Payment; Charges Sample Clauses
Payment; Charges. 13.4.1. The Client is obliged to pay charges and fees that are strictly imposed and stated in the Company’s official website. Failure to comply in settling the fees can lead to relevant con- sequences and restrictions; lawful actions are also to be expected for a bigger debacle. Every Clients’ remaining balances and charges are updated daily on the website, and personal notifi- cations are also delivered. If adjustments are made to the charges and fees, the Company will immediately inform the Clients prior to the advent of the changes. Repercussions are under the Client’s liability, but if a problem persisted within the Company’s system, contact the Company’s authorized representatives immediately.
13.4.2. The Company is not liable for any tax and other legal responsibility involving any of the Client’s activities; it is the Client’s sole responsibility to fulfill lawful duties.
13.4.3. Transactions and their currency, which may change from time to time, are under the Company’s control.
13.4.4. Commission fees are also on the liability of the Client; the Company benefits from com- missions and remuneration in respect of any transaction and contract that are carried out on the Client’s behalf.
Payment; Charges a) You agree to pay Ziply Fiber for (i) all use of the Services, (ii) Ziply Equipment, (iii) all applicable local, state and federal fees, assessments, charges and taxes, and (iv) any other charges set forth in the Price List or Tariff. Charges for the Services are set forth in the applicable Price List and Tariff. You will be billed monthly in advance for recurring monthly charges. Other charges will be billed in the next practicable monthly billing cycle following use, or as otherwise specified in the applicable Price List or Tariff. Ziply Fiber may change both the fees and type of charges for your Services.
b) Charges for a standard installation of Services and related Ziply Equipment are described in the Price List or Tariff. Nonstandard installations, if available, may result in additional charges as described in the applicable Price List or Tariff. In addition, unless otherwise covered in a service protection plan purchased by you, you agree to pay charges for repair service calls resulting from issues with your inside wire on the customer side of the network interface device, your misuse of Ziply Equipment, or for issues caused by Customer Equipment or other equipment not supplied by Ziply.
c) You will be responsible for all expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) incurred by Ziply Fiber in collecting any amounts due under the Agreement and not paid by you.
d) All charges are payable on the due date specified. You agree that late charges may be assessed, subject to applicable law, on amounts that are past due. The current late fees are included in the Price List or Tariff and will not exceed the maximum late fees under applicable law. Ziply Fiber reserves the right to change the late fees.
e) You agree that if your Service account with Ziply Fiber is past due, Ziply Fiber may terminate any of your Services or accounts, including Telephone Service, in accordance with applicable law. If you have a credit due to you or a deposit is being held on any account with Ziply Fiber, you agree that the deposit or credit may be used to offset amounts past due on any account you may have with Ziply Fiber without notice to you. To reconnect any terminated Services, you may be required, in addition to payment of all outstanding balances, to pay reconnect charges or trip charges (where applicable) and/or security deposits before reconnection.
f) Ziply Fiber may verify your credit standing with credit reporting agencies and require a deposit based o...
Payment; Charges. (a) You agree to pay Wave for (i) all use of the Services, (ii) installation and applicable service charges, (iii) Wave Equipment, and (iv) all applicable local, state and federal fees, assessments, charges and taxes. Charges for the Services are set forth on the applicable Price List(s) that you have received or have access to. You will be billed monthly in advance for recurring monthly charges. Other charges will be billed in the next practicable monthly billing cycle following use, or as otherwise specified in the applicable Price List(s). Wave may change both the fees and the types of charges (e.g., periodic, time-based, use-based) for your Services.
(b) Charges for installation of Services and related equipment available from Wave for a standard Services installation are as described in the applicable Price List(s). Non-standard installations, if available, may result in additional charges as described in the applicable Price List(s). In addition, unless otherwise covered in a service protection plan purchased by you, you agree to pay charges for repair service calls resulting from your misuse of Wave Equipment or for failures in equipment not supplied by Wave.
(c) If your Services account is past due and Wave sends a collector to your premises, a field collection fee may be charged. The current field collection fee is on the price list or can be provided on request. You will also be responsible for all other expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) incurred by Wave in collecting any amounts due under the Agreement and not paid by you.
