MAINTENANCE AND CURE. (a) When an Engineer Officer of a vessel is entitled to daily maintenance it shall be at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day. The Employer recognizes the contractual right of the Union to intercede in case of dispute. In the event of a Xxxxx Act judgment, the total amount paid by the Employer pursuant to this section shall be credited to mitigate any Xxxxx Act judgment.
(b) In addition and separate from Subsection (a) above, for up to ninety (90) days, the Employer shall pay a wage supplement of sixty dollars ($60.00) per day which shall cease on the ninetieth (90th) day. In the event of a Xxxxx Act judgment, the supplemental amount paid by the Employer shall be credited to mitigate any Xxxxx Act judgment against WSF.
(c) Transportation to a hospital shall be furnished by the Employer if the Engineer Officer becomes ill or is injured on duty. Furthermore, return transportation to the Engineer Officer’s vessel, temporary work site, or home shall be determined in consultation with the Engineer Officer and undertaken at the Employer’s expense.
(d) The Employer agrees to notify the Union of all injuries to Engineer Officers when such injuries occurred while on duty.
(e) The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to intercede on questions which may arise under the application of this Section.
(f) Wages and maintenance and cure shall not be withheld merely because an Engineer Officer claimant has also filed a claim for damages or has filed suit therefore, or has taken steps toward that end, regardless of the Employer’s arrangements with any insurance company.
(g) Crew personnel will be reimbursed for the loss of personal effects, equipment or instruments resulting from ship-wreck, stranding, sinking, burning, or collision of the vessel or from theft or unprovoked assault that occurs on the Employer's vessel during the course of their work, in an amount not to exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00). Where a claim is based upon theft, the Employer may require evidence that the loss was not due to the employee's own neglect. The employee must provide the Employer with an itemized list including replacement value.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. Section 1. When any member of the crew of the vessel is injured or becomes ill while in the service of the vessel and is entitled to daily maintenance it shall be at the rate of sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per day Crew members who become injured or ill while in the service of the vessel, and who are entitled to daily maintenance away from the vessel under the Federal Doctrine of Maintenance and Cure, will not be required to use sick leave prior to receiving unearned wages. Unearned wages cease at the end of a voyage. While not on a voyage, crew members who do not report to work must account for their time by using sick leave, any other accrued leave, or leave without pay. If a crew member becomes eligible for maintenance and cure in respect to any injury or illness that manifests itself during the period of time that the vessel is not on a voyage (for example, while the vessel is in port or in a shipyard), the crew member will be paid unearned wages to the end of the pay period or until the crew member is fit for duty, whichever occurs first.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. 25.01 A. When any member of the crew of a vessel is entitled to daily maintenance, it shall be paid at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per day. In addition to and separate from the thirty-five dollar ($35.00) daily maintenance rate, the Employer shall pay a wage supplement of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day. In the event of a Xxxxx Act judgment, the supplemental amount paid by WSF shall be applied to offset any Xxxxx Act judgment against WSF.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. A. In the event a bargaining unit member becomes ill or is injured while assigned to work as a xxxxxx in the service of the Employer's vessel in navigable waters, the bargaining unit member shall receive wages to the end of the work assignment. Accrued sick leave shall be charged during the period of time that the bargaining unit member is receiving unearned wages for a work related injury or illness.
B. When a bargaining unit member is entitled to the payment of maintenance under the doctrine of maintenance and cure, payment of maintenance shall begin at the end of the period for which unearned wages are payable. Maintenance shall be paid at the rate of forty-five dollars ($45.00) per day. If a bargaining unit member elects to utilize annual leave or sick leave for the same period in which maintenance is received, the combined rate for maintenance and annual or sick leave shall not exceed the bargaining unit member's regular daily pay.
