Employees other than Teachers. (a) The ordinary hours of duty for an assistant shall not exceed 38 hours per week, or eight (8) hours per day, and shall be worked between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday.
(b) The ordinary hours of work for a clerical/administration employee shall not exceed 38 hours per week or a maximum of ten (10) hours per day. These hours shall be worked between the hours of 7am and 7pm on Monday to Friday or 7am to 12:30pm on a Saturday. These hours may be altered by agreement between the employer and employee by up to one (1) hour at either end of the span of hours.
(i) Where ordinary hours are directed on a Saturday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 125% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay, with a minimum engagement of four (4) hours.
(ii) Where ordinary hours are directed on a Sunday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 200% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay.
(iii) Where ordinary hours are directed on a public holiday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 250% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay, with a minimum of four (4) hours engagement or substitution in accordance with the s.115 of the Act.
(iv) A clerical/administration employee (full time or part time) will have rostered starting and ceasing times. Where an employee works outside or in excess of their starting or ceasing times clause 4.1.3
Employees other than Teachers. (a) The ordinary hours of duty for an employee, other than a teacher, shall not exceed 38 hours per week, or eight (8) hours per day, and shall be worked between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday.
(b) The normal starting times of a kindergarten program may be varied if agreed in writing by all parties to be mutually beneficial to the functioning of the centre. However, any such arrangement will not result in assistants being required to work more than 38 hours per week.
(c) Notwithstanding, the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, this Agreement will be deemed to contain the definition of ‘shiftworker’ contained in clause 24.2 of the Children’s Services Award.
Employees other than Teachers. (a) The ordinary hours of duty for an employee, other than a teacher, shall not exceed 38 hours per week, or eight (8) hours per day, and shall be worked between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday.
(b) The normal starting times of a kindergarten program may be varied if agreed in writing by all parties to be mutually beneficial to the functioning of the centre. However, any such arrangement will not result in assistants being required to work more than 38 hours per week.
(c) Notwithstanding, the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, this Agreement will be deemed to contain the definition of ‘shiftworker’ contained in clause 24.2 of the Children’s Services Award 2010, or its successor.
(d) Overtime for casual employees will be calculated in accordance with the following: Time and a half will be paid at the rate of 175% of the hourly rate (plus any all-purpose allowance payable) and double time will be paid at the rate of 225% of the hourly rate (plus any all-purpose allowance payable) after two hours. In calculating overtime, each day’s work will stand alone.
(e) Where an employee, other than a teacher, works outside or in excess of the hours prescribed by 4.1.2 (a), that employee will be paid overtime at the rate of time and a half for the first two (2) hours on any one day and double time thereafter. Overtime on a Sunday will be paid at the rate of double time. A minimum period of four (4) hours engagement will apply to all directed overtime on a Saturday or Sunday.
(f) Time off in Lieu instead of Overtime
(i) An employer and employee may agree in writing to the employee taking time off in lieu (TOIL) instead of being paid overtime as prescribed in clause 4.1.2 (e).
(ii) The employer must keep a copy of any agreement under clause 4.1.2 (f) (i) as an employee record.
(iii) Where such agreement is reached, the period of time off that an employee is entitled to take is the same as the number of overtime hours worked. TOIL will be taken at a mutually convenient time.
Employees other than Teachers. A. The Superintendent shall have posted in each school building all vacancies when they are known to him/her and are approved by the Board. Such notice shall include the title of the position and the building in which the position will be located. Copies of said notices shall be sent to the Association. Employees who desire a change in assignment or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written state- ment of such desire with the Superintendent.
B. Notice of involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to an employee as soon as practicable. The employee involved may request a meeting with the appropriate administrator or supervisor at which time the employee shall be given the reasons for the involuntary transfer or reassignment. Upon request of the employee, the Superintendent or designee shall meet with the employee to discuss the transfer or reas- signment. A list of open positions in the district shall be made available to all involuntary transferees and they will be given an opportunity to apply for such positions.
C. An employee who transfers or is reassigned to a position of a different classification or category, or from a 10 month, 10.5, or 11 month position to a 12 month position, shall be given full credit for all his/ her prior employment for vacation accrual.
