Leave for Union President. A. On student instructional days, the Board will grant release time to the Union President each day, beginning at the end of the student day, at no cost to the Union.
B. The Board will grant a full year's leave with pay to the Union President or designee. The leave time shall count toward accruing seniority. He/She may participate in all group fringe benefit plans provided by the Board. The Union shall pay the Board monthly installments beginning August 15, for the total cost (i.e. salary and fringe benefits including the Board's contribution) associated with the Presidential leave. The President's leave shall be for the term of the office granted on an annual basis, renewable for a maximum of three years. At the conclusion of the leave, the President shall be returned to the teaching position held at the commencement of the leave or a substantially similar position. Request for leave must be made by May 1, for the succeeding school year.
Leave for Union President. 38.1 Any Faculty Member who declares an intention to offer for the position of President of the Union shall notify the College, in writing, as soon as possible after declaring the intention to seek the office of President.
38.2 Any Faculty Member elected as President of the Union shall be given a leave of absence by the College for the term the Faculty Member is to serve. Such leave shall not exceed four (4) years. The leave shall commence August 1, and the leave shall terminate on July 31 of the year in which the Presidential term(s) ends.
38.3 Notwithstanding clause 38.2, a leave of absence for a third (3rd) and subsequent consecutive term(s) shall require the approval of the College.
38.4 If successful, the Faculty Member shall notify the College, in writing, at least eight (8) weeks in advance of the date upon which the leave is to commence.
38.5 While on leave, the Faculty Member shall retain the rights and privileges of this Collective Agreement and the Faculty Member shall be deemed to be in the employ of the College.
38.6 Notwithstanding clause 38.5, the gross salary and benefits shall be determined by the Union, paid to the Union President by the College, and the amount of gross salary and benefits shall be reimbursed to the College by the Union on a monthly basis.
38.7 Upon completion of the Presidential term(s), a Faculty Member serving as President of the Union shall be reinstated on August 1 to the position held immediately prior to assuming the position of Union President or to a comparable position at the same campus. If the position held immediately prior to assuming the position of Union President no longer exists and a comparable, vacant position is not available at the same campus, the Faculty Member shall be subject to the provisions of Article 26: Position Reductions, Lay-off, and Reinstatement.
38.8 Notwithstanding clause 15.12 limiting the period for a temporary replacement for up tothirty-six
Leave for Union President. Provided the President of the Union is a member of the Bargaining Unit, the Employer agrees to provide the equivalent of one-half of a full-time position as leave with pay (salary and benefits only) from the date of ratification of this agreement. The intent of this undertaking is to improve communication with management and representation on joint- management initiatives such as, but not limited to Joint Consultation, Staff Development and Training, and the Joint Workload Dispute Committee
Leave for Union President. The Board shall continue to pay the President their salary and to provide benefits as specified elsewhere in this Agreement. The Union will reimburse the Board for all such salary and benefit costs upon receipt of a statement.
Leave for Union President. (1) The Union will advise the Board of the name of the upcoming Union President and the amount of release time required by July 1 of each year. The President will be granted one (1) day per week to conduct the business of the Union. Additional release time, as requested by the Union, will be granted provided a qualified replacement is available. Release time will be without pay. The mechanics of the release time will be agreed on an individual basis each year between the parties.
(2) The Board will continue to pay the President his/her salary and to provide benefits as specified in the agreement. The Union will reimburse the Board for all such salary and benefits costs upon receipt of a statement.
(3) For the purposes of pension, experience, and seniority, the President shall be deemed to be in the full employ of the Board. The President shall receive credit for normal sick leave accumulations. The President shall inform the Board of the number of days or partial days, if any, that he/she was absent from presidential duties due to illness. Such days or part days shall be deducted from the President's accumulated sick leave credits.
(4) In the event the President is unable to fulfill the presidential duties for a period of three or more days the Board, if requested by the Union, shall provide a substitute to permit another union member to assume the duties of the President provided a qualified replacement is available. Provisions of Article 15 – Leave for Union President (1), (2), (3)
(5) shall also apply.
Leave for Union President. 38.1 Any Employee who declares an intention to offer for the position of President of the Union shall notify the College, in writing, as soon as possible after declaring the intention to seek the office of President.
38.2 Any Employee elected as President of the Union shall be given a leave of absence by the College for the term the Employee is to serve. Such leave shall not exceed four (4) years. The leave shall commence August 1, and the leave shall terminate on July 31 of the year in which the Presidential term(s) ends.
38.3 Notwithstanding clause 38.2, a leave of absence for a third (3 consecutive term(s) shall require the approval of the College. rd ) and subsequent
38.4 If successful, the Employee shall notify the College, in writing, at least eight (8) weeks in advance of the date upon which the leave is to commence.
Leave for Union President. Notification of Intent
40.1 Any Employee who declares an intention to offer for the position of President of the Union shall notify the College, in writing, as soon as possible after declaring the intention to seek the office of President.
Leave for Union President. Upon written request submitted to the Fire Chief at least two weeks in advance, the Union President or his designee shall be granted leave without pay for any scheduled duty day(s) that are needed to attend the State and/or National convention of the IAFF, semi-annual meetings of the Northern District of the AFFI, and semi- annual meetings of the Eighth District of the IAFF. The time that the Union President or his designee is absent from regularly scheduled hours of work while on such unpaid leave will nevertheless be counted as hours worked for the sole purpose of determining eligibility for overtime pay as provided in Article VIII, Section 5, of this Agreement.
Leave for Union President. 1. a. The Union will advise the Board of the name of the upcoming Union President and the amount of release time required, by May 1 of each year. The Board will provide release time for the President as requested by the Union.
Leave for Union President. Leave of Absence
(a) Any Faculty Member elected as President of the Union shall be given a leave of absence by the College for the term the Faculty Member is to serve, if requested. Such leave shall not exceed four (4) years. The leave shall commence August 15, and the leave shall terminate on July 31 August 14 of the year in which the Presidential term(s) ends.
(b) Notwithstanding clause 38.2 (a), a leave of absence for a third (3rd) and subsequent consecutive term(s) shall require the approval of the College.