C. A bargaining unit member shall submit all bills regarding a work-related injury or illness to: Pacific Claims, Inc. 0000 Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx. #0 Anchorage, AK 99503
D. No dispute regarding entitlements under the Xxxxx Act is susceptible to consideration through the complaint or grievance procedures contained in this Agreement.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. The Employer recognizes its obligation to provide Maintenance and Cure to the extent required by federal law. Maintenance shall be at the rate provided in Section 6.6, and Cure shall be provided as required and may be coordinated with Alaska worker’s compensation law and Section 14.1 of this Agreement. The Employer recognizes the contractual right of the Union to intercede in cases of dispute.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. The Ship Manager shall pay maintenance (at the rate established in the CBA/MOA with the seafarer’s union) and cure (hospital and medical expenses incurred by a U.S. civilian or military hospital or other organization for the care and treatment), but shall not make such payments until in receipt of a copy of a report in which the attending physician attests that the ill/injured seafarer is Not Fit For Duty (NFFD). NFFD reports are requested on a bi-weekly basis so that payment can be made retroactively to the dates the seafarer is NFFD. THE SHIP MANAGER SHALL CONTINUE THE PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE AND CURE UNTIL (1) THE SEAFARER IS FOUND FIT FOR DUTY BY THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN, (2) THE SEAFARER IS CERTIFIED BY THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN TO HAVE REACHED MAXIMUM MEDICAL IMPROVEMENT, OR (3) ADVISED OTHERWISE BY MARAD'S OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL OR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. For claims in litigation, the Ship Manager shall inform MAR-221 if maintenance and cure payments cease under (1) or (2), above.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. (a) When an Engineer Officer of a vessel is entitled to daily maintenance it shall be at the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day. The Employer recognizes the contractual right of the Union to intercede in case of dispute.
(b) Crew personnel will be reimbursed for the loss of personal effects, equipment or instruments resulting from ship-wreck, stranding, sinking, burning, or collision of the vessel or from theft or unprovoked assault that occurs on the Employer's vessel during the course of their work, in an amount not to exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00). Where a claim is based upon theft, the Employer may require evidence that the loss was not due to the employee's own neglect. The employee must provide the Employer with an itemized list including replacement value.
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. Section 1. When any member of the crew of the vessel is injured or becomes ill while in the service of the vessel and is entitled to daily maintenance it shall be at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per day plus wage substitution of twenty dollars ($20.00) per day. Crew members who become injured or ill while in the service of the vessel, and who are entitled to daily maintenance away from the vessel under the Federal Doctrine of Maintenance and Cure, will not be required to use sick leave prior to receiving unearned wages. Unearned wages cease at the end of a voyage. While not on a voyage, crew members who do not report to work must account for their time by using sick leave, any other accrued leave, or leave without pay. If a crew member becomes eligible for maintenance and cure in respect to any injury or illness that manifests itself during the period of time that the vessel is not on a voyage (for example, while the
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. 23 A. When any member of the crew of a vessel is entitled to daily maintenance, it shall 24 be paid at the rate of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per day. In addition to and separate from the 25 seventy-five ($75.00) dollar daily maintenance rate, the Employer shall pay a wage supplement of 26 fifty ($50.00) dollars per day. In the event of a Xxxxx Act judgment, the supplemental amount paid by 27 King County shall be applied to offset any Xxxxx Act judgment against the County.
28 B. Transportation to or from a medical facility shall be furnished by the Employer if 1 the employee becomes ill or is injured on duty.
2 C. The Employer agrees to notify the Union of all injuries to employees when such 3 injuries occurred while on duty.
4 D. The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to intercede on questions which 5 may arise under the application of this rule.
6 E. The Employer will maintain an employee’s health and welfare benefits for a period 7 of six (6) months after an employee is injured on duty.
8 F. The Employer may at its discretion elect to provide an injured employee with their 9 wages. In no event will the employee also be paid maintenance.
10 Section 20.2 Wages and maintenance and cure shall not be withheld merely because an 11 employee claimant has also filed a claim for damages or has filed suit therefore, or has taken steps
MAINTENANCE AND CURE. (a) When an Engineer Officer of a vessel is entitled to daily maintenance it shall be at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day. The Employer recognizes the contractual right of the Union to intercede in case of dispute. In the event of a Xxxxx Act judgment, the total amount paid by the Employer pursuant to this section shall be credited to mitigate any Xxxxx Act judgment.
(b) Crew personnel will be reimbursed for the loss of personal effects, equipment or instruments resulting from ship-wreck, stranding, sinking, burning, or collision of the vessel or from theft or unprovoked assault that occurs on the Employer's vessel during the course of their work, in an amount not to exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00). Where a claim is based upon theft, the Employer may require evidence that the loss was not due to the employee's own neglect. The employee must provide the Employer with an itemized list including replacement value.