(d) All charges are payable on the due date specified, or as otherwise indicated, on your xxxx. You agree that late charges may be assessed, subject to applicable law, on amounts that are past due. Your failure to deliver Payment by the due date is a breach of the Agreement. The current late fees are on the price list or can be provided upon request and, if applicable, will not exceed the maximum late fees as set forth by applicable law. Wave reserves the right to change the late fees.
(e) You agree that if your Services account with Wave is past due, Wave may terminate any of your Services or accounts, including Telephone Service, in accordance with applicable law. If you have a credit due to you or a deposit is being held on any account with Wave, you agree that the credit or deposit may be used to offset amounts past due on any other account you may have with Wave without notice to you. To reconnect ...
Payment; Charges. You permit us to reserve against your payment card (“Reserve”) or take a cash deposit (“Deposit”) at the time of rental a reasonable amount in addition to the estimated charges. We may use the Reserve or Deposit to pay all Charges, but will not use the Reserve or Deposit to pay for damage to the Vehicle for which you may be responsible unless you agree separately to allow it after the amount of damage is determined. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve or refund any excess Deposit after the completion of your rental. Your payment card issuer’s rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess and it may not be immediately released by your card issuer. You will pay us at or before conclusion of this rental or on demand all Charges, including: (a) time and mileage for the Rental Period, or a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with; (b) optional products and services you purchased including fees for additional drivers; (c) fuel and a refueling fee, if you return the Vehicle with less fuel than when rented (unless you purchase a prepaid fuel option); (d) government-imposed taxes, fees, and surcharges;
(e) all expenses we incur locating and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return it or if we repossess it under the terms of this Agreement; (f) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;
(g) a 2% per month late payment fee, or the maximum amount allowed by law, on all amounts past due; (h) $50, or the maximum amount permitted by law, if you pay us with a check returned unpaid;
(i) a reasonable fee to clean the Vehicle if returned substantially less clean than when rented or if the Vehicle contains evidence of smoking; (j) towing, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties, and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle; (k) a reasonable fee if you lose the keys or toll transponder to the Vehicle; (l) replacement cost of lost or damaged parts and supplies used in Optional Equipment; (m) a reasonable fee if a navigational system that you rented is lost, stolen or otherwise rendered unusable during the rental; and (n) a surcharge if you return the Vehicle to a location other than the location where you rented the Vehicle or if you return it after the date and time due (“Due-In Date”). If you return the Vehicle earlier or later than the Due-In Date, a diff...
Payment; Charges. (a) I agree to pay Wave Broadband for (i) all use of my Services (including, if Wave Broadband is the party billing me for ISP or OLP Service, for my subscription to my choice of ISP or OLP, as applicable), (ii) installation and applicable service charges, (iii) Wave Broadband Equipment, and
Payment; Charges. 11.1 Each delivery shall operate as a separate contract. Should the Buyers fail to pay the price of any delivery on the due date, the Sellers shall be entitled to suspend further deliveries until payment or to vary by notice in writing with immediate effect the terms, if any, as to credit specified on the order or in any other contract subsisting between the Sellers and the Buyers or any company associated with or subsidiary thereto in such manner as they may, in their absolute discretion, determine or to treat the contract as wrongfully repudiated by the Buyers without prejudice to the right to payment for any goods delivered and to damages for the Buyers' breach of contract.
11.2 Payment will be due 30 days from the invoice date.
Payment; Charges. (a) All payments will be made to PON in advance of shipment of Products.
(b) Customer shall pay PON (i) a one-time up-front Product preparation fee, (ii) a monthly fee for the PON Service ordered by Customer, (iii) a fee for installation and any repair or maintenance services, and (iv) a shipping fee, if the Products are shipped directly to Customer. Any shipments requiring re-shipment for any reason will incur a fifteen percent (15%) re-shipping fee above and beyond all shipping charges. Customer acknowledges that PON or the Distributor or their authorized representatives have provided Customer with a separate price list showing PON’s fees and charges for the PON Service, the Products, and other services offered to Customer. All fees and charges for the PON Service, the Products, installation services, repair and maintenance service available with respect to the Products are as described in PON’s price list. PON may, from time to time, revise its price list upon written notice to Customer and all price changes shall be applicable to Customer upon such notice. Customer will be billed monthly in advance for recurring monthly charges. Other charges will be billed in the next practicable monthly billing cycle following use, or as otherwise specified in PON’s price list.
