Professional Development Council Sample Clauses
Professional Development Council. Recognizing the importance of an in-service education program that meets the needs of teachers, the parties shall establish a Professional Development Council which shall ascertain the in-service needs of teachers and also the kinds of costs of in- service programs which may be used to meet those needs. The council shall consist of 9 voting members (composition of which is shown below). Of the five teacher representatives, one shall be appointed from each attendance center in the district with one at-large member. The council will develop its function and guidelines for carrying out those functions so as to be in compliance with Kansas State Board of Education regulations and guidelines governing approved in-service programs. The Council shall have the authority to appoint subcommittee members from within the teaching staff to address special needs as identified by the Council. The Council shall designate one of its members as the Council Chairperson. The at-large member will be compensated at the rate designated in Article 18 (Assigned Committee Work).
Professional Development Council. The Superintendent, through the Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, will establish a Professional Development Council for the purpose of addressing the professional development needs of all bargaining unit members. At a minimum, the Council shall consist of the following: one preschool-grade 2 teacher, one grades 3-6 teacher, one grades 7-8 teacher, two grades 9-12 teachers, one elementary special education teacher, one high school special education teacher, one teaching specialist (e.g. art, music, PE), one non- teaching specialist (e.g. social worker, guidance counselor), one member from Unit B, and one paraprofessional. The BEU shall appoint one member of the Council. The Deputy Superintendent, after consultation with the BEU, will appoint the remaining members of the Council.
Professional Development Council. The Professional Development Council (PDC), under the auspices of the Kansas Results-Based Staff Development Plan, will assist in developing the school district’s staff development plan. The PDC (which is operated under the local School Improvement Team) shall be responsible for assessing staff development needs and helping design the district’s staff development activities. The PDC shall consist of one administrator and one teacher representative selected from each building. The superintendent, or his/her designee, shall be an ex-officio member of the council.
Professional Development Council. PDC Council made up of administration and licensed staff to facilitate the process of setting individual professional learning goals and approving PDC activities and points.
Professional Development Council. 1. The Superintendent or designee or appropriately qualified designee will chair the committee.
2. The Superintendent or designee will submit the names of those selected by individual building staff (1 from each building) for approval by the Board of Education.
3. PDC members will be appointed in May for the next year’s committee for a term of one year. Members can be re-appointed at the end of the term.
4. The committee will meet up to ten (10) times during the year outside the teacher contract day. August – May.
5. The supplemental salary will be under Group B-6 of the Supplemental Salary Schedule.
Professional Development Council. The PDC will consist of seven members, which include the following:
Professional Development Council. Subsection 1. The Professional Development Council will consist of the following: OEA will appoint eight (8) teachers representing each school building, C-TEC, special services and one appointment at large. Each member appointed by the OEA may become a member of their respective Building Improvement team. The Superintendent will appoint three (3) building level administrators and one (1) district level administrator. These members will serve a three
Professional Development Council. PDC Council made up of administration and licensed staff to advise the Board regarding development and implementation of the inservice education and professional development activities of the district
Professional Development Council. 1. The Superintendent or designee or appropriately qualified designee will chair the committee.
2. The Superintendent or designee will submit the names of those selected by individual building staff (1 from each building) for approval by the Board of Education.
3. PDC members will be appointed in May for the next year’s committee for a term of one year. Members can be re-appointed at the end of the term.
4. The committee will meet up to ten (10) times during the year outside the teacher contract day. August – May.
5. The supplemental salary will be under Group B-6 of the Supplemental Salary Schedule. USD 369 and USD 439 will follow their established procedures for developing special committees, councils, and teams.
Professional Development Council. It is the philosophy of USD 385 Andover Public Schools that a combination of effective professional learning and educational experience leads to the professional growth of our staff. A highly effective educator is one of the most important factors in student achievement. Effective professional learning is fundamental to student learning. Professional learning increases educator effectiveness and results for all students. Professional learning will be aligned with the district’s mission and goals established by the USD 385 Board of Education. We will engage in effective, high quality, and research-based professional learning. The Board advocates continuing growth for all staff and expects staff to seek opportunities and to participate in the school district’s professional learning.
1. The Professional Development Council will facilitate the process of setting individual professional learning goals and approving PDC points for licensed staff members.
a. The district PDC members will: serve as representative of the licensed personnel
b. to elect up to two members per school to serve on the district council
c. develop PDC operational procedures
d. participate in required annual training e. support educators with PDC process
f. facilitate the process of setting individual professional learning goals
g. approve or deny impact points for movement on pay schedule h. review and take action all professional learning activities at the Application and Impact Levels
i. serve as liaison and/or arbitrator on PDCprofessional learning issues
2. Composition of Professional Development Council: The Professional Development Council of USD 385 will be referred to as PDC. The membership composition of PDC will be:
a. Up to two licensed teachers from each attendance center.
b. At least one building administrator representative
c. Office of Academic Affairs administrator or designee
3. Appeals Process: In order to appeal any decisions by the PDC on the awarding of PD points, these steps are to be taken:
a. The individual will submit an appeal, in writing, to the building representative, or the PDC Chair within 21 calendar days of notification of denial of points. The appeal should list the specific reasons why he/she feels the decision was incorrect.
b. The chair will notify the individual of their placement on the agenda of the next PDC meeting.
c. The individual may attend the scheduled meeting and present his/her case.
d. A decision will be made, and the PDC Chair will notify ...