Family Xxxxx’s Leave. For the purpose of this clause, the following are to be regarded as members of a person’s family: a spouse (including a defacto spouse or a former spouse); a child or step child; a parent or parent in-law; any other member of the person’s household; a grandparent or grandchild; any other person who is dependent on the person’s care.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. 21.3.1 Employees may access up to five (5) days of their normal paid sick leave entitlement, in any year, to provide support for a sick family member. The family member must be either a member of the employee’s household or a near relative of the employee as defined in the Act.
21.3.2 This access is available if the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The employee must have responsibility for the care of the family member concerned;
b) The employee produces satisfactory evidence of sickness of the family member, if requested in the form of either a medical certificate or a statutory declaration; and
c) The ability to access this leave does not in any way limit an employee’s right to apply for special leave in accordance with arrangements provided elsewhere for this leave.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. Employees may utilise personal leave entitlements to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support. The use of this leave is subject to the following conditions:
(i) The employee must be the primary carer for the person concerned.
(ii) The employee must support the use of this leave with the same requirements as outlined in clause 5.2 Sick Leave but the notice must include the name of the person requiring care and support.
(iii) The family member must either be a member of the employee’s household or member of the employee’s immediate family. Under the definition ‘immediate family’ includes partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee or the employee’s partner.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. An employee may use up to ten (10) days per annum of their sick leave entitlement to provide care and support for a member of the employees family who is ill provided that satisfactory evidence of the illness of the family member is made available on request of the employer and provided that the employee has responsibility for the care of the family member concerned. An application to use accumulated sick leave for the purpose of Xxxxx’s leave may be approved by the employer provided that no more than one half of such accumulated sick leave is used for this purpose. All employees that have exhausted their entitlement to 10 days paid personal/ carer’s leave will be entitled to an additional two (2) days unpaid carer’s leave per occasion for unexpected emergencies. All Casual employees will also be entitled to an additional two (2) days unpaid carer’s leave per occasion for unexpected emergencies.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. This clause is to the same effect as the current Agreement.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. (a) An employee is entitled to use up to 76 hours personal leave each year to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support. This entitlement is subject to the employee being responsible for the care and support of the person concerned. In normal circumstances an employee is not to take carer's leave where another person has taken leave to care for the same person.
(b) When taking xxxxx's leave the employee must as soon as reasonably practicable and during the ordinary hours of the first day or shift of such absence, inform their Manager of their inability to attend for duty.
(c) The notice must include: the name of the person requiring care and support and their relationship to the employee the reasons for taking such leave the estimated length of absence
(d) The employee must, if required, establish by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the illness of the person concerned and that such illness requires care by another.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. 24.1. In administering this Agreement, Lactalis shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, take account of employees' family responsibilities.
24.2. Use of personal leave:
24.2.1. An employee with responsibilities in relation to either members of their immediate family or members of their household who need their care and support shall be entitled to use, in accordance with this clause, any personal leave entitlement which accrues after the date of this order for absences to provide care and support for such persons when they are ill.
24.2.2. The employee shall, if required, establish by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the illness of the person concerned.
24.2.3. The entitlement to use personal leave in accordance with this clause is subject to:
(a) the employee being responsible for the care of the person concerned; and
(b) the person concerned being either: • a member of the employee's immediate family; or • a member of the employee's household.
(c) The term immediate family includes: • a spouse (including a former spouse, a de facto spouse and a former de facto spouse) of the employee. A de facto spouse, in relation to a person, means a person who lives with the first mentioned person as the husband, wife or partner of that person on a bona fide domestic basis although not legally married to that person; and • a child or an adult child (including an adopted child, a step-child or an ex- nuptial child), parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee or spouse of the employee.
(d) The employee shall, wherever practicable, give Lactalis notice prior to the absence of the intention to take leave, the name of the person requiring care and their relationship to the employee, the reasons for taking such leave and the estimated length of absence. If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of absence, the employee shall notify Lactalis by telephone of such absence at the first opportunity on the day of absence.
(e) An employee may elect, with the consent of Lactalis, to take unpaid leave for the purpose of providing care to a family member who is ill.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. 23.1 To become entitled to paid Xxxxxx Leave, an employee must be a permanent or temporary employee. Employees engaged in casual work are not covered by this clause, and;
23.2 Carers Leave will be approved provided that the employee is related to the person requiring care in one of the following ways: • a spouse, (or a former spouse), or; • a defacto partner, (or former defacto partner) be it a person of the opposite sex or of the same sex, or; • a child or an adult child (including an adopted child, a step child, an ex nuptial child or the child of a spouse or defacto partner) or; • a parent (or parent of a spouse or a defacto partner) or; • a grandparent (or grandparent of a spouse or defacto partner) or; • a grandchild (or grandchild of a spouse or defacto partner) or; • a sibling (or sibling of a spouse or defacto partner) • in other exceptional circumstance at the discretion of the employee's manager.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. Use of Personal Leave 13.1 For the purpose of this clause, the following are to be regarded as members of a person’s family: > a spouse (including a defacto spouse or a former spouse); > a child or step child; > a parent or parent in-law; > any other member of the person’s household; > a grandparent or grandchild; > any other person who is dependent on the person’s care. Adelaide Cemeteries Authority (Salaried) Enterprise Agreement 2010 Enterprise Agreement – Salaried Employees 8
13.1.1 An employee (other than a casual employee) with responsibilities in relation to a member of the employee’s family who need the employee’s care and support due to personal injury or for the purposes of caring for a family member who is sick and requires the employee’s care and support or who requires care due to an unexpected emergency, is entitled to use any personal leave entitlement which accrues after the 26.5.95 (date of the order) to provide care and support for such persons when they are ill.
13.1.2 This access is available if the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) the employee must have responsibility for the care of the family member concerned; and
(b) the employee produces satisfactory evidence of sickness of the family member, if requested.
13.1.3 The ability to access this leave does not in any way limit an employee’s right to apply for special leave in accordance with arrangements provided elsewhere for this leave.
Family Xxxxx’s Leave. The employee is entitled to use up to 76 hours’ (pro rata for part time employees) personal leave each year to care for members of his or her immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support. This entitlement is subject to the employee being responsible for the care and support of the person concerned.
11.3.1 In normal circumstances an employee shall not take carer’s leave under this clause where another person has taken leave to care for the same person.
11.3.2 The entitlement to carer’s leave is subject to the person taking the leave being either a member of the employee’s immediate family or a member of the employee’s household.
11.3.3 The term immediate family is defined in Appendix E