(c) Customer agrees to pay PON, or its authorized Distributors, its then-current prices for any installation, repair and/or maintenance service provided to Customer by PON or any of its authorized representatives.
(d) In the event that Customer requests PON to include Marketing Elements in the Content displayed on the Products, Customer shall pay PON a fee for preparing the Marketing Elements, as determined by PON (the ‘Marketing Elements Fee’). Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Marketing Elements Fee will vary depending upon the complexity and duration of the Marketing Elements, and shall be billed separately from the fees set forth in paragraph 4(a) above. Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of Marketing Element Fees, including but not limited to in the event that the request for refund is based upon poor reproduction quality that is the result of an inferior source provided by Customer.
(e) All charges are payable by Customer on the due date specified, or as otherwise indicated, on Customer’s invoice. To the extent that amounts due pursuant to this Agreement are not timely paid, interest shall accrue on such payments at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the highest lawful rate ...
Payment; Charges. 13.4.1. The Client is obliged to pay chargesand feesthatarestrictlyimposedand stated in the Company’sofficialwebsite. Failure to comply in settling thefeescan lead to relevantcon- sequencesand restrictions; lawfulactionsarealso to be expected for a biggerdebacle. Every Clients’ remainingbalancesand chargesareupdateddaily on thewebsite, and personalnotifi- cationsare alsodelivered. If adjustmentsaremade to thechargesand fees, the Companywill immediatelyinformthe Clientsprior to theadvent of thechanges. Repercussionsareunderthe Client’sliability, but if a problempersistedwithinthe Company’ssystem, contactthe Company’s authorizedrepresentativesimmediately.
13.4.2. The Company is not liable for any tax and otherlegalresponsibilityinvolvingany of the Client’sactivities; it is the Client’ssoleresponsibility to fulfill lawfulduties.
13.4.3. Transactionsand theircurrency, whichmay changefromtime to time, areunderthe Company’scontrol.
13.4.4. Commissionfeesare also on theliability of the Client; the Companybenefitsfromcom- missionsand remuneration in respect of any transactionand contractthat arecarried out on the Client’sbehalf.
Payment; Charges. 10.1 Payment of all amounts due in terms of this Agreement shall be made by the Client to Tracking World by way of a Debit or Stop Order on the Client's bank account, in the form and substance prescribed in schedule-1 of this Agreement, unless Tracking World and the Client agree to an alternative method of payment. The Client hereby authorizes Tracking World to do all such things and sign all such documents as may be necessary to give effect to the debit order.
10.2 The Service Charge is exclusive of the Applicable Taxes, which shall be invoiced along with the service Charges but under separated head/s.
10.3 All Invoices issued by Tracking World must be paid in full within the due date mentioned on the invoice. If the Payment is not received within the due date, late fee shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 2000/- per month.
10.4 Not-withstanding anything contained in clause 4.3 above, if payments, due to be made to Tracking World are not made within the stipulated time as advised by Tracking World to Client or within one month from the date of issuance of invoice, whichever is later, Tracking World is hereby authorized to;
10.4.1 Terminate this Agreement and discontinue the provision of any and all service to the Client; and/or.
10.4.2 Immobilize the vehicle, without any prior notice to the Customer, till the full and final payment is received
10.4.3 Invoice any additional service rendered e.g. Entry into no-go-area as without intention, false a lamia etc., at its own discretion, to the Client.
10.5 Tracking World shall not be responsible for any actions, claims, loss, damaged and/or detriment that is occasioned by the Client as a result of a action taken in accordance with clause 4.4 above.
Payment; Charges. The Supplier shall provide the Customer with Gross value invoices or electronic invoices containing the Customer’s specific requirements, including, but not limited to: