JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. 11.1 The purposes of the Joint Labor Management Committee shall be to consult monthly with the District on the issues covered by the agreement, Personnel Commission Rules and Regulations, and District policies, and to seek resolution to potential problems prior to their becoming grievances. The JLM shall consist of up to five (5) unit members at the discretion of the Chapter President. The goal shall be to resolve issues raised by the time of the next scheduled JLM meeting.
11.2 The Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, or his/her designee, shall be assigned the responsibility for meeting with the JLM Committee union selected representatives, as per Article 11.
1. All agenda items shall be submitted to the other party at least three days in advance of the scheduled meeting, excluding topics of concern that come up within three days of the meeting.
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. IHME and the Union will discuss common trends from exit interviews at a joint labor management meeting at least annually.
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. 5.1 The parties agree that the Joint Labor-Management Committee (JLMC) is established and authorized, consistent with applicable laws and the terms of this Agreement, to
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. Purpose 21 The parties agree that a Joint Labor-Management Committee (JLMC) is established for each 22 King County Division that members of this bargaining unit are assigned to and is authorized, 23 consistent with applicable laws and the terms of this Agreement, to use principles of mutual gains 24 bargaining to interpret, apply, resolve issues and interests affecting Labor and/or Management 25 consistent with the following principles:
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. 7 4.1 Purpose 8 The parties agree that the Joint Labor-Management Committee (JLMC) is established and 9 authorized, consistent with applicable laws and the terms of this Agreement, to use principles of 10 mutual gains bargaining to interpret, apply, resolve issues and interests affecting Labor and/or 11 Management consistent with the following principles:
12 (1) To provide fair and reasonable rates of pay, hours, and working conditions 13 for the employees concerned with the operations of the County as covered by this Agreement;
14 (2) To ensure the making of appointments and promotions as provided under 15 the merit system and this Agreement;
16 (3) To provide stability of employment and to establish satisfactory tenure;
17 (4) To provide for improvement programs designed to aid employees in 18 achieving their acknowledged and recognized objectives as outlined in this Agreement;
19 (5) To promote the highest degree of efficiency and responsibility in the 20 performance of the work and the accomplishment of the public purposes of the County;
21 (6) To resolve disputes arising between the County and the Union relating to 22 matters covered by this Agreement;
23 (7) To promote systematic labor/management cooperation between the County 24 and its employees.
25 4.2 The JLMC does not waive or diminish management rights and does not waive or 26 diminish Union rights of grievance or bargaining. The JLMC is authorized to bargain an issue 27 including a specific provision contained in this Agreement only if the parties’ authorized bargaining 28 agents are present when bargaining. The parties recognize that the JLMC may not be able to resolve 1 every issue. 2
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. < C 2 t 6 DURATION OF CONTRACT................................................. C Lm s- 6 APPENDIX T ...................................................................... s 6 SCHEDULE “A” WAGES 7 SCHEDULE “B” WAGES 7 SCHEDULE “C" WAGES 7 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd day o f April, 1996, between SUN STORES, SAV-A-CENTER, SUPERFRESH, (here inafter referred to as “Employer”), and the UNITED FOOD AND COM MERCIAL WORKERS UNION, LOCAL 000 x x Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, char tered by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”). This Agreement shall be binding on all signatories hereto, and their successors and assigns, whether such status is created by sale, lease, as signment or any other type o f transfer or transaction. In consideration o f the Union’s execution o f this Agreement, the Employer promises that its operations covered by this Agreement or any part, thereof shall not be sold, conveyed, or otherwise transferred or assigned to any successor without first securing the Agreement o f the successor to assume the Em ployer’s obligation under this Agreement and to offer employment sub ject to the terms o f this Agreement, to all o f the Employer’s then current employees, recognizing their accrued seniority for all purposes. Pro vided, that the Employer shall not be a guarantor or be held liable for any breach by the successor or assignee o f its obligations, and the Union will look exclusively to the successor or assignee for compliance with the terms o f this Agreement. The foregoing shall be applicable in cases only where the Employer sells or transfers more than 10%o f the facilities cov ered under this Agreement, and shall not apply in cases o f store closing.
(1) Scope
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. A Labor-Management Committee consisting of the administration and up to three (3) representatives from the bargaining unit shall meet quarterly or as otherwise scheduled by mutual agreement. The Committee shall discuss and act on matters of mutual benefit to employees and administration. The meetings shall not be used for contract negotiations or processing grievances. Employee Job Title Period Covered by Evaluation Primary School or District Assignment Date of Evaluation Reason for Evaluation (check beside) Probation Annual Other (specify)
I. Performance Standards
II. Overall Evaluation Score Indicate the overall evaluation score. 4 = Exceeds performance standard 3 = Meets performance standard 2 = Does not meet performance standard consistently 1 = Fails to meet performance standard N/A = Not applicable
III. Evaluator Comments (Required) These are some specific comments and evidence related to your areas of strength. These are some specific comments and evidence related to your areas for improvement.
IV. Employee Comments (Optional)
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. The Union and the Employer agree to utilize a Joint Labor Manage ment structure to provide a mutual basis for problem solving. It is fur ther agreed to utilize outside (neutral) sources to provide guidance and advice to increase the effectiveness o f this program. Such JLM program shall be implemented with the opening o f the store or the conversion of a store to Superfresh. The resulting JLM program will not become involved in disputes cov ered under the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure and will not con flict with any terms or conditions o f this collective bargaining agree ment and will not reduce any rights or privileges o f the employee or Em ployer.
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT. The College and the Pro-Tech support the concept of the problem solving process and will work as a team to resolve mutual concerns and problems by consensus. The College and the Pro-Tech agree to use collaborative problem solving for bargaining prior to contract expiration (see Article 22) and for ongoing problem solving during the Agreement.
A. In order to facilitate communications between the College and the Pro-Tech, a Joint Labor Management (JLM) committee comprised of representatives from the Pro-Tech and the College will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly, to discuss topics and resolve issues and problems.
B. JLM will operate under written ground rules (see Appendix B-10) adopted by consensus. The ground rules require, among other things, that members be trained prior to participating in bargaining/monthly meetings.
C. Problems and concerns that cannot be resolved at the program/department level may be referred to JLM by an employee, the Pro-Tech, a supervisor/manager, or the College. JLM will decide if it is the appropriate forum for the issue.
D. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent the employee or the Pro-Tech from processing a grievance, or to prevent either party from making a negotiations proposal. If a grievance is sent to JLM the grievance timelines are held in abeyance until a solution or recommendation is made by JLM, or until the Pro-Tech or the College requests that it be returned to the grievance process. JLM will attempt to resolve problems and concerns prior to referring them to the grievance or negotiations process.
E. JLM will be responsible for directing and overseeing the work of sub-committees it may choose to create.
F. The parties agree the contract should provide flexibility for experimentation and innovation. To facilitate contract flexibility the Pro-Tech President and the College’s Senior Human Resources Manager may agree in writing to contract deviations. Such Agreements will be reported to the JLM for their information at the next regularly scheduled meeting.