Other Leaves With Pay. 1. Leave with pay is provided for teachers who visit other schools or attend educational conferences, with approval of the Administration.
2. Leave with pay is provided when a teacher is required to submit to a selective service physical examination.
Other Leaves With Pay. Military Leave: Any employee who is a member of the organized National Guard of the State of Montana or who is a member of the organized or unorganized reserve corps or forces of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard, shall be given leave of absence, not to exceed fifteen (15) paid working days, after six (6) months of employment, for attending regular encampments, training cruises, and similar training programs, under military orders properly issued by military authorities.
Other Leaves With Pay. (a) In the event of a death of an employee’s spouse, child, step-child, xxxx, brother, sister, step-parent, or parent, leave will be granted without loss of pay or service credit for up to five (5) working days within an eight (8) consecutive calendar day period beginning with the date of death. One (1) of the five (5) days may be used after the eight (8) calendar days from the date of death if it is used within six (6) months from the date of death for the purpose of attending a funeral or interment.
(b) In the event of a death of an employee’s mother-in-law, father-in-law, fiancé/fiancee, grandparents or grandchild, leave will be granted without loss of pay or service credit for three (3) working days within an eight (8) consecutive calendar day period beginning with the date of death. One (1) of the three (3) days may be used after the eight (8) calendar days from the date of death if it is used within six (6) months from the date of death for the purpose of attending a funeral or interment.
(c) At the discretion of the Human Resources Officer or designate one (1) day will be granted for the purpose of attending a funeral.
i) A male teacher shall be granted up to a maximum of four (4) days effective September 1, 2008 for needs directly related to the birth of his child without loss of pay or service credit.
ii) For adoption leave the employee shall have the option of Plan A or Plan B.
a) Plan A
Other Leaves With Pay. Bereavement leave of up to five (5) days shall be granted without loss of pay, but as a deduction from sick leave credit, to a long term occasional teacher in the event of the death of a parent, spouse, child, sister or brother.
Other Leaves With Pay. Any necessary leave may be allowed by the District to permit an employee to serve as a member of a jury or to exercise other civil duties. Employees are required to return to work during all working hours when released from jury duty.
Other Leaves With Pay. Section 1. Jury or Witness Duty: Employees subpoenaed as witnesses or called for jury duty during times they are scheduled to work shall receive their regular wages less any jury or witness fee.
Other Leaves With Pay. The Deputy Chief Administrative Judge (Courts Outside New York City) or his/her designee may grant leaves with pay for reasons not itemized in this section.
Other Leaves With Pay. Any necessary leave may be allowed by the District to permit an employee to serve as a member of a jury or to exercise other civil duties. Compensation received by the employee for jury service or other such duties will be deducted from the employee’s normal salary for the same period so that the income from both sources does not exceed the employee’s normal salary. The employee has the option of endorsing pay received from jury or related service to the District and collecting full salary from the District.
Other Leaves With Pay. Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted to a Librarian for good cause. Librarians who wish a leave of absence with pay shall submit a timely request for such leave with sufficient specific information to allow the University to make a decision.
Other Leaves With Pay. The following reasons shall be grounds for granting teachers leave without the loss of pay and not charged against accumulated Illness and Disability Leave or Personal Business Leave and shall be subject to the limitations stated:
a. Jury Service - Absence when a teacher is called for jury service. The school will be paid any jury fees.