Minimum Entitlement Sample Clauses
Minimum Entitlement. An employee who works for the employer for a period of more than six months, or who has service recognised for the purposes of sick leave which exceeds 6 months, shall be entitled to 5 days sick leave on full pay on account of sickness or injury, in each ensuing period of 12 months. Unused sick leave under this provision may be accumulated and used at a later date but the next year’s entitlement cannot be anticipated.
Minimum Entitlement. A teacher who works for the employer for a period of more than six months, or who has service recognised for the purposes of sick leave (as defined in clause 4.2) which exceeds 6 months, shall be entitled to 5 days sick leave on pay on account of sickness or injury, in each ensuing period of 12 months. Unused sick leave under this provision may be accumulated and used at a later date but the next year's entitlement cannot be anticipated.
Minimum Entitlement. The provisions of this clause are the minimum entitlements of employees in the event of redundancy. The union specifically reserves the right to make additional claims in respect of terminations and redundancies.
Minimum Entitlement. An employee, other than a casual employee, is entitled to sick leave. This entitlement can be summarised as follows:
(a) for each year of service, an employee is entitled to 12 days paid sick leave accrued progressively throughout the year of service (pro-rata for part time employees);
(b) unused sick leave accumulates from year to year;
Minimum Entitlement. ProQuest shall supply at no cost to all of the present ASFA Partners (and future ASFA Partners from the moment that the ASFA Advisory Board accepts them as a full Partner) contributing indexed records within a commercially reasonable time period (see 4.7c), the following minimum entitlement which shall not be for resale:
a) one (1) full subscription to each of the 3 printed ASFA journals (as listed in Exhibit A) for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.5 for terms and conditions of use;
b) one (1) copy of the standalone ASFA CD/DVD-ROM, and all updates and upgrades thereto, for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.6 for terms and conditions of use;
c) one (1) copy of the updates and upgrades to the ASFA database in magnetic tape (or equivalent machine readable format) format to those Partners set forth in Exhibit D. See paragraph 5.3 for terms and conditions of use; and
d) one (1) ASFA online subscription (currently via the ProQuest platform; for multiple simultaneous access by the Partner organization/institution at a single geographic location. This internet subscription will include access to Oceanic Abstracts and Deep Indexing: Aquatic Sciences. ProQuest Deep Indexing: Aquatic Sciences supplements ASFA with access to over a million indexed charts, figures, graphs, maps, photographs, and tables from scholarly research and technical literature. Deep Indexing will continue through the end of 2015 after which point no further Deep Indexing will be added.
Minimum Entitlement. Except as provided for in 4.3.12, an employee who works for the employer for the period of more than six months shall be entitled to five days' paid sick leave in each ensuing 12 month period on account of illness or injury of the employee. Additional Entitlement Except as provided for in 4.3.12, in addition to the minimum entitlement specified in 4.3.2, the following sick leave shall be granted: PERIOD OF SERVICE ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR EACH PERIOD 1 day up to 1 year 10 Over 1 year up to 5 years 14 Over 5 years up to 10 years 20 Over 10 years up to 20 years 15 Over 20 years up to 30 years 20 Over 30 years 27 In exceptional circumstances the employer may grant sick leave with pay in anticipation of future entitlements under 4.3.3.a. provided that no extension may be granted beyond 106 days. Where the employee has anticipated sick leave, the necessary adjustment will be made to the employee's final pay should the employee's employment be terminated before the next sick leave entitlement falls due, unless the employer determines otherwise. Any sick leave entitlement granted under 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, which is not used can be accumulated for subsequent use up to a maximum of 180 days, except that employees with an accumulated sick leave entitlement in excess of 180 days as at 17 February 1995 shall retain that entitlement. Any sick leave entitlement shall be debited on the basis of working days of absence. Part time teachers will have sick leave debited only for days normally worked. Discontinuous service with the same employer may be recognised for sick leave purposes. When sick leave of five days or more is taken, a medical certificate from a registered medical or dental practitioner must be produced at the employee's expense if the employer so requires. Where it is considered warranted, the employer may require an employee to produce a medical certificate or other evidence satisfactory to the employer when less than five days' sick leave is taken. Disregarded Sick Leave Xxxx leave not exceeding an overall aggregate of two years may be granted by the employer in circumstances where an illness can be traced directly to the conditions or circumstances under which the employee is working, or where an injury suffered by the employee in the discharge of duties occurred through no fault of the employee, and where payment has not been made by the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Corporation. Leave granted under this sub clause will not be debited from th...
