FLSA Exempt Employees. The exempt employee shall be paid for the work shift. An FLSA exempt employee may be required to use paid leave or leave without pay where the closure applies to that employee for one or more full workweek(s)
FLSA Exempt Employees. Full- and part-time employees not covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act shall receive time off for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a workweek at the rate of one (1) hour off for one (1) hour of overtime worked. This time off shall be utilized within one (1) year of being earned or shall be lost.
FLSA Exempt Employees a) Employees whose rate of pay does not exceed the maximum rate for GS-10 (i.e. Step 10) may request to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime. Such requests will normally be granted, subject to mission requirements. If the employee does not make such a request, or if the Employer does not approve that request, the employee is entitled to compensation in accordance with Section 2. b. above.
b) The Employer may require that employees whose rate of pay exceeds the maximum rate for GS-10 (i.e., Step 10) be compensated for irregular or occasional overtime with compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay
c) Compensatory time earned normally will be used within twenty-six (26) pay periods from when it was earned. All compensatory time not scheduled and used by the employee by the end of twenty-six (26) pay periods will be converted to overtime pay, computed using the employee’s rate of pay as of when the overtime pay was earned.
FLSA Exempt Employees. When the Employer/Agency notifies employees not to report to work pursuant to Section 29.1a, prior to the beginning of the work shift, FLSA exempt employees shall be paid for the work shift. An FLSA exempt employee may be required to use paid leave or leave without pay where the closure applies to that employee for one (1) or more full workweek(s).
FLSA Exempt Employees. If the employee is unable to take earned compensatory time off within twenty-six (26) pay periods after the pay period during which it was earned due to an exigency of the service beyond the employee’s control, Management must pay the employee for the unused compensatory time off at the overtime rate in effect when the time was earned. Also, if the employee transfers, separates, goes on extended leave without pay to perform service in the uniformed services or because of an on-the- job injury with entitlement to injury compensation under 5 USC Chapter 81, and is therefore unable to take earned compensatory time off within twenty-six (26) pay periods after which it was earned, then the employee must be paid at the overtime rate in effect at the time it was earned. However, if the employee fails to take the compensatory time off before the expiration date and it is NOT due to an exigency of the service beyond the employee’s control, then the employee will lose all rights to both compensatory time off and to overtime pay.
FLSA Exempt Employees. Overtime for full- and part-time FLSA-exempt employees is time actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week.
FLSA Exempt Employees. Employees in positions determined to be exempt from overtime under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) shall work schedules set by the Employer in light of the nature of the work. Starting and ending times are approximate, reflective of the flexibility inherent in the FLSA exempt status. Absences of up to four (4) hours shall not be recorded or charged to a leave bank. Absences of four (4) hours or more shall be charged to the appropriate leave bank as eight (8) hours. Exempt employees shall be expected to work forty (40) hours per week as provided for in Section 4.1.
FLSA Exempt Employees. 1. Except as set forth in sub-section 2 below, regular full-time employees in FLSA exempt classifications may be required to work extended hours in excess of their normal forty-hour per week work schedule as part of their regular compensation.
2. The City Manager, or his/her designee, may at his/her discretion and upon recommendation of a department director, approve (in advance) overtime at straight time base pay or time and one-half base pay for exempt employees. Overtime will only be considered due to significant staff shortages, the need for staffing due to extraordinary circumstances, or to provide service to the public that requires mandatory staffing.
FLSA Exempt Employees. The Employer may approve the accrual of time off for FLSA exempt employees for extraordinary or excessive hours worked. The Employer shall act reasonably in approving such time off. It is understood by the parties that such time off is not meant to be hour for hour compensation.
FLSA Exempt Employees. Employees of Linn County who are exempt from the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and who, in accordance with ORS 653.269 (5)(a) & (b), expressly waive application of ORS 653.268 that overtime be compensated at time and one- half, may have a flexible/alternate work schedule approved which allows the employee to work more than the normal hours required each month, so long as the hours that are in excess of the normal hours for that month are taken off on an hour-for-hour basis (straight compensatory time) in accordance with Article 11,