Proposed Objectives. 9.5.1 Prior to October 15 of each school year, each unit member being evaluated shall be responsible for proposing to the evaluator a specific statement of objectives and standards within selected areas of performance as proposed samples of his/her total performance for evaluation purposes. Either the evaluatee or evaluator may suggest subsequent revisions in the statement or performance objectives. The evaluator may propose and/or require additional objectives for the evaluatee.
9.5.2 While evaluation will concentrate upon selected areas of performance within the evaluatee's overall assignment or responsibility, objectives may be required for any area of position responsibility, including but not limited to pupil control, learning environment, adjunct duties or other general and specific responsibilities.
9.5.3 Individual objectives shall be consistent with the educational goals, objectives and standards of student progress established by the state, the District, the school and/or the departmental program. Goals and objectives shall include statements relating to planned methods, activities, course content, services, behavior and performance.
Proposed Objectives. The EOP will provide tangible resources and technical assistance to 9 school districts in this upcoming school year in order to ensure a sustainable internal multidisciplinary team that is conducting its own schoolwide trainings to ensure social emotional engagement is an essential element of a positive learning environment at the universal level. Sustainability will facilitate by the development of web-based video modules so that teams can independently offer internal trainings and introduce coaching materials. Video modules will focus on the foundational concepts of SEE-KS, the use of effective coaching techniques in cohort schools, and independent data collection to measure social engagement and fidelity of instructional strategies.
Proposed Objectives. The Overall Objective of the project is to promote an integrated and sustainable flooded forest rehabilitation and management in the Tonle Sap Great Lake which attains simultaneously related to biodiversity, food security/fisheries/agriculture/livelihoods, and climate change. The Specific Objective of the project is to restore and manage 40 hectares of the flooded forest in Siem Reap province that will contribute to sustainable management of the Kulen Landscapes. The objective contributes to implementing and achieving the Strategic Objective (SO) 1: Improve Management and monitoring of forest resources and forest land use and SO 2: Strengthen Implementation of Sustainable Forest management of the National REDD+ Strategy, Agricultural Sectorial Development Plan (ASDP) 2019-2023 and
Proposed Objectives. Research Plan for the coming 18 months: > The experimental plan is to fully characterize radiolabeled PBT-1 (Clioquinol) binding to A[]. 4 month > Radiotracers will be screened as A[] binding tracers through in vitro assays to determinate binding parameters (Kd, Bmax) of high specific activity 125l-PBT1 to synthetic A[] amyloid aggregates > Biodistribution and subsequent ex vivo autoradiographic studies in tg and non tg mice, with and without competitor compounds (DTPA, Congo red, ThT). > The competitor compound ThT will be used to evaluate the tg animal models. > In vivo human SPECT studies with 125l-PBT1 > Based on full characterization of PBT1.
Proposed Objectives. The grantee proposes SMART objectives that align exactly with program scope and goals. Their activities include continuous review and program improvement. The grantee has budgeted for two additional health systems partners to be determined in YR 4, but the work plan only seems to include an objective for adding one new hospital system partner. The budget might be accounting for unexpected partnerships for YR 4. The grantee, in response to their health systems partner’s requests, will coordinate a learning collaborative for their participating partners to share best practices, discuss challenges, and brainstorm ways CRC screening increases can be sustained over time. The grantee plans to provide direct funding to each health systems partner to support staff time dedicated to implement EBIs and other program activities. The grantee plans to provide training and support FQHCs as they improve infrastructure for patient navigation.
Proposed Objectives. The grantee is projecting to screen 6,575 women for breast and cervical cancer. They include this screening goal, and subsequent priority population goals within that total, in their proposed YR 2 work plan.
Proposed Objectives. Proposed objectives are SMART and appropriate to the scope of work of the grant. The grantee includes wanting to expand to new sites but realizes that this is dependent upon the success of current healthcare partner sites. Work plan objectives proposed for YR 3 are consistent with work from YR 2 and are mostly a continuation of activities to support the implementation of EBIs, supporting strategies, and data collection and submission. The YR 3 work plan includes all elements of the grant appropriately (partnerships and program coordination, EBI implementation, supporting strategies, evaluation).
Proposed Objectives. The screening/testing of therapeutic or diagnostic agents in cell based assays for (i) AD and (ii) PD that measure toxicity and cellular dysfunction. These assays will measure the agent's cellular toxicity · Develop a PD-specific cell-based toxicity assay to screen for: - compounds which moderate ROS production, - to detect inhibition of toxicity otherwise induced by 6-OHDa +Dopamine +test agent - neuroprotection effects. · The screening/testing of therapeutic or diagnostic agents in cell based AD assays that measure their ability to inhibit metal mediated oxidative stress interactions of AB, the ability to modulate cellular survival, the ability to modulate cellular survival following a toxic insult/stress. · The screening/testing of therapeutic or diagnostic agents in cell based assays that measure the cell penetration and cell transport properties of the agents. These assays will provide a measure of the pharmacokinetic properties of the agents. The CaCo2 model and Menkes model. · Screening/testing for toxicity induced by 6OHDa and Dopamine with PD test agents. · Screening/testing of agents to determine effect on APP processing. Budget: $150,000 Personnel: R. Xxxxxx: Project Leader G.Xxxxx
Proposed Objectives. The hydrogen peroxide assay. To test the ability of candidate compounds to inhibit the copper catalysed generation of H2O2 by AB and a-synuclein via a 96 well format fluorometric assay. · The brain amyloid solubilisation assay (BAS). To test the ability of candidate compounds to solubilise protein deposits in a sample of human brain tissue or development of an assay using synthetic AB oligomers to detect dissaggregation. · Haemolysis assay: AB is incubated with red blood cells (RBC) in the presence of copper. Resultant lysis is assayed by UV absorption spectrometry. Candidate compounds are assayed for their ability to inhibit haemolysis. · Cholesten 4 assay. Assay development to identify the oxidation of cholesterol as a consequence of AB toxicity. · Membrane perturbation assay. The insertion of protein into artificial lipid micelles is associated with pore formation. Candidate compounds will be assessed for their ability to inhibit pore generation. · Acute toxicity assay for AD and PD. Incremental doses of a drug candidiate which has passed through the in vitro efficacy and toxicity screens are administered to mice to establish a tolerable dose range for in-vivo animal trials. · Whole mouse plasma pharmocology assessment for PD and AD test agents. · Animal trials. AD and PD Drug candidates to be administered to a cohort of the appropriate animal model for each disease. At completion of the trial, brain and other tissues may be collected and assayed for Target Protein content, changes to Target Protein and other markers, including metals. · Characterisation of endogenous AB oligomeric species, incl. ADDLs and their role in AD pathology. Budget: $300,000 Personnel: R. Xxxxxx: Project Leader D.Carringtom, I. Volitakis
Proposed Objectives. Prior to October 1 of each school year, the building principal will require each teacher to submit for approval performance objectives for the current year in accordance with Paragraphs A and B of this Article and meeting any criteria developed at the school site. Teachers hired after September 1 of the school year will have four weeks after date of hire to submit objectives. The evaluating administrator may require the unit member to amend, expand, or otherwise modify these performance objectives. This must be done in a meeting prior to the first evaluation. In any case, there must be at least one meeting between the evaluator and the evaluatee to discuss the performance objectives prior to the first evaluation, which must be no later than November 30 of the school year.