Employee Expectations. 1. Bus Driver and Aide Expectations
Employee Expectations. The parties recognize that the employer has the right to provide administrative direction to an employee regarding acceptable behavior. If difficulties arise that require corrective action, the employer shall be allowed to discipline for just cause. Due process shall be provided for all employees who have completed the probationary period. The due process requirement encompasses the concept that the employee must receive reasonable notice of expectations and appropriate opportunity to correct behavior before discipline occurs. The employer recognizes the concept of progressive discipline for non-probationary employees consisting of the following levels:
1. Verbal reprimand and/or written corrective expectations 2. Written notice of deficiency with corrective expectations
Employee Expectations understand that I must report ANY AND ALL changes to my working conditions to OSS Inc., as soon as possible, including:
Employee Expectations. As an employee, you should be familiar with the school's policies and procedures, know where you can access them for checking purposes and be able and willing to comply with the school's policies and procedures. The policies and procedures are available in the Policies Folder on the Staff Drive and in the Policies Folder kept at reception and the ELC.
Employee Expectations. The Chase Corporate Code of Conduct expresses our absolute commitment to integrity, our related corporate values and ethical standards and the associated business conduct we expect from all our employees. The Code of Conduct includes very specific guidelines concerning the SAFEGUARDING OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, which includes customer information. In general, these guidelines limit employee access to confidential information, and limit the use and disclosure of such information to specifically authorized processes and transactions. If it is determined that employees have violated the Code of Conduct, corrective action may be taken, including immediate dismissal.
Employee Expectations. ISD No. 624 and the WBLTA mutually support the ideal that all employees work to fulfill the mission and goals of the School District. It is recognized that the employer has the right to provide administrative direction to an employee regarding acceptable behavior. (This type of action is not considered as a step of the progressive discipline process as defined in the following Section.)
Employee Expectations. The following expectations apply to both hybrid and remote work, unless otherwise specified: Synchronous Learning - A learning event in which a group of students are engaged in learning at the same time and during a designated time. Examples on Zoom or Seesaw: ● Teacher lecture ● Teacher check-ins with groups or individuals ● Group work Asynchronous learning - Forms of education, instruction, or learning that do not occur at the same place or at the same time and/or involve student autonomy to complete at any time during the day with a designated due date. Examples: ● Reading assignment ● Writing assignment ● Projects or activities ● Online or on paper ● Self-recorded teacher lesson ● Recorded videos from other sources The following technology tools will be used to deliver remote instruction: Clever, Google Classroom, Seesaw and Pear Deck. Students will be given access to Chromebooks and families requiring assistance will be offered internet “hotspots.” The following requirements will apply to all teachers: ● All teachers will be required to have a Google Classroom - Grade 3-12 - or Seesaw - Prek-2 - for each of their classes. ● Teachers will use school-provided devices to engage students live within each lesson. This permits students who have opted to be remote in-time access to instruction. ● Classroom resources will be made available on Seesaw and/or Google Classroom. ● Employees will work in buildings regardless of hybrid or remote model unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent in his discretion or as granted by the Superintendent as set forth in other provisions of this MOA. ● Pursuant to the MPS Reopening Plan adopted by the Committee, students will have the option to be instructed in a fully remote model, even if the district is using a hybrid model. Students who are remote by choice will be subject to the same expectations as students who have elected the hybrid model.
Employee Expectations. Bargaining unit members shall determine the means and method for providing distance learning based on appropriate standards-based instruction, their resources, and their students’ ability to access the curriculum. Under the current distance learning model, bargaining unit members shall be responsible for planning appropriate standards-based instruction, responding to parents and students in a timely manner, supporting diverse learners, building rapport and connections with students, regularly monitoring student work completion and participation, follow regular grading procedures and timelines, providing students feedback, and reporting non-participation to the site administrator for additional outreach and follow up.
Employee Expectations. Describes our Corporate Code of Conduct and our employee expectations concerning the controlled and authorized use of customer information.
Employee Expectations. A. The 2020-2021 school year will begin on September 21, 2020, with all students engaged in remote learning, no matter whether they have chosen the hybrid learning model or the fully remote learning model, as set forth in detail in the BPS Plan, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein.
B. Each staff member will record his/her attendance and/or absence electronically at or before the start of the work day as instructed by the District. A member will enter his/her absence into the Substitute Online (SubCentral) program to request daily coverage and into the ESS system for payroll purposes.
C. For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
1. Synchronous Learning - A learning event in which a group of students are engaged in learning at the same time and during a designated time. Examples: ● Teacher lecture/direct instruction ● Teacher/educator check-ins with groups or individuals ● Group work ● Services (including counseling, therapy and direct services from ABAs, RSPs and other special education providers)
2. Asynchronous Learning - Forms of education, instruction, or learning that do not occur at the same place or at the same time. Student’s have autonomy to complete this type of work at any time during the day with a designated due date. Examples: ● Reading assignment ● Writing assignment ● Projects or activities ● Online or on paper ● Self-recorded teacher lesson ● Recorded videos from other sources
D. All teachers will be required to use Google Classroom and/or Seesaw for each of their classes, unless the District recommends use of any improved program. Google Classroom will be available for all teachers, grades K0-12 and SeeSaw will be available for teachers of students in grades K0-6.
E. Phased in start to school calendar