Personal Absence. Up to three (3) personal days shall be granted to each employee each school year for personal, family, religious or legal business, which requires the employee’s absence and cannot be conducted outside school hours. The employee shall not be required to specify the reason for personal days. The employee shall give the building principal at least two (2) calendar days advance notice that a personal day is needed, except in the case of an emergency. The maximum number of personal days which may be used on the same day is two (2) at Sandown Central, four (4) at Danville Elementary School, four (4) at Xxxxxxxx Academy, five (5) at Xxxxxxx Elementary School, three (3) at Sandown North Elementary School and seven (7) at the Middle School and eight (8) at the High School. Personal days may not be utilized on the contract day before or the contract day after a vacation, holiday or other leave, except in the case of an emergency. A personal day shall not be recreational in nature.
Personal Absence. WITHOUT PAY
Personal Absence. 7.13.1 A request for personal absence without pay for less than a semester shall be submitted to the appropriate site administrator.
Personal Absence. The purpose of personal absence is to provide protection for the teacher so that the employee not suffer income loss for personal affairs. Teachers should not accept a position with another employer knowing that the schedule of that employer is likely to conflict with the established work schedule of the district.
Personal Absence. All Association members are entitled to four (4) days with pay for personal business, which requires absence during working hours. The applicant need not be required to state the reason for taking such leave, other than it is being taken under this section. The applicant must submit and receive approval from the Superintendent three (3) days before taking such leave. Regulations in this paragraph may be waived in case of an emergency. Unused personal days will be transferred to the individual's sick leave at the end of each school year.
Personal Absence. Employees shall be granted two (2) personal days each school year for personal, family, religious or legal business, which requires the employee’s absence and cannot be conducted outside school hours. The employee shall give their Supervisor at least two (2) calendar days advance notice that a personal day is needed, except in the case of an emergency. A personal day shall not be recreational in nature.
Personal Absence. 133 If an employee is unable to report for duty on any scheduled work day, it is the employee's 134 obligation to inform the employee’s supervisor of such absence within 30 minutes prior to the 135 beginning of his/her scheduled shift via the facility department sick-line. Failure to appear for duty 136 without notifying the supervisor in such time shall be considered an unpaid absence for the time 137 not at work and subject to occurrence points under the attendance accounting procedure. If 138 employee fails to contact his/her supervisor or the Office of Human Resources within three (3) 139 work days, the absence may be considered "job abandonment” and may result in termination of 140 employment.
Personal Absence. All faculty absences, including short-term illnesses, shall be reported to the department chair. Absences other than for short-term illness require the approval of the chair. The faculty member and the department chair shall be responsible for making arrangements to cover or reschedule classes missed by absence.
Personal Absence a. In case of death in the family or immediate household of any regular employee, such employee shall be entitled to leave with full pay for not more than five days.
b. Up to five days in each school year may be allowed with pay for such absences, which in the opinion of the Superintendent of Schools are considered unavoidable and reasonable, including the observances of major religious holidays. One day, per year, of the five days allowed with pay may be used in the death of a close friend. One day, per year, of the five days allowed with pay may be considered as a private business day.
c. Up to ten additional days may be allowed for causes which, while not unavoidable, are deemed important and reasonable by both the employee and the Superintendent of Schools. These ten days may be made available to the employee with pay equal to the difference between the regular salary and the pay of the substitute. Such absences are to be exclusive of allowable sick leave.
d. If an employee uses the private business day during the month of June, then the employee shall receive pay equal to the regular salary minus the daily substitute rate.
e. Any pay loss for an individual on a per diem basis shall be figured at the rate of 1/187 times salary and if this absence is five or more days in length then in addition, loss of Board paid insurance cost will also be deducted for said period. The per-diem rate for 10 ½ month personnel shall be computed at a rate of 1/197 times salary. Personal or Private Absence Requests (Administrative Policy)* For Definition/Examples, see corresponding Administrative Section. Absence with Full Pay (Administrative Policy)* Absence with Pay Less Substitute (Administrative Policy)*
Personal Absence. Subd. 3 At the beginning of each school year, each teacher shall be credited with two (2) days, cumulative to three (3) five (5) to be used for the teacher’s personal absence. Part-time teachers shall accrue and be eligible for such benefits on a prorated basis.