Employees other than Teachers. 13.3.1 Assistants are classified as follows:
Grade 1: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for one year. For example, a Certificate III. Grade 2: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for two years. For example, a Diploma. Grade 3: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for three years. For example, an Advanced Diploma or higher.
13.3.2 Clerical/Administration Employee A clerical/administration employee will be classified in accordance with Schedule 4 of this Agreement.
Employees other than Teachers. Allowances
(a) Where the Children Services Award prescribes an allowance for assistants, that allowance will be paid to that employee.
(b) Senior Assistant’s Allowance
(i) An assistant with five (5) years and up to 7.5 years continuous service with the employer will receive an allowance in addition to their wages prescribed in clause 2.2.
(ii) An assistant with 7.5 years and up to ten (10) years of continuous service with the employer will receive an allowance in addition to their wages prescribed in clause 2.2.
(iii) An assistant with ten (10) or more years of continuous service with the employer will receive an allowance in addition to their wages prescribed in clause 2.2.
(iv) In the case of a part-time assistant, the senior assistant’s allowance as prescribed in paragraphs (b)(i), (ii) and (iii) above will be paid on a pro-rata basis.
(v) The senior assistant’s allowance is shown in Schedule 2.
(c) Where the Clerks – Private Sector Award prescribes an allowance for a clerical/administration employee, that allowance will be paid to the employee.
Employees other than Teachers. (a) The ordinary hours of duty for an assistant, exempted teacher, shall not exceed 38 hours per week, or 8 hours per day, and shall be worked between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday.
(b) The ordinary hours of work for a clerical/administration employee shall not exceed 38 hours per week or a maximum of 10 hours per day. These hours shall be worked between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on Monday to Friday or 7am to 12:30pm on a Saturday. These hours may be altered by agreement between the employer and employee by up to one hour at either end of the span of hours.
(i) Where ordinary hours are directed on a Saturday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 150% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay.
(ii) Where ordinary hours are directed on a Sunday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 200% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay.
(iii) Where ordinary hours are directed on a public holiday, the employer must pay an employee at the rate of 250% of the employee’s ordinary rate of pay, with a minimum of four (4) hours engagement or substitution in accordance with the s.115 of the Act.
(iv) A clerical/administration employee (full time or part time) will have rostered starting and ceasing times. Where an employee works outside or in excess of their starting or ceasing times clause 4.1.34
Employees other than Teachers. (a) The ordinary hours of duty for an employee, other than a teacher, shall not exceed 38 hours per week, or eight (8) hours per day, and shall be worked between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday.
(b) The normal starting times of a kindergarten program may be varied if agreed in writing by all parties to be mutually beneficial to the functioning of the centre. However, any such arrangement will not result in assistants being required to work more than 38 hours per week.
Employees other than Teachers. (a) The employer recognises the specific training requirements of employees other than teachers within schools in their contribution to the support of students, teaching employees and school programs.
(b) The employer will give consideration to the provision of professional development and training to employees other than teachers, in ordinary working hours, on an annual basis.
(c) The quantum of professional development provided shall be such as to meet the knowledge and skills required by the employee’s designated position, employer initiatives and (as appropriate) future roles and duties.
(d) In practice and in order to deliver an effective approach to professional development for employees other than teachers and to meet the needs of the school, consultation will occur between the employee and employer in order to identify appropriate professional development and training to be undertaken.
(e) Where professional development is directed outside ordinary working hours (including reasonable travel time subject to 4.7.10 (f) below), employees other than teachers, will be granted time-in-lieu for the equivalent hours taken at a mutually convenient time or may receive payment at the ordinary hours rate.
(f) For the purposes of calculating the time-in-lieu, or the payment, prescribed by clause
Employees other than Teachers. (a) Assistants Assistants are defined as follows:
(i) Grade U: employees who have no formal early childhood education qualification;
(ii) Grade 1: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for one year. For example, a Certificate III;
(iii) Grade 2: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for two years. For example, a Diploma;
(iv) Grade 3: employees who hold an early childhood education qualification which ordinarily can be obtained by studying full-time for three years. For example, an Advanced Diploma or higher.
(b) Exempted Teachers Exempted Teachers are defined as follows:
(i) Grade 1: employees who have no formal early childhood education qualification;