TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 14.01 Each employee is required to supply his own tools as set out in Schedule C of this agreement.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 14.01 The Employer shall provide to all seniority employees a hand tool and work boot allowance of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) annually, to be paid out March 1st or on a schedule mutually agreed between the employee and the Employer. Upon completion of probation a prorated amount shall be paid out in the employee’s first year of employment. 14.02 Worn, broken or lost tools and work boots will be replaced by the employee. 14.03 The Employer agrees to supply other equipment as required in their duties. 14.04 The Employer agrees to supply all employees with safety helmets and other safety equipment, if required in their duties. The Employer will replace worn or broken equipment upon presentation of the article. Employees shall replace lost safety equipment at their own expense.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 15.01 For all classifications, including that of mechanic, the Employer shall supply all required tools, including power tools. Tools supplied by the Employer shall remain the property of the Employer. Employees shall be responsible for the care and cleaning of Employer supplied tools. 15.02 The Employer shall supply all required safety equipment, except for safety footwear. The employee shall be responsible for the care of Employer supplied safety equipment. 15.03 Employee tools broken or worn out shall be replaced by the Employer at the Employer's expense. This does not include tools broken or worn out through abuse. Tools lost will be replaced by the Employer at its expense, provided the loss is promptly reported to the Employer and is not due to negligence. 15.04 The Employer shall maintain all vehicles and equipment in good working condition so that they operate safely. Employee concerns with the operating condition of a vehicle or equipment shall be addressed promptly. A qualified, licensed mechanic shall perform repairs. Regular maintenance may be performed by other employees in the bargaining unit.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTThe Employer agrees to provide adequate protection and storage for all tools, safety equipment or protective clothing issued and to accept responsibility for normal wear and tear on return of broken or worn tools. Tools, safety equipment or protective clothing shall be kept in good condition at all times. Employees willfully misusing or failing to report the loss of tools, safety equipment or protective clothing may be subject to the cost of replacement and/or discipline. Adequate shelter for storage and change of clothing, modern proper flush toilets, urinals and wash basins, are to be provided on all jobs by the Employer, as soon as job conditions permit. At the commencement of the Employer’s phase of the project, where job conditions do not permit these sanitary facilities to be established; then other conditions may be agreed upon between the Employer and the Union. These facilities will be appropriately heated. They will be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and subject to Union and health department inspection.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTThe employer shall furnish all necessary tools and protective equipment, including that which is necessary when employees are required to work under special conditions. The employer shall provide rubber boots if working in conditions where material or mud is above the employees ankle. The employer shall also furnish rain gear in inclement weather to include light rain or snow flurries.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 6 (a) Rubber Insulating Equipment 7 (4) The employer is responsible for the periodic visual and electrical 8 re-testing of all insulating gloves, sleeves and blankets. The 9 following maximum re-testing intervals shall apply: be in aCCQrdaDCe 10 ~ith the AmeriCan Society for Testing and Materials (ASIM) Standards.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 14.01 The Employer shall supply all required tools, including power tools. Tools supplied by the Employer shall remain the property of the Employer. Employees shall be responsible for the care and cleaning of Employer supplied tools. Despite the above, mechanics are responsible to provide their own tools (except for approved specialty tools). 14.02 The Employer shall supply all required safety equipment, except for safety footwear and shall determine the appropriate equipment required. Supplied safety equipment shall include, among other items, safety vests, appropriate respiratory masks/gear, and safety gloves appropriate to the nature of the required work activity. The Employer shall also supply rain wear. The employee shall be responsible for the care of Employer supplied safety equipment. 14.03 The Employer, as needed due to reasonable wear and tear as verified by the Employer or supervisor, shall replace Employer supplied tools and safety equipment. The Employer shall also replace, with like quality, employee tools and coveralls due to normal wear and tear as verified by the Employer or supervisor.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 14.01 Each employee is required to supply his own tools as listed below: Masons – trowel, hammer, jointer(s), roller xxxxx, chisels, levels, tape measures, hard hat, gloves, and work boots. Labourers – tape measure, hard hat, gloves, and work boots 14.02 The Employer shall supply all required tools and safety equipment not set out in Article 14.01 of this agreement, including, but not limited to fall protection equipment, safety vests, safety glasses, and hearing protection.
TOOLS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. 14.01 Each employee is required to supply his own tools as set out in Schedule “C” of this agreement. For employees who have at least one (1) year of seniority, the Employer shall provide a clothing, safety boot and measuring tape subsidy by way of reimbursement to the maximum of two hundred ($200.00) per year. The two hundred dollar ($200.00) subsidy shall be tracked from July 1 to June 30 each year. Unused balances as of June 15th in each year will be paid out to employees as income in the last pay period of June. 14.02 The Company shall supply all required tools and safety equipment not mentioned in Schedule “C”. 14.03 The Employer shall provide all chalk lines to employees.