POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The City shall provide a Post Employment Health Plan, which allows for the accumulation of funds for the future payment of medical expenses and premiums. The amount of dollars paid into the employee's PEHP account, by the City on behalf of the employee, shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per pay period for the duration of the contract. In addition, upon retirement or death a portion of the employee's sick leave balance shall be added (paid) into the employee's PEHP premium account. This amount shall be as specified under Article 29, Section 1. The PEHP will be considered by both parties as part of the total compensation for the computation of wages and benefits.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The City shall provide a Post Employment Health Plan which allows for the accumulation of funds for the future payment of medical expenses and premiums. The PEHP will be considered by both parties to be part of total compensation in the computation of wages and benefits.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). 13.1 Effective January 1, 2008, employees may be eligible for a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) contribution by the Employer of $200.00. Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of service shall have a $276.00 PEHP contribution paid by the Employer as indicated in the eligibility requirements below.
13.2 Eligibility and implementation:
a) For initial contribution, employees must have been employed for a minimum of one (1) calendar year.
b) Employees must be a member of the bargaining unit for a minimum of one (1) calendar year.
c) City contributions will be made by April 1 of the following year.
d) Employees must be on the payroll as of the date of contribution.
e) If an employee takes a leave of absence to serve as a full-time union official, time served in such capacity, up to six (6) years, will be counted toward the years of service requirement.
f) Qualifying years of service for the twenty (20) year rate must have been attained by January 1 of the previous plan year.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The City will participate in the Post Employment Health Plan for the Association in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan’s Participation Agreement. The program will be funded using the employee’s sick leave conversion benefit at retirement.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). 25.1 Employees with at least one (1) year of service shall be eligible for an Employer contribution of two hundred sixty dollars ($260.00) into a Post Employment Health Plan account for each eligible employee, subject to the criteria listed below.
25.2 Eligibility and implementation:
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). 1. For those employees who are vested and retire,
a. the Employer will provide an individual employee post-retirement healthcare program, which could include Retiree Health Savings Accounts and/or Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) with a Provider selected by the Employer. Employer. Effective 2005, the County is currently using the service of MERS (PEHP). They will be funded as follows:
i. The County will transfer all existing employee’s accounts to the MERS PEHP employee vested accounts. If employee terminates prior to vesting, they are entitled only to the account balance that was transferred from Nationwide for that employee.
ii. The County will contribute $30 per month of credited service to the employee’s non-vested PEHP account until employee reaches vesting at ten years of continuous full-time County service.
iii. Upon reaching vesting or for those already vested, the County will transfer the employee’s MERS PEHP non-vested account to the MERS vested account.
iv. The County will continue to contribute $30 per month of credited service to the employee’s vested PEHP account.
v. As a vested employee, upon termination, the PEHP account balance shall be portable.
2. Employees covered by this agreement still on the seniority list, hired prior to 1991, and in the bargaining unit prior to 2001, shall be eligible to receive $200.00 per month retiree health insurance premium supplement while enrolled in the County’s program under the same terms and conditions.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The City agrees to participate in the Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan’s Participation Agreement.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The City shall contribute $30.00 per month per employee to Nationwide Retirement Solutions for the PEHP which assists employees with post-employment medical expenses as authorized under Internal Revenue Code § 501 (c) (9). All employees represented by the BFF shall participate. There shall be no individual election by the employee. The City shall make an additional contribution to an individual employee’s PEHP account. At the time of separation, the additional contribution shall be 100% of all accrued leave payout. Payout of sick leave is equal to 60% of the total value of unused accrued sick leave computed from the employee’s last base wage upon the happening of one of the following events:
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). The County administers a Post Employment Health Plan (“PEHP”), which is governed by applicable plan documents, which may be amended by the County from time to time, so long as the terms set forth herein remain unchanged. Beginning with the first pay period after execution of this Agreement, the County will contribute for each eligible employee the amount of $25 per pay period. All employees who are scheduled to work twenty
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP). 13.1 Effective January 1, 2008, employees may be eligible for a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) contribution by the Employer of $200.00. Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of service shall have a $276.00 PEHP contribution paid by the Employer as indicated in the eligibility requirements below.