POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. The City shall provide a Post Employment Health Plan which allows for the accumulation of funds for the future payment of medical expenses and premiums. The amount of dollars paid into the employee=s PEHP universal account by the City on behalf of the employee shall be $30.00 per pay period. Upon retirement, death, or a reduction in force, the employee=s sick leave payout shall be added (paid) into the employee=s PEHP premium account.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. Commencing the first full pay period following May 1, 2005, and continuing thereafter, each pay period covered members shall contribute 1% of their base salary into the ICMA Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP). The City shall transfer the funds to the PEHP at no additional cost to the covered member; however service or other fees assessed directly to the covered member from the plan are paid for by the covered member through their own individual accounts.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. A. The parties to this Agreement agree to participate in the Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan’s Participation Agreement for each eligible employee of the Union. The PEHP Program is a Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Trust under Section 501(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, and shall be administered by Nationwide Retirement Solutions and will define who is eligible to participate in the plan. B. Each eligible employee will contribute $20.00 (twenty dollars) pre-tax from each pay check to their VEBA account. C. Upon separation of employment, including for retirement, the Employer shall contribute the value of 100% of any eligible employee’s unused vacation leave and holiday accruals and the applicable percentage of unused sick leave accruals in accordance with Article 12 into the employee’s VEBA account. D. Employees who are already eligible for fully paid family retiree medical benefits shall not be eligible for the Plan. E. The Nationwide PEHP is governed by an Advisory Committee comprised of one employer representative and one employee representative. The City and Union will choose their own representative. Either representative may be unilaterally withdrawn, by their sponsoring party, at any time in the future. The other side must be notified in writing of the withdrawal and replacement representative.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. A. By January, 2008, the Town shall establish a post-retirement health insurance trust fund and plan in conformance with recently established Government Accounting Standard Board Principle # 45. The town shall obtain an actuarial analysis annually which shall determine both overall pension and post-retirement health benefit liabilities for the members and retirees eligible for Police and Fire Retirement plans. So long as Police and Fire Retirement Pension fund assets remain at least 120% above the actuarial level of funding required for all such pension liabilities, the actuarial analysis shall also determine whether employee contributions for each subsequent fiscal year are necessary to keep plan assets at or above such a 120% level of funding. Commencing with the July 1, 2007 fiscal year, in any fiscal year that actuarial projections demonstrate that a 120% or above over-funded basis will remain even if reduced firefighter member contributions are made to such pension plan at a level less than the contractually required 4.5% contribution of salary, such firefighter member contributions shall only be made to the pension plan from payroll for that portion of the fiscal year required for such contributions to sustain the 120% over-funded basis. For any such year, the balance of such member s 4.5% payroll deductions for such fiscal year shall be deposited directly into the town s post-retirement health insurance trust fund. Should the amount of pay required to be contributed to the pension plan within this agreement change by mutual consent, the terms above shall reflect any such new per cent. B. Effective July 27, 2015, all covered members of the unit shall contribute 2.5% of member basic annual salary including longevity pay as set forth in Appendix A of this agreement to the post-retirement health trust fund. Effective July 1, 2016, all covered employee members of the unit shall contribute 3.25% of member basic annual salary including longevity pay as set forth in Appendix A of this agreement to the post- retirement health trust fund. These contributions are in lieu of cost-share upon retirement. When the fire unit s OPEB actuary funding level reaches 80%, employee contribution will return to 1.5%. Effective July 1, 2008, the town will contribute at least 2% of all member salaries per annum to the post- retirement health insurance trust fund. Effective July 1, 2009, the town s contribution shall increase to at least 4% of such payroll. Effective at the cl...
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. (a) The City agrees to participate in the Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP), Health Care Insurance Premium Sub-account, for Collectively Bargained Public Employees (Plan) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan’s Participation Agreement, a copy of which has been provided to the City. The Plan Administrator for the Plan shall be mutually agreed upon by the City and the Union and the City agrees to contribute to the Plan as set forth in this Article. The parties agree to the creation of a three-person PEHP advisory committee. The committee shall consist of an active firefighter appointed by the Union, a retired firefighter appointed by the Chief, and an appointee of the Denver Office of Human Resources (OHR) as voting members of the committee. The OHR shall provide one non- voting member to act as secretary appointed by the City. The PEHP advisory committee will be responsible for making plan administrative and coverage decisions, including approval of an investment menu, as may be required by the PEHP third-party administrator. Since committee members may not qualify for governmental immunity, the City shall provide adequate fiduciary errors and omissions insurance to the committee members, and any other insurance determined necessary by the Denver Director of Risk Management. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), upon termination of employment for any reason (which does not include death), one hundred percent (100%) of the eligible fire fighter’s accumulated sick leave and accrued but unpaid vacation that would have otherwise been paid to the eligible fire fighter had the City not participated in the Plan shall be contributed to the Participant’s Health Care Insurance Premium Reimbursement Sub-account. Those fire fighters who separated from service prior to January 12, 2005 shall not be subject to the Plan. This subsection (b) is further subject to the following restrictions: (1) The City shall deduct any overpayments to the fire fighter or other legal offsets due to the City from the fire fighter prior to making the contribution to the Participant’s Health Care Insurance Premium Reimbursement Sub-account; however, before overpayment deductions and other legal offsets are made from accumulated sick leave and accrued but unpaid vacation, the City will first make the deductions and offsets from other compensable absences of the fire fighter, if any, and then any remaining balance shall be deducted and offset from the accumulated sick lea...
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. The Town of Normal agrees to cooperate in establishing a Public Safety Retirement Health Savings Plan for all employees covered by this Agreement effective March 1, 2008. Contributions to individual employee Public Safety Retirement Health Savings accounts shall be made in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and as authorized by the Internal Revenue Code. The parties agree to mutually select the ICMA-RC Public Safety Retirement Health Savings Plan as the Public Safety Retirement Health Savings Plan. Such plan and trust documents shall be mutually acceptable to the parties. In the event the parties are unable to agree on the Plan and trust documents the matter will be submitted to interest arbitration. Effective October 1, 2011, the Town is authorized and shall deduct 1% of each firefighter’s annual salary and pay such amount as a contribution on behalf of the employee in the employee’s Public Safety Retirement Health Savings account. Payment shall be made on a biweekly basis from each paycheck by dividing the annual contribution amount by 26 pay periods.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. The County shall provide a Post Employment Health Plan which allows for the accumulation of funds for the future payment of medical expenses and premiums. The amount of dollars paid into the employee's PEHP account by the County on behalf of the employee shall be
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. The City agrees to participate in the Post Employment Health Plan for Collectively Bargained Public Employees (“Plan”) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan’s Participation Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement. The parties hereto designate Genesis to act as Administrator and Bank of America to act as Trustee for the Plan, or its successors appointed in accordance with the Plan and Trust documents. The City agrees to contribute to the Plan on behalf of the employees covered by this Agreement. After the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall contribute to the Plan for each eligible employee, the amount of $70 per paycheck, except that when there are three paychecks in a month, the $70 will not be deducted from that paycheck. Additionally, for employees eligible for the annual sick leave payout described in this Agreement the City shall contribute the first forty-eight (48) hours of such payout eligibility to the Plan. Finally, upon termination, 100% of the eligible employee’s sick leave balance that would otherwise have been paid to the eligible employee as described in this Agreement had the City not participated in the Plan shall be contributed to the Plan. Effective January 1, 2022, and continuing, the City shall add twenty-four (24) hours to every employee’s floating holiday bank on or before the first paycheck in January of each year. The 24 hours will be directed to each employee’s PEHP account on or before the first paycheck in February of each year.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. ‌ All newly hired employees will have a one-time option for a district contribution of $10.00 per month to either VEBA or HSA.
POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN. The City shall provide a Post Employment Health Plan which allows for the accumulation of funds for the future payment of medical expenses and premiums. The amount of dollars paid into the employee=s PEHP universal account by the City on behalf of the employee shall be $30.00 per pay period. Upon retirement, death, or a reduction in force, the employee=s sick leave payout shall be added (paid) into the employee=s PEHP premium account. If any provision of this Agreement is subsequently declared by legislative or judicial authority to be unlawful, unenforceable, or not in accordance with applicable statutes, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement and the parties shall meet as soon as possible to agree on a substitute provision. However, if parties are unable to agree within thirty (30) days following commencement of the initial meeting, then the matter shall be postponed until contract negotiations are reopened.