students have recess. Play and physical activity are important components of learning and growth. o K-4 receives a morning recess and half hour recess before lunch o 5-8 students have the half hour recess prior to lunch daily ● Mindfulness practiced throughout the school ● After School Clubs offered to all students K-12 High School Programming: ● Small school, Early College model with only 25 students per grade ● Concurrent Enrollment opportunities for all students enrolled in the Westgate High School Program. Every student has the opportunity to earn their Associates Degree while completing their high school diploma. o Westgate students have taken over 2000 hours in over 35 departments at FRCC o Approximately one-third of Westgate graduates have earned their Associates Degree or advanced certificates such as Certified Nurse Assistant, Computer Information Systems and Automotive Technology. ● College classes are taken at the FRCC Westminster Campus. WCS students learn alongside college students who offer our students broad perspectives and intellectual peers of all ages within their courses ● Service Learning embedded in the school week Weekly on Friday afternoons – multi-age groups working together to positively impact the school community ▪ Governance Group ▪ Composting Group ▪ Westgate Student Learning Garden and Greenhouse – The greenhouse was designed by a (then) 7th g...
Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the characteristics of its educational program described in the Application and in the clarification provided by the School and approved by the District pursuant to Resolution Condition #2 (Attachment 1) and the Pre-Opening Conditions (Attachment 2) applicable to Resolution Condition #2, subject to modification with the District’s written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. All Attachments referenced herein are incorporated herein by reference.
Educational Program Characteristics. The School shall implement and maintain the characteristics of its educational program set forth in EXHIBIT G, subject to modification with the District’s written approval.
Educational Program Characteristics. The School will continually update curricular packages to meet the State and National education standards in effect. The School will utilize only research-based programming that meets or exceeds State/Federal standards for each subject offered. The School shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program, subject to modification with the District’s written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed: Character Education is a hallmark of SkyView Academy and one of our primary differentiators. As such, we have implemented the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program reinforced within the content of our curriculum to develop healthy relationships between members of our school’s educational community. The program uses a universal language to teach children to self-manage and handle conflict when it occurs with the belief that “if you reach a child’s heart you will reach their mind.” Through our Character Education program, our students learn to do and be their best through responsible and intelligent choices. The five character traits we model and teach are respect, integrity, excellence, responsibility, and citizenship. When children learn to make good choices they are more committed to learning and they develop habits that make them life-long readers and writers, build the student’s self-esteem, help them learn to resolve conflicts, appreciate and respect diversity, manage aggressive behaviors, and promote integrity allowing students to become successful and develop into strong, competent, caring, and responsible citizens.