Preliminary Engineering Phase. Upon NBU providing NTP to the Professional, the Professional shall perform the preliminary engineering phase services described herein.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. The Preliminary Engineering Report shall serve as a summary document that incorporates the recommendations from the supporting investigative reports, results from working meeting with Fort Bend County, necessary approvals and final recommendations from the Consultant’s efforts. The document will serve as the framework for the design phase, having addressed the major issues that affect the roadway design and supporting infrastructure. An outline of those sections that are required for the Preliminary Engineering Report, including the exhibits and attachments is as identified below. This Preliminary Engineering Report shall include the preparation and approval of reports necessary to support the recommendations and design of the roadway and all appurtenances included, but not limited to, Geotechnical Investigations, ROW Parcel acquisition recommendations, utility conflicts identification, Drainage Studies. The preparation of preliminary construction documents will be substituted with a schematic layout as defined below. The Consultant shall present the results of this Preliminary Engineering Report investigation and analysis and their recommendations status of the of the project to include, but not limited to, Survey/Right-of-Way Maps, Roadway Alignment, Geotechnical, ROW Parcel acquisition recommendations, Drainage Concept, Drainage Report, Utilities, and Variances.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. The Preliminary Engineering Phase Letter Report shall serve as a summary document that incorporates the recommendations from the supporting investigative reports, results from working meeting with Fort Bend County, necessary approvals, and final recommendations from the Consultant's efforts. The document will serve as the framework for the design phase, having addressed the major issues that affect the roadway design and supporting infrastructure.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. A Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) shall serve as a summary document that incorporates the recommendations from the supporting investigative reports, results from working meetings with Fort Bend County, necessary approvals and final recommendations from the Consultant's efforts. The document will serve as the framework for the design phase, having addressed the major issues that affect the roadway design and supporting infrastructure. The Preliminary Engineering Phase shall include the preparation and approval of reports necessary to support the recommendations and design of the roadway and all appurtenances included, but not limited to, Geotechnical Investigations, Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis, including a drainage report. Environmental Site Assessments, Wetlands Assessment, Delineation, Concurrence/Permitting and associated tasks will be performed by others. A schematic layout showing the proposed improvements for the Roadway will be prepared for the preliminary meeting followed by the Preliminary Construction Plans. The Preliminary Engineering Report will be in accordance with the requirements stated in the Mobility Design Manual. Proposed Roadway geometry will be evaluated and the preliminary alternatives for the alignment and Proposed Right-of-Way (ROW) Acquisition will be presented to Fort Bend County during the preliminary stages of the PER. The Preliminary Engineering Phase shall include working meetings with Fort Bend County and other consultants/sub-consultants and a drainage meeting with Fort Bend County Drainage District prior to submitting the draft Drainage Report for the project. During this phase Topographic Survey will be performed and the existing conditions will be evaluated including roadway geometrics, soils, traffic and environmental conditions. In addition, during this phase parcels should be defined. Utility companies within the project limits will be contacted and coordinated for obtaining the facility maps and record drawings available and a contact list for the utility companies and a Utility Conflict Table will be prepared. Roadway Schematics and Aerial Exhibits will be prepared for review. There is an existing 8-inch water line appears to be located along north ROW of W. Sycamore between S. Post Oak and Kansas Street. Also, it appears that there is an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer located along north ROW of W. Sycamore between Halliburton facility and Kansas Street. Coordination will be made with Fort Bend County Fresh...
Preliminary Engineering Phase. Subtask 2.01 Data Acquisition
1. NBU will provide its facility as-built documents, operational logs, maintenance records, and other available data necessary to understand the current physical and operational status of the existing PS and GST.
2. NBU will provide planning data regarding the PS, including:
a. the current service area of the PS;
b. the last two years of flow data;
c. the future service area of the PS; and
d. the future flow projections for the PS.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. 5.1.1 Meet with City staff to verify Project objectives including but not limited to the Project parking and access points, parallel parking, concrete curb, sidewalks, area and security lighting, open lawn areas, walking path, and benches upon which concurrence will be the basis of Pennoni’s survey and design.
5.1.2 Prepare a boundary, topographic, and tree survey that shows road right-of-way lines, property corners, visible improvements, flagged and known utilities, trees having greater than a six inch (6”) caliper at five feet (5’) above the ground surface, and spot elevations with interpolated 1 ft. contours that represent the general ground surface within the limits of the Project as defined in attached Exhibit A.
5.1.3 Protected Species Survey and Environmental Assessment – Pennoni Environmental Scientists will conduct an on-site protected species survey of the project area in accordance with methodologies outlined by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to identify and document the presence of listed species inhabiting the site that are regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the FWC. Conduct an on-site jurisdictional wetlands determination within the project limits in accordance with Southwest Florida Water Management (SWFWMD) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) methodologies to determine the limits, if any, of jurisdictional wetlands and / or Surface Waters. The boundaries and acreages of the wetlands and / or Surface Waters will be depicted as accurately as practicable on an aerial photograph. The results of the site investigation will be documented in a technical memorandum that includes Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) mapping and mapping of any observed signs of protected species. Please note that protected species-specific surveys and formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) are not included as part of this scope of services. Additional protected species surveys and consultation with the FWC and FWS may be required pending the outcome of the initial findings of the protected species survey.
5.1.4 Prepare a Concept Plan based on the survey and rights-of-way data and preliminary meeting with City for staff to confirm the proposed layout and clearing areas are acceptable to the City. This approved plan will be our basis for the final engineering phase.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. 1. Attend and prepare minutes of the pre-design conference (kick-off meeting) between Owner and Engineer to clarify all specific requirements by Owner regarding the project.
2. Perform field assessment of the proposed corridor and prepare a photographic record of major features.
3. Obtain deeds, easements, plats and other property records from the Xxxxxx County Appraisal District.
4. If available, the Owner will provide maps and record drawings for existing water and wastewater lines within project limits.
Preliminary Engineering Phase. A letter report PER will be prepared as outlined in the summary of design process, which will include the following:
Preliminary Engineering Phase. This phase involves determination of project scope, economic and technical evaluation of feasible alternatives, and development of conceptual design and preliminary design. Services during this phase include:
1) Reviewing available data and consulting with the City to clarify and define the City's requirements for the project.
2) Advising the City as to the necessity of providing or obtaining from others additional data or services. These additional services may include, reconnaissance surveys, property surveys, topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations and consultations, compilation of hydrological data, materials engineering, assembly of zoning, deed, and other restrictive land use information, and environmental assessments and impact statements. The project budget includes the following special services:
Preliminary Engineering Phase. A. Confirm with the PCCA the Final Design Basis.
B. Assist PCCA with developing the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit drawings and provide technical information (i.e. material quantities) as requested.
C. Provide preliminary civil and structural engineering for the PCCA selected option associated with each structure or area of the dock.
D. Perform detailed inspection of underside of dock to quantify concrete repairs under the docks.
E. Develop a 30% Drawing Package and preliminary 3D model.
F. Develop a Class 3 (ASTM E2516) Cost Estimate.
G. Provide a Preliminary Project Schedule.