Grievance Review. Upon request of either party, the State and Union shall meet monthly in an attempt to settle and resolve grievances. The parties shall agree at least two (2) weeks prior to each meeting on the agenda and who shall attend.
Grievance Review. 1. Meeting(s). Within fourteen (14) days following receipt of the written filing of a grievance, the designated university representative and the grievant and/or the grievant's representative shall schedule a Step 1 meeting. At the Step 1 meeting, the grievant shall have the right to present any evidence in support of the grievance, and the grievant and/or the grievant's representative (if selected pursuant to 20.8 Representation) and the designated university representative shall discuss the grievance. By mutual agreement the parties may schedule additional meetings to continue discussing the grievance. Where practicable and prior to the Step 1 meeting(s), the grievant shall have the right, upon written request, to a copy of any identifiable documents relevant to the grievance that are not maintained on the University’s website or share drive.
Grievance Review. Upon request, the Department of Human Resources shall meet monthly with the Union in an attempt to settle and resolve grievances pending at the third level. The parties shall agree at least two weeks prior to each meeting on the agenda and who shall attend.
Grievance Review. If a grievance has not been settled after the above Grievance Steps, the District 141 Assistant General Chair will discuss the matter with the Operations Director. That discussion may occur by telephone and should normally occur within fourteen (14) days after the denial of the written grievance. If they are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, then either party may request the grievance be arbitrated. This request must be made in writing and received within thirty (30) calendar days from the written grievance answer or the date it was due.
Grievance Review. ❑ Having been denied a satisfactory resolution or having not been responded to in a timely manner at Step One, I hereby move the grievance to Step Two of the grievance procedure for review by the Xxxxxxx. Please schedule a meeting with me to discuss resolution of this matter within 10 days from today’s date, [PRINT DATE]. ❑ Having been denied a satisfactory resolution or having not been responded to in a timely manner at Step Two, I hereby move the grievance to Step Three of the grievance procedure for review by the President. Please schedule a meeting with me to discuss resolution of this matter within 10 days from today’s date, [PRINT DATE]. ❑ Having been denied a satisfactory resolution or having not been responded to in a timely manner at Step Three, I hereby request review by the Chancellor of the Oregon University System. I understand that in asking for review by the Chancellor, I am waiving my right to seek review before a neutral third-party arbitrator as provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please schedule a meeting with me within 10 days from today’s date, [PRINT DATE].
Grievance Review. Two (2) times per year, at six (6) month intervals, the parties shall schedule a meeting prior to a System Board of Adjustment hearing. Both the Company and the Union shall be represented by up to three (3) individuals. Representatives must have the authority to propose and approve settlement Agreements. Rejected offers of settlement made by the Company or the Union and all other case evaluation(s) and discussion(s) held during such meetings shall be without prejudice to either party and shall be inadmissible in any System Board of Adjustment hearing. This provision shall not render inadmissible discussions, evaluations, evidence etc. that were part of the prior grievance hearings. The parties may mutually agree to bypass this step in the grievance process and may mutually agree to meet more times than two (2) times per year.
Grievance Review. 1. A written notice shall be sent by HMO to the Member:
a. acknowledging each grievance; and
b. inviting the Member to provide any additional information to assist HMO in handling and deciding the grievance; and
c. informing the Member of the Member’s right to have an uninvolved HMO representative assist the Member in understanding the grievance process; and
x. informing the Member as to when a response should be forthcoming.
2. The Grievance Coordinator deciding the grievance shall not be any person whose decision is being appealed, any person who made the initial decision regarding the claim, or any person with previous involvement with the grievance. The Grievance Coordinator shall review and decide the grievance within 30 days of receipt unless additional information necessary to resolve the grievance is not received during such time, or by the mutual written agreement of HMO and the Member.
3. A written notice stating the result of the review by the Grievance Coordinator shall be forwarded by HMO to the Member within 10 working days of the date of the decision. Such notice shall include:
a. a description of the Coordinator’s understanding of the Member’s grievance as presented to the Grievance Coordinator (i.e., dollar amount of the disputed issue, medical facts in dispute, etc.); and
b. the Coordinator’s decision in clear terms, including the contract basis or medical rationale, as applicable, in sufficient detail for the Member to respond further to HMO’s position (i.e., the Member did not contact the PCP, the services were non-emergency services as identified in the medical report, the services were not covered by the Certificate, etc.); and
c. citations to the evidence or documentation used as the basis for the decision (i.e., reference to the Certificate, medical records, etc.); and
d. a statement indicating:
i. that the decision of the Grievance Coordinator will be final and binding unless the Member appeals in writing to the Grievance Appeal Committee within 30 days of the date of the notice of the decision of the Grievance Coordinator; and
ii. a description of the process of how to appeal to the Grievance Appeal Committee.
Grievance Review. A written notice of a grievance, to include the provided form, facts of alleged violation, section of CBA or practice violated, and remedy sought by the Union, shall be presented to the Fire Chief within twenty eight (28) calendar days from the Union’s knowledge of the occurrence of such grievance. The Fire Chief shall gain all relevant facts, and attempt to resolve the matter. The Fire Chief shall notify the Union representative of the decision within twenty eight (28) calendar days after the day the grievance was presented to the Fire Chief. If the grievance is not pursued to Step 2 within twenty eight (28) calendar days of the receipt of the decision, it shall be deemed resolved.
Grievance Review shall consist of a member of the labor group appointed to review the grievance for its merit and represent members in the grievance process. Negotiation – shall mean a process to settle a dispute related to contract or other labor issues between a labor representative and management representative Mediation – shall mean a process to settle a grievance that require a neutral third party to facilitate a process whereby both parties of the dispute can attempt to work on a mutually satisfying solution of the complaint. The mediator shall follow the rules as set forth in the American Arbitration Association Employment Dispute Resolution Rules. Arbitration – shall mean a process to settle a grievance that could not be resolved through a mediation process or other means. Arbitration is where a third party(s) creates the solution after both parties present evidence related to the issue. The arbitrator shall make the final decision related to the issue following the rules outlined in the American Arbitration Association, Labor Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator’s decision shall be binding on both parties. Chief - shall mean the Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee. Supervisor- shall mean the first level of supervision outside the scope of the bargaining unit.
Grievance Review. The grievant shall submit in writing to the Union all relevant facts involving the alleged grievance along with the remedy sought. The Union, upon receiving the written and signed statement from the employee, shall determine if the grievance exists. If in the Union’s opinion, no grievance exists, no further action will be taken. If the grievance has merit, then the grievance shall proceed to Step 2. The Union retains the right to formulate a grievance on their own.