Non-Exempt Employee Sample Clauses
Non-Exempt Employee. A non-exempt employee is one who is eligible for overtime compensation in accordance with 15.§2 of this Agreement.
Non-Exempt Employee. An employee of the District that is subject to the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Non-Exempt Employee. An employee designated by the County to be covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, or an otherwise exempt employee treated as if covered for the administrative convenience of the County. The assignment of employees who are required to be available (e.g. by phone or pager) during non-working hours.
Non-Exempt Employee. An employee designated by the County to be covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. PAID STATUS: Whenever an employee is at work, absent on a paid holiday, absent on leave with pay, or absent on authorized compensatory time off.
Non-Exempt Employee. An employee who has assigned duties and responsibilities which do not meet the FLSA exemption guidelines and is paid from the LRCEA Classified Salary Schedule.
Non-Exempt Employee. Overtime Compensation Rate Non-exempt employees working authorized overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's straight-time rate. Straight-time rate is the hourly rate per the LRCEA Salary Schedule, considering the employee's step and range placement.
Non-Exempt Employee. An employee who is normally scheduled to work a minimum of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) consecutive-day period. A non-exempt employee is eligible for overtime or compensatory time for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours.
Non-Exempt Employee. A non-exempt employee is one who is required to be paid on an hourly basis for all hours worked. Non-exempt employees will be paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) of the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond forty (40) in a workweek, in accordance with federal/state wage and hour laws.
Non-Exempt Employee. A non-exempt employee is an employee who, because of the type of duties performed, the usual level of decision making authority, and the method of compensation, is subject to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Nonexempt employees are generally required to account for all hours worked and must be compensated at not less than time-and-one half at the regular rate for all hours worked over 40 in one FLSA workweek. Scheduling of a 9/80 Work Schedule including the selection of the work days, work times, and the FDO, shall be done by management based on business needs, subject to the requirements of the applicable M.O.U. and/or sideletter governing the 9/80 Work Schedule. The City and the Union agree that under certain circumstances, alternative work schedules (9/80, 4/10, and/or modified starting or ending times) may be beneficial to both employees and the City. Employees may request , upon their own initiative, consideration of an alternate schedule and/or FDO based on childcare, alternative commute, school, or other personal issues through the FlexWork Policy or Childcare Personnel Policies. CITY OF SANTA XXXXXXX ADMINISTRATIVE Policy No. TBA POLICIES: 9/80 WORK SCHEDULE POLICY Issued by: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Human Resources Manager Adopted: 5/8/2007 Updated
1. Changing the Flex Day Off Once the FDO is designated, working on the FDO may incur overtime in one or more FLSA workweeks, therefore working on the FDO or making changes to the FDO requires management approval. Temporary changes to the FLSA workweek and/or the FDO to avoid overtime are not permitted.
2. Working on the 8 Hour Day Once the 9/80 schedule begins, working an alternate schedule on the 8 hour work day may incur overtime liability* in one or more FLSA workweeks. Therefore, altering an employee’s schedule on the 8 hour day requires management approval. (*e.g., if an employee scheduled to work from 8-5 comes in 7-4 instead, one work week will incur 1 hour of overtime, and the employee will be short an hour in the next work week and need to use leave balances.)