HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Xx x xxxxx agrees that ih e follow in g d ays sh all b e con xxx ered h olid ays and granted w ithout red u ction of p ay. W h en x x xxxx ay falls on a Su n d ay, th e follow ing M on d ay sh all b e observed : New Year's D ay W ash in g ton 's Birth d ay M xx xxxxx D ay In d ep en d en ce D ay Labor D ay Th an k sgivin g Day Christm as D ay Presid en tial Election D ay ‘ Personal H olid ay W ork can b e perform ed on an y of the h erein a b o v e m en tion ed holidays,- how ever, work as su ch sh all b e com p en sated for at the rate of straight xxx e plu s xxx e and one- h xxx excep t that p art-xxx e xx x xxx ees hired after Sep tem ber 28, 1966 sh all b e paid for all hours w orked on th e h o lid ay at the h ou rly rates set forth in Section 5 abov e, h ead ed "Su n d a y and H olid ay rates for Part-Xxx x."
B. W h ere ih e Xx x xxxxx closes his slore to ih e p u b lic on a n y other h olid xx x x lu n tarily, the Xx x xxxxx agrees that no em p lo y ee com in g u n d er th e ju r isd iction of this con tract sh all suffer a red u ction of p ay on accou n t of su ch closin g.
C. It is further agreed that th e work w eek d u rin g w h ich x x x lid ay is g iv en , in accord an ce w ith this A greem en t, sh all b e con xxx ered as follow s: For fu ll-xxx e em p loyees, it sh a ll b e a four
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Employer agrees that the following days shall be holidays. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Mon day shall be observed. New Year’s Day Labor Day Easter Monday Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Day Independence Day
1. Work may be performed on any o f the hereinabove men tioned holidays, however, work as such shall be compensated for at the rate of double the employee’s regular straight time rate of pay, which shall be over and above the full time pay as provided.
B. It is further agreed that the work week during which a holiday occurs, in accordance with this Agreement, shall be considered a four (4) day week consisting of thirty-two (32) straight time hours, for which the employee shall be paid forty (40) hours’ pay if they qualify under Section 8-C. All time worked over thirty-two (32) hours during said holiday week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate of time and one- half ( i ) except that an employee may work forty (40) hours at straight time in addition to his or her holiday pay, provided it is mutually agreed upon between Employer and employee.
a. All part time employees, upon completion of sixty (60) days but less than one (1) year of continuous service with the Employer, shall be paid four (4) hours’ holi day pay at straight time hourly rate, provided one of the holidays listed in Paragraph A above falls on a day he or she would normally be scheduled to work.
b. All part time employees with one (1) or more years of continuous service, regardless of whether they are normally scheduled to work on the day on which the holiday falls, shall receive holiday pay for four (4) hours.
c. In either case the employee shall:
(1) Work his or her scheduled work day before and af ter such holiday, Sunday excepted; and
(2) Work at least one (1) day during the said holiday week.
A. Full time employees with one or more years of continu ous service shall be granted vacations as follows:
d. Work schedules shall not be changed for the purpose of avoiding holiday pay.
C. No employee shall receive pay for any holidays not worked unless such employee has reported for work on his or her regular work day next preceding and next following said holiday. Employees shall be deemed to have reported for work if absence on the day before or the day after said holiday is due to express permission from or action of the Employer, or death in the immediate family, and also in case of certified illness, but in any event, employees off one (1) ful...
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. All work done on Sunday and holidays shall be paid for at the double time rate. Holidays recognized by the terms of this Agreement shall be: New Years Day Veterans Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Fourth of July Christmas Day Labor Day No work shall be done on Labor Day except to save life or property. Veterans Day shall be celebrated the day after Thanksgiving. Furthermore, if a holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the following Monday. If a holiday falls on a day other than a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on that date. The contractor shall be permitted to shut down the job the day before or after a holiday. When a holiday falls on Friday, payday shall be on Thursday.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Employer agrees that the following days shall be holidays. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. New Year’s Day Labor Day Easter Monday Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Day Independence Day
1. Work may be performed on any of the hereinabove men tioned holidays, however, work as such shall be compensated for at the rate of double the employee’s regular straight time rate of pay, which shall be over and above the full time pay as provided.
B. It is further agreed that the work week during which a holiday occurs, in accordance with this Agreement, shall be considered a four (4) day week consisting of thirty-two (32) straight time hours, for which the employee shall be paid forty
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. (A) The Employer agrees that the follow ing days shall be holidays. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. ^ New Year’s Day Labor Day Easter Monday Memorial Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day
1. Work may be performed on any of the hereinabove mentioned holidays, however, il \ work as such shall be compensated for at the rate of double the employee’s regular straight, f] time rate of pay, which shaTTbeover and r «*, above the full time pay as provided. “ v
(B) It is further agreed that the work week , during which a holiday occurs, in accordance with this Agreement, shall be considered a four
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Employer agrees that the following days shall be store closing, or after 9:00 A.M., shall be paid at time and one-half ( 1 % ) of the employee’s regular rate of pay, which shall be in addition to his night premium.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Employer agrees that the following days shall be holidays. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Mon day shall be observed. tives of the Union shall have free access to the Employer’s stores during business hours.
1. It is understood that the Stewards of the Union shall, at all times, be full time employees and shall be the last to be laid off in any case. Union shall furnish to the Employer a complete list of Stewards which shall be submitted from time to time as ^3 may be necessary.
2. Shop Stewards may be transferred only after two (2) weeks’ written notice to the Xxxxxxx and the Union. During the two (2) week period, the Employer agrees to meet with the Union to discuss the transfer, if deemed necessary, by either party.
3. It is understood that Union will use its best efforts to secure as Stewards a high calibre of employee who shall be re quired to conform to the standards and qualifications set by the Union.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS a. Any time worked by a member of a night crew prior to store closing, or after 9:00 A.M., shall be paid at time and one-half ( 1 % ) of the employee's regular rate of pay, which shall be in addition to his night premium.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The Employer agrees that the following days shall.ft holidays. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Mon day shall be observed.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. A. The following shall be considered holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Veterans' Day as provided below, or days nationally celebrated in lieu thereof.