Overtime Compensation 1. Except as provided in this section, Grantee will be responsible for any obligations of premium overtime pay due employees. Premium overtime pay is defined as any compensation paid to an individual in addition to the employee’s normal rate of pay for hours worked in excess of normal working hours. 2. Funds provided under this Contract may be used to pay the premium portion of overtime only under the following conditions: i. With the prior written approval of System Agency; ii. Temporarily, in the case of an emergency or an occasional operational bottleneck; iii. When employees are performing indirect functions, such as administration, maintenance, or accounting; iv. In performance of tests, laboratory procedures, or similar operations that are continuous in nature and cannot reasonably be interrupted or otherwise completed; or v. When lower overall cost to System Agency will result.
Compensation for Overtime Assigned overtime is designated as those hours over the regular hours of work which are requested of the employee by management. Assigned overtime worked shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2).
HOLIDAY COMPENSATION FOR TIME WORKED Employees required by their respective appointing officers to work on any of the above specified or substitute holidays, excepting Fridays observed as holidays in lieu of holidays falling on Saturday, shall be paid extra compensation of one additional day's pay at time- and-one-half the usual rate in the amount of 12 hours pay for 8 hours worked or a proportionate amount for less than 8 hours worked provided, however, that at the employee's request and with the approval of the appointing officer, an employee may be granted compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime as provided for elsewhere in this contract. 127. Executive, administrative and professional employees designated in the Annual Salary Ordinance with the "Z" symbol shall not receive extra compensation for holiday work but may be granted time off equivalent to the time worked at the rate of-one-and-one-half times for work on the holiday.
Overtime Meal Allowance Employees required to work more than two (2) hours overtime consecutive with a shift shall be provided with a meal by the Employer.
Extra Compensation The Board shall pay no fees, other than described above, to the PA/E unless authorized by the Board as follows: A. If the scope of the Project or site is changed, the Board and the PA/E shall negotiate a reasonable fee based upon the probable estimated construction cost in changing the scope of the work and the approximate percentage of the estimated construction cost which was used to negotiate this Agreement if, and, as such may be applicable. B. If the DOE or Board requires the PA/E to make major or costly changes to the Schematic, Preliminary or Construction Document Phase submittals, which changes are not caused by architectural or engineering error or oversight, the PA/E shall be paid to redesign for additional expenses in an amount agreed to by the parties. Under no circumstances will the principals of the PA/E and the principals of his consultants be paid a fee in excess of $125 per hour.
Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.
Annual Compensation The Executive's "Annual Compensation" for purposes of this Agreement shall be deemed to mean the highest level of base salary paid to the Executive by the Employers or any subsidiary thereof during any of the three calendar years ending during the calendar year in which the Date of Termination occurs.
Overtime Pay Overtime pay shall be paid to the employee on the next paycheque after the expiration of the pay period in which the overtime was earned except as provided in Article 16.6 (Compensating Time Off) below.
Total Compensation Contractor shall include Total Compensation in XXX for each of its five most highly compensated Executives for the preceding fiscal year if: 4.1. The total Federal funding authorized to date under the Award is $25,000 or more; and 4.2. In the preceding fiscal year, Contractor received:
Employee Compensation The wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees who will be employed for the benefit of the Project, and to others who perform special services for the benefit of the Project, to the extent not otherwise paid through a Cash Management System, shall be paid by Owner from a Project Account pursuant to this Section 9.2. (a) All wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees of the Project, including, but not be limited to, unemployment insurance, social security, worker's compensation, employee benefit packages and other charges imposed by a governmental authority or provided for in a union agreement, shall (a) as to employees of Manager or any Subcontractor, be reimbursed by Owner to Manager (or directly to the applicable Subcontractor, if requested by Manager) without profit or mark-up, and (b) as to employees of Owner, be paid directly by Owner. Xxnager shall coordinate all disbursements and deposits for all compensation and other amounts payable with respect to persons employed in connection with the operation of the Project from an appropriate Project Account. Manager shall maintain complete payroll records for all employees. (b) In addition to the employment of employees set forth on Schedule 3, Manager may, in its discretion, from time to time employ personnel of its general operations to perform direct special services for the benefit of the Project; provided, however, that Manager shall obtain the prior approval of Owner for the employment of such special personnel, except in emergency situations or when timing requirements do not allow for such prior approval. Owner shall reimburse Manager for such direct services rendered by special personnel in an amount commensurate with normal and customary charges for such services by similarly qualified persons. Persons whose compensation may not be charged to Owner for services rendered to the Project includes the general asset management personnel of Manager who are not on-site of the Project.