Health Insurance Contributions. The Port shall continue to provide the medical, vision and dental insurance benefits as set forth in Section 17.A.1, 17.B., and 17.C., respectively, for an employee on Port paid on-the-job injury leave.
Health Insurance Contributions. If the House Officer is full-time and opts for a CHA plan, the respective employer and employee contributions shall be: 90% contribution from the Employer 10% contribution from the House Officer If the House Officer is full-time and opts for a health insurance plan other than a CHA plan, the respective employer and employee contributions shall be: 80% contribution from Employer 20% contribution from the House Officer If the House Officer is part-time and works 20 or more hours per week, the House Officer’s employee contributions shall be prorated as follows: 36-40 hours per week 20% 24-35 hours per week 30% 20-24 hours per week 40% To the extent allowed by law, the House Officer’s employee contributions shall be paid by the House Officer on a pre-tax basis. Health insurance coverage shall commence on the date that the House Officer comes on the Employer payroll.
Health Insurance Contributions. The Employer agrees to pay the current cost of the required premiums contributions as of June for each Employee to any health insurance now in effect or such plan as may be arranged by the Employer. Any future increases in premium costs will be shared on a Employee basis. Such plan shall be the same as in effect for the Employer’s non-unionized Employees. The Employer may add, delete, or change such plan from time to time. An Employee may, on retirement, retain health insurance plan by paying the full cost of the required premium contributions as determined by and with the approval of the operator of such plan. The Employer agrees to pay full cost of the required premium contribution for each Employee to any dental insurance plan now in effect or such plan as may be arranged by the Employer. The Employer may add, delete or change such plan from time to time.
Health Insurance Contributions. The employer shall contribute the following amounts on behalf of each employee choosing coverage of health insurance from those options available under the District’s plan(s). 2024-2025 $780.00 per month 2025-2026 $795.00 per month 2026-2027 $810.00 per month For 2025-2026 the Board shall also contribute 50% of any increase over $795.00 per month in the cost of the least costly single coverage from the options then available, subject to the final sentence hereof, regarding a minimum $10.00 monthly payment by the employees: For 2026-2027 the Board shall also contribute 50% of any increase over $810.00 per month in the cost of the least costly single coverage from the options then available, subject to the final sentence hereof, regarding a minimum $10.00 monthly payment by the employees. Example: In 2025-2026, if the cost of the least costly single health coverage is $835.00. The Board contribution is calculated as follows: $835-$795 = $40.00 $40.00 ÷ 2 = $20.00 $795.00 + $20.00 = $815.00 $815.00 - $10.00 = $805.00 Board Contribution is $805.00 For each part-time employee who works 50% time or more, the Board will pay a pro-rated amount, subject to carrier restriction. Temporary employees and short-term employees will not receive insurance benefits. The selection of the insurance carrier is at the discretion of the Board. Regardless of the carrier chosen, the Board will continue to pay at least the same premium dollar amount per participating employee for coverage that reasonably resembles the policy(ies) in effect the school year prior to the change. To the extent the Board has a choice to establish, change, or amend the benefits or coverage of the policy(ies), the benefits and/or coverages will not change without the recommendation of an insurance committee made up to five (5) administrators and up to five (5) bargaining unit members. If the health care plan provides for a trustee-representative from the District, that trustee will be a bargaining unit member elected for a two-year (2-year) term by the insured bargaining unit members or appointed by the Association. When necessary, the trustee shall be allowed to attend meetings during normal work hours without loss of salary or leave benefits contained herein. Mileage, food, and lodging expenses will be paid, or reimbursed, by the District. In the event there is a loss when the District changes insurance carrier, the District, not the individual employee, will be charged for the loss. Any other policy ch...
Health Insurance Contributions. The employer will make the greater of the following contributions per employee per month toward group insurance for 2018, 2019, and 2020: Bargaining Unit Employees’ insurance contribution shall be no greater than 5% of the total premium for the single health insurance for the base option health care plan. Bargaining Unit Employees’ insurance contribution shall be no greater than 32% of the total premium for the single plus one or the family health insurance for the base option health care plan. The same employer contribution for health insurance per Bargaining Unit Employee per month as is established for the Professional, Supervisory and Management employees in the City of Xxxxxxxx.
Health Insurance Contributions. Beginning July 1, 2014, the FED changed the type of health benefit offered in order to address the legal requirements of the ACA. The FED shall contribute a sum not to exceed seven thousand five hundred ($7,500) dollars annually in the 2019-2020 school year and seven thousand six hundred ($7,600) dollars annually towards the 2020-2021 school year single or family group premium for each full-time teacher-itinerant who qualifies for and is enrolled in the FED’s group health and hospitalization insurance plan. Part- time teacher-itinerants will have their contribution prorated according to their percentage of full-time employment of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of employment as defined in Section 3 of this article. The annual contribution amount shall be contributed in equal monthly installments.
Health Insurance Contributions. 29.01 The Employer agrees to pay the cost of the required premium contributions for each Employee for all insured benefits now in effect or such plan as may be arranged by the Employer. The Employer may modify such plan from time to time.
29.02 An Employee may, on retirement, retain their health insurance plan by paying the full cost of the required premium contributions as determined by and with the approval of the operator of such plan.
29.03 The Employer will engage in meaningful consultation with the Union prior to making any changes.
Health Insurance Contributions. Effective October the Employer agrees to pay full cost of the required premium contributions for each Employee to any insurance pian now in effect or such plan as may be arranged by the Employer. Such plan shall be the same as in effect for the Employer's non-unionized Employees. The Employer may add, or change such plan from time to time. An Employee may, on his health insurance plan by paying the full cost of the required premium contributions as determined by and with the approval of the operator of such plan. Effective October the Employer agrees to pay cost of the required premium contributionfor each Employeeto any dental pian now in effect or such plan as be arranged by the Employer. The Employer may add, delete or change such plan from to time. The Employer further agrees to update the current dental plan in parity with the coverage of the Employer's non- unionized by October
Health Insurance Contributions. The employer shall contribute the following amounts on behalf of each employee choosing coverage of health insurance from those options available under the District’s plan(s). 2015-2016 $660.00 per month 2016-2017 $670.00 per month 2017-2018 $680.00 per month For 2016-2017 the Board shall also contribute 50% of any increase over $670.00 per month in the cost of the least costly single coverage from the options then available, subject to the final sentence hereof, regarding a minimum $10.00 monthly payment by the employees: For 2017-2018 the Board shall also contribute 50% of any increase over $680.00 per month in the cost of the least costly single coverage from the options then available, subject to the final sentence hereof, regarding a minimum $10.00 monthly payment by the employees: Example: In 2017-2018, if the cost of the least costly single health coverage is $707.00. The Board contribution is calculated as follows: $707-$680 = $27.00 $27.00 ÷ 2 = $13.50 $680.00 + $13.50 = $693.50 $693.50 - $10.00 = $683.50 Board Contribution is $683.50 For each part-time employee who works 50% time or more, the Board will pay a pro- rated amount, subject to carrier restriction. Temporary employees and short-term employees will not receive insurance benefits. The selection of the insurance carrier is at the discretion of the Board. Regardless of the carrier chosen, the Board will continue to pay at least the same premium dollar amount per participating employee for coverage that reasonably resembles the policy(ies) in effect the school year prior to the change. To the extent the Board has a choice to establish, change, or amend the benefits or coverage of the policy(ies), the benefits and/or coverages will not change without the recommendation of an insurance committee made up of three (3) administrators and three