Recognition of Previous Service Sample Clauses
Recognition of Previous Service. For the purpose of calculating sick leave and long service leave entitlements, the University will recognise previous service with the University of Otago or the Dunedin College of Education subject to production of a certificate of service or other evidence.
a. The University may give credit for service with another New Zealand University for calculating entitlements.
b. Recognition of service will not be given when the employee has previously retired or received redundancy compensation from the University of Otago.
Recognition of Previous Service. Employee(s) previously covered by a contributing collective agreement to the April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2002 SUN/SAHO agreement, for purposes of establishing continuous employment, shall be credited with all continuous service recognized as of March 31, 1999.
Recognition of Previous Service. 2.4.1. Recognition is in accordance with Mater Policy as amended by Mater from time to time.
Recognition of Previous Service. Recognition of service with the University shall be given where fixed-term employment is continuous with a further fixed-term appointment or with a permanent appointment. Previous service with a District Health Board or another New Zealand university may also be recognised for some entitlements.
Recognition of Previous Service. The following previous service is recognised for the purposes of leave and severance calculations:
(a) any previous permanent or temporary service (full or part time) with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Fisheries and New Zealand Food Safety Authority or its predecessors; and
(b) previous permanent or temporary service (full or part time) with those organisations listed in Schedule 1 of the State Sector Act 1988, (at the date that crediting of previous service is applied for), or the Parliamentary Service. Provided that:
(i) for annual and sick leave, periods of service will be of at least 12 months duration and have ended within five years of the current appointment to MPI; and
(ii) for long service and retiring leave, and for severance calculations and cessation leave purposes in the event of redundancy, periods of service will not be broken by more than three months. Where an employee has part time service this will be pro-rated for the purpose of calculating retiring leave.
7.1. Other service may be recognised by the Director-General if this is considered: • essential for recruitment to a specific position; and/or • in the case of service with NZ Defence/NZ Police, relevant to the employee’s role at MPI.
Recognition of Previous Service. The employer shall recognise all previous service working as a radiation therapist and radiation therapy assistant and who has current NZ registration as a radiation therapist for determining placement on the salary scales.
Recognition of Previous Service. For the purpose of leave and redundancy clauses, service with the Wairarapa District Health Boardand its predecessors only will be recognised. Other previous service which is relevant to the position or of benefit to the employer may also be recognised at the discretion of the employer. For those employees that were employed as at 01 February 1995 the Wairarapa District Health Board shall continue to recognise previous periods of service that were recognised prior to 01 February 1995, while the employee remains continuously employed by the Wairarapa District Health Board. Aggregated service applies to service for severance calculations and gratuity payment calculations. Payment will be made in accordance with the following:
Recognition of Previous Service. A.2.1 On appointment, a Teacher will be classified and placed on the appropriate level on the salary scale in Schedule A - Teacher Salaries, according to qualifications and teaching experience. Teaching experience does not include employment as a teacher in a TAFE program (unless the Teacher is employed to teach a Vocational and Educational Training (VET) program) or as a teacher in an English Language School.
A.2.2 Service as a part-time Teacher will normally accrue on a pro rata basis, according to the percentage of a full-time teaching load undertaken in any year.
A.2.3 In the case of a casual Teacher, the equivalent of a full-time year of teaching service is 200 full casual days in Australian schools.
Recognition of Previous Service. Recognition of service with the University shall be given where fixed-term employment is continuous with a further fixed-term appointment or with a permanent appointment.
Recognition of Previous Service. The following previous service is recognised for the purposes of leave and severance calculations:
(a) any previous permanent or temporary service (full or part time) with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Fisheries and New Zealand Food Safety Authority or its predecessors; and
(b) previous permanent or temporary service (full or part time) with those organisations listed in Schedule 1 of the State Sector Act 1988, (at the date that crediting of previous service is applied for), or the Parliamentary Service. Provided that:
(i) for annual and sick leave, periods of service will be of at least 12 months duration and have ended within five years of the current appointment to MPI; and
(ii) for long service leave, and for severance calculations and cessation leave purposes in the event of redundancy, periods of service will not be broken by more than 12 months. Less than 4 months will be treated as continuous service; between 4-12 months it will be treated as interrupted service, unless otherwise agreed.
6.1. Other service may be recognised by the Director General if this is considered: essential for recruitment to a specific position; and/or in the case of service with NZ Defence/NZ Police, relevant to the employee’s role at MPI.