Merit Steps Sample Clauses
Merit Steps. Employees who achieve “meets standard” in their overall annual performance ratings will be eligible for advancement to the next higher step of the range or longevity steps.
Merit Steps. Step increases approved by the City Council for employees not at the top of their pay range shall take effect on the pay anniversary date of each employee affected unless the department head and/or Mayor certifies that the employee's work performance or conduct does not justify granting such increase. In such cases, the employee shall be notified in writing to this effect by the Human Resources Office, and the employee shall have the right to appeal at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure. Anniversary date salary increases will be given to all eligible employees unless the employee's work performance or conduct report indicates otherwise
Merit Steps. All Employees not at the top step of their pay range will be eligible to receive a one-step merit increase on their anniversary date, said increase to be subject to the approval of the Department Head and Mayor's Office.
Merit Steps. (A) The merit anniversary date of a probationary employee appointed is the first day of the regular pay period following completion of the probationary period. In order to complete probation and achieve permanent status, a performance evaluation with an overall rating of “Acceptable” or better must be completed by the employee’s supervisor or designee.
(B) The merit anniversary date of a full time employee shall be advanced one pay period for each 10 days of leave without pay.
(C) Steps 2 through 13 in the pay schedule recognize merit. A merit increase of 1 step in the pay range is given to a permanent employee who receives an overall performance rating of “acceptable” or better. Such increase is due when the employee establishes a merit anniversary date in accordance with 11.2 (A) and on the employee’s merit anniversary date thereafter according to the following schedule:
(1) Steps 2 through 6: 1 year of service. One year of service is defined as 1,950 hours in pay status or twelve months of continuous service, whichever is greater.
(2) Steps 6 through 13: 2 years of service. Two years of service is defined as 3,900 hours in pay status or 24 months of continuous service, whichever is greater.
(D) The City Manager may grant an additional merit increase or advance the merit anniversary date by twelve months to an employee who receives an overall performance rating of “outstanding”, and where other exceptional circumstances exist.
(E) A merit increase shall be automatically granted to a permanent employee on the employee’s merit anniversary date unless the employee has been notified in writing that a merit increase has not been earned.
Merit Steps. A. Merit increases are earned after a merit anniversary date is established, and when a permanent employee meets the appropriate number of hours and months of continuous service, and achieves an overall performance evaluation of “Acceptable” or better. Merit anniversary dates shall not change once established.
B. A permanent employee is eligible for steps 2 through 6, after 12 months of continuous service.
C. A permanent employee is eligible for steps 7 through 13, after 24 months of continuous service
D. A merit increase shall be automatically awarded to a permanent employee on the employee’s merit anniversary date, unless the employee has been notified that management has performance concerns that may adversely affect the granting of an increase.
Merit Steps. The Pay Plan represents ranges dependent upon an individual's classification from which they are to be paid. The first step of each range is the minimum step from which an employee may be paid. The pay scale effective upon ratification of this Agreement to reflect the pay adjustments provided for in Section 1 of this Article 30 are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit 30A. Individuals not at their maximum will be reviewed once-a-year prior to their certified date for consideration of a merit step increase. In order to be eligible for a merit step increase, the individual must have been on-duty status during the period of evaluation. The evaluation may be deferred by a corresponding amount of time the individual is on no-duty or light duty status. Police officers who receive a favorable review are awarded a merit step increase to the next step. Those individuals serving a nine (9) month probationary period will be considered for a merit step at the end of their nine (9) month probationary period, unless extended for the corresponding time period that such individuals are on no-duty or light-duty status. If an employee, after he is reviewed, is denied the merit step, said employee will receive a written statement from the Department Head stating why the merit step has been denied.
Merit Steps. The merit provisions that apply in relation to merit steps on the qualified trade pay structure are set out in Appendix 3 Merit Progression.
Merit Steps. Pursuant to Personnel Policies Rules and Regulations, the City shall maintain a merit step compensation plan wherein each salary range consists of a minimum step, maximum step and three intervening steps. The increase from one step to the next step in each range shall be five percent (5%). Merit step increases shall not be automatic but shall be granted upon an overall satisfactory performance rating as reflected in an annual performance evaluation.
Merit Steps member who has been paid at step 13 for a minimum of 12 months may apply to be appointed to merit step 1. In addition, management will regularly give active consideration to suitable employees for the merit step. The merit steps recognise performance and/or responsibility that are additional to or exceed the core requirements of the position. The manager for the Community Support Team may, at his or her discretion, approve an application for merit pay provided that the employee has demonstrated sustained competence at a senior level and after considering one or more of the following: The size and/or complexity of caseload Mentoring other team members Resource / subject matter expert for team or organisation Coordination of specialist contracts The contribution to developing and /or delivering training The contribution to research and/or policy development Participation in quality improvement initiatives Relief manager duties/responsibilities This is not an exhaustive list and the manager will give active consideration to these and any other relevant matters. All appointments also require the approval of the General Manager or Chief Executive. Applications for merit step 2 may be submitted following 12 months remuneration at merit step 1. Similar criteria will apply. A tangible decline in performance and/or responsibility may lead to a suspension of merit payments where such action is substantively and procedurally justified. Note: An employee may request that a decision not to appoint to the merit step be reviewed.
Merit Steps. Effective on approval of this MOU, pursuant to Personnel Policies Rules and Regulations, the City shall establish a merit step compensation plan wherein each salary range consists of a minimum step, maximum step and three intervening steps. The increase from one step to the next step in each range shall be five percent (5%). Merit step increases shall not be automatic, but shall be granted upon an overall satisfactory performance rating as reflected in an annual performance evaluation. To implement this section, a new salary schedule will be established upon adoption of the MOU that incorporates the base salary increase provided in Section 7.A.1 and 2 above (new base). If an employee’s new base is between two steps on the new salary schedule, the employee shall have an initial placement at the next step above their new base within their salary range. The salary adjustments to implement the initial placement shall be effective January 1, 2016. The parties recognize that in order to make this transition, base salary adjustments will vary among employees.