LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Section 1. In the interest of effective communications, either party may at any time request a Labor-Management Conference. Such request shall be made in writing and be presented to the other party fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the requested meeting date. The written request shall include an agenda of items the party wishes to discuss and the names of those representatives who will be attending. A Labor-Management Conference shall be scheduled within ten (10) days of the date requested, but no more frequently than quarterly, unless both parties agree to meet more frequently. Additionally, this process may be expedited upon mutual agreement of the parties. The parties are not obligated to discuss any issue not listed upon the exchanged agendas. Nothing herein shall preclude the parties from meeting on an informal basis as deemed appropriate. Section 2. The purpose of such conference shall be limited to: A. notifying the Union of changes made by the Employer which affect bargaining unit employees; B. disseminating general information of interest to the parties; C. giving the Union representative the opportunity to share the views of their members and/or make suggestions on subjects of interest to their members; D. considering and discussing health and safety matters relating to employees; E. discussing substantial changes in job duties and responsibilities. Section 3. There shall be no more than two (2) employee Union representatives per bargaining unit in attendance at the Labor-Management Conference. There shall be no more than four (4) management employee representatives at the conference.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. In the interest of sound Labor Management relations, the University and the Union will meet for a Labor Management Conference at the request of either party to discuss matters of mutual concern. Agenda items will be submitted by either party to the other at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of such Labor Management Conference. Only those items submitted timely and put on the agenda will be addressed at the Labor Management Conference unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. A reasonable meeting place shall be designated by University Human Resources.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. SECTION 16.1 In the interest of effective communications, either party may request a Labor-Management Conference. Such request shall be made in writing and be presented to the other party not less than five (5) calendar days in advance of the requested meeting date. The written request shall include an agenda of items the party wishes to discuss and the names of those representatives who will be attending. A Labor-Management Conference shall be scheduled within a reasonable time period upon a mutual acceptable date. SECTION 16.2 The purpose of such meeting shall be limited to: A. Discuss the administration of this agreement. B. Notify the Organization of changes made by the Employer which affect the Bargaining Unit personnel. C. Discuss grievances which have not been processed beyond the final step, when such discussions are mutually agreed to by the parties. D. Disseminate general information of interest to the parties. E. Give the Organization’s representative the opportunity to share the views of their members and/or make suggestions on subjects of interest. F. Discuss ways to increase productivity and improve efficiency. G. Consider and discuss health and safety matters relating to employees. SECTION 16.3 There shall be no more than four (4) employee representatives for each party in attendance at the Labor-Management Conference.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. The Union and the Employer mutually agree that in the interest of efficient management and harmonious employee relations, it is desirable that meetings be held between Union representatives and Employer representatives. Such meetings may be requested at least five (5) days in advance by either party by placing in writing a request to the other for a “labor-management conference” and expressly providing the agenda for such meetings. Such meetings and locations shall be mutually agreed to before being held, and the purpose of any such meeting shall include but not be limited to: a) Discussing the implementation and general administration of this Agreement. b) Sharing general information of interest to the parties.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Section 21.1: In the interest of effective communications either party may, at any time, request a Labor-Management Conference. Such request shall be made in writing and be presented to the other party five (5) calendar days in advance of the requested meeting date. The written request shall include an agenda of items the party wishes to discuss and the names of those representatives who will be attending. A Labor-Management Conference shall be scheduled within ten (10) days of the date requested. Section 21.2: The purpose of such meeting shall be limited to: A. Discuss the administration of the Agreement; B. Notify the Union of changes made by the Employer which affect Bargaining Unit employees; C. Discuss grievances which have not been processed beyond the final step of the Grievance Procedure when such discussions are mutually agreed to by the parties; D. Disseminate general information of interest to the parties; E. Give the Union Representative the opportunity to share the view of their members and/or make suggestions on subjects of interest to their members; F. Discuss ways to increase productivity and improve efficiency; G. Consider and discuss health and safety matters relating to employees. Section 21.3: There shall be no more than four (4) employee Representatives for each party in attendance at the Labor-Management Conference. Section 21.4: Both the City and the Union agree to abide by all agreements reached and stated in Letters of Understanding resulting from Labor/Management Conferences. A Letter of Understanding is defined as an instrument through which both parties mutually agree to the interpretation of an existing Article in the current contract. It cannot be used to make additions or deletions to the existing Agreement. Modifications to the Contract must be made through amendment. Section 21.5: All Side Letters of Understanding or Letters of Agreement entered into by the Union and the City prior to the beginning date of this Agreement shall be non-binding and nullified unless incorporated into the Articles of this Contract.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. The Union and the Employer mutually agree that in the interest of harmonious employee relations, it is desirable that meetings be held between representatives of the Union and representatives of management; such meetings to be referred to as “Labor-Management Conferences.” Matters of mutual concern, including conditions tending to cause misunderstandings, may be considered. However, such meetings shall be exclusive of the Grievance Procedures provided in Article X, and formal grievances shall not be considered at such meetings. Either the Union or the Employer may request a Labor- Management Conference which will occur at a mutually agreed upon time after said request. Any such Labor-Management Conference will be scheduled by the Campus Labor Relations Section and the union. A Labor Relations Specialist will be present at any such scheduled conference. The party requesting a Labor-Management Conference shall provide the other party with an agenda of the issues to be discussed prior to the scheduled conference. The number of employee participants in the conference will be mutually agreed in advance. Attendance by employees at such conferences during the employee’s regular working hours shall be without loss of pay. Employees must receive advance approval to participate in and/or attend such conference. Such approval shall not be unreasonably denied.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Management and a maximum of two (2) UNION representatives will meet once every other month to discuss the operation of the Municipal Lighting Department. Special meetings may be called.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. The Labor Council and the Employer mutually agree that in the interest of efficient management and harmonious Employee relations, it is desirable that meetings be held between Labor Council representatives and responsible administrative representatives of the Employer. Such meetings may be requested at least seven (7) days in advance by either party by placing in writing a request to the other for a labor- management conference and expressly providing the agenda for such meeting. Such meetings shall be limited to: (a) Discussion of the implementation and general administration of this Agreement; (b) A sharing of general information of interest to the parties; (c) Notifying the Labor Council of changes in non-bargaining conditions of employment contemplated by the Employer, which may affect employees; (d) Discussion of pending grievances on a non-binding basis to attempt to adjust such grievances and to discuss procedures for avoiding further grievances;
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Section 15.1 In the interest of sound labor-management relations and effective communication, either party may, not more than four (4) times yearly unless otherwise mutually agreed, request a labor/management conference. Such request shall be made in writing and be presented to the other party five (5) calendar days in advance of the requested meeting date. The written request will include an agenda of items the party wishes to discuss and the names of those representatives who will be attending. Said conference shall be scheduled during regular business hours and shall be limited to two (2) hours. A labor/management conference shall be scheduled as soon as possible from the date requested.
LABOR-MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. Section 1. In the interest of effective communications, either party may at any time request a Labor-Management Conference. Such request shall be made in writing and be presented to the other party fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the requested meeting date. The written Section 2. The purpose of such conference shall be limited to: A. notifying the Union of changes made by the Employer which affect bargaining unit employees; X. disseminating general information of interest to the parties; C. giving the Union representative the opportunity to share the views of their members and/or make suggestions on subjects of interest to their members; D. considering and discussing health and safety matters relating to employees; X. discussing substantial changes in job duties and responsibilities. Section 3. There shall be no more than two (2) employee Union representatives per bargaining unit in attendance at the Labor-Management Conference. There shall be no more than four (4) management employee representatives at the conference.