Minimum Entitlement. Except as provided for in 4.3.12, an employee who works for the employer for the period of more than six months shall be entitled to five days' paid sick leave in each ensuing 12 month period on account of illness or injury of the employee. Additional Entitlement Except as provided for in 4.3.12, in addition to the minimum entitlement specified in 4.3.2, the following sick leave shall be granted: PERIOD OF SERVICE ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR EACH PERIOD 1 day up to 1 year 10 Over 1 year up to 5 years 14 Over 5 years up to 10 years 20 Over 10 years up to 20 years 15 Over 20 years up to 30 years 20 Over 30 years 27
Minimum Entitlement. ProQuest shall supply at no cost to all of the present ASFA Partners (and future ASFA Partners from the moment that the ASFA Advisory Board accepts them as a full Partner) contributing indexed records within a commercially reasonable time period (see 4.7c), the following minimum entitlement which shall not be for resale:
a) one (1) full subscription to each of the 3 printed ASFA journals (as listed in Exhibit A) for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.5 for terms and conditions of use;
b) one (1) copy of the stand alone ASFA CD/DVD-ROM, and all updates and upgrades thereto, for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.6 for terms and conditions of use;
c) one (1) copy of the updates and upgrades to the ASFA database in magnetic tape (or equivalent machine readable format) format to those Partners set forth in Exhibit E. See paragraph 5.3 for terms and conditions of use; and
d) one ASFA online subscription (currently via the ProQuest platform; for multiple simultaneous access by the Partner organization/institution. This internet subscription will continue to include access to Oceanic Abstracts, Natural Sciences Web Resources, and Recent References Related to your Search)*.See paragraph 5.7 for terms and conditions of use. * In addition, the internet subscription may also include access to both CSA Illustrata – Natural Sciences (CINS) and Water Resources Abstracts (WRA) according to the following circumstances listed below. • ProQuest will provide (on request by and in consultation with FAO) complimentary access to both CSA Illustrata - Natural Sciences (CINS) and Water Resources Abstracts (WRA) for ASFA Partners from countries designated as Least Developed or LIFDC according under UN listings (xxxx:// or any other institute from countries designated as Least Developed or LIFDC. • ProQuest will provide a significant discount (75%) or even complimentary access to both CINS and WRA for ASFA Partners from developing countries (on request by and in consultation with FAO) . • ProQuest will offer a discount to either database for Partners from developed countries (e.g. 25% discount). • ProQuest will offer a greater discount, or even complimentary access, to any Partner contributing significantly to the production of either the CINS or WRA database.
Minimum Entitlement. CSA shall supply at no cost to all of the present ASFA Partners (and future ASFA Partners from the moment that the ASFA Advisory Board accepts them as a full Partner) contributing up to 250 records per year within a commercially reasonable time period after each ASFA Product becomes generally available, the following minimum entitlement which shall not be for resale:
a) one (1) full subscription to each of the 5 printed ASFA journals (as listed in Exhibit A) for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.5 for terms and conditions of use;
b) one (1) copy of the stand alone ASFA CD-ROM, and all updates and upgrades thereto, for as long as the Partner is a member of ASFA and contributes input. See paragraph 5.6 for terms and conditions of use;
c) one (1) copy of the updates and upgrades to the ASFA database in magnetic tape format to those Partners set forth in Exhibit E. See paragraph 5.3 for terms and conditions of use; and
d) one ASFA Internet Database Service subscription for multiple simultaneous access by the Partner organization/institution. See paragraph 5.7 for terms and conditions of use.
Minimum Entitlement. An employee who works for the employer for a period of more than six months, or who has service recognised for the purposes of sick leave (as defined in clauses 4.2.1 and 4.