Reemployment Procedures Sample Clauses
Reemployment Procedures.
(a) A regular classified employee who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month reemployment list. The employee shall be required to maintain a current mailing address on file with the Human Resources Office.
(b) If, during an employee’s eligibility period for reemployment, a regular classified position or positions become vacant within the job classification of a laid off employee or employees, the Human Resources Office shall send written notice by registered mail or telegram to the last known address of such employee or employees offering reemployment in order of service.
(c) An employee who receives such notice of reemployment and refuses to accept in writing the offer of reemployment within ten (10) calendar days, shall be deemed to have rejected the offer of reemployment. Failure to reply within ten (10) calendar days will be considered a refusal. After an employee has declined two (2) such offers, the employee, by such action, relinquishes all reemployment rights with the District.
(d) If the employee in a layoff status accepts the position being offered, the employee shall have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the postmark date of the notice to report for work. This does not preclude an employee from returning to work in fewer than thirty (30) calendar days. Should the employee fail to report back to work within thirty (30) calendar days, all reemployment rights are relinquished.
(e) A regular classified employee reemployed after being laid off shall be fully restored to his/her position with all rights to permanent status. Service credit and benefits shall not, however, accrue during the period of layoff.
Reemployment Procedures. 19.5.1 A unit member who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month reemployment list. The employee shall be required to maintain his or her current address on file with the Personnel Office.
19.5.2 If, during a unit member's eligibility period for reemployment, a vacancy occurs in the laid off unit member’s classification, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources shall send written notice by certified mail to the last know address of such unit member(s) offering reemployment in order of service.
19.5.3 A unit member who received such a notice of reemployment and refuses to accept in writing the offer of reemployment within ten (10) working days shall be considered to have rejected the offer of reemployment.
19.5.4 If the unit member in a layoff status accepts the classification being offered, the unit member shall have up to twenty (20) calendar days from the postmark date of the notice to report for work. This does not prevent a unit member from returning to work in less than twenty (20) calendar days.
19.5.5 A unit member reemployed after being laid off shall be fully restored to his or her classification. Service credit and benefits shall not accrue during the period of layoff.
Reemployment Procedures. 1. A unit employee who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty- nine- (39) month reemployment list. The employee shall be required to maintain his/her current address on file with the Personnel Office.
Reemployment Procedures. 92
93 A. A unit employee who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month 94 reemployment list. The unit employee shall be required to maintain his/her current 95 address on file with the Office of Human Resources.
96 B. If, during a unit employee’s eligibility period of reemployment, a classification 97 becomes vacant to which the employee has a return privilege, the District shall 98 send written notice offering reemployment by certified mail, return receipt 99 requested, or telegram to the last known address of such unit employee(s). A copy 100 of this written notice shall be sent to PCC-CFT.
101 C. A unit employee who receives such notice of reemployment and fails to respond in 102 writing within ten (10) working days shall be deemed to have rejected the offer of 103 reemployment.
104 D. If the unit employee in a layoff status accepts the position being offered, the unit 105 employee shall have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the postmark date of the 106 notice to report to work. This does not preclude a unit employee from returning to 107 work in fewer than thirty (30) calendar days. Failure to report to work within the 108 thirty (30) calendar days shall be considered a rejection of the offer of 109 reemployment.
110 E. A unit member rejecting an offer of employment under the conditions set forth in C 111 and D above, on three (3) occasions, shall have his/her name permanently removed 112 from the reemployment list.
113 F. A unit employee reemployed after being laid off shall be fully restored to his/her 114 classification with all rights to permanent status. Service credit and benefits shall 115 not accrue during the period of layoff.
Reemployment Procedures. 12.11.1 Offers of reemployment shall be made by either personal service or via U.S. certified mail addressed to the last known address and shall include: the specific vacancy, hours being offered, the rate of pay, level of benefits, a current job description, and a mechanism for acceptance or refusal of the offer of reemployment within the prescribed time limit and a place for the unit member's signature. If the unit member fails to reply within 10 working days of the date of personal service or of mailing of the offer of reemployment, it shall be deemed a refusal of the offer.
12.11.2 It is the responsibility of each unit member on a reemployment list to file a current mailing address with the District.
12.11.3 The unit member's name shall be removed from the reemployment list after he or she refuses 3 offers of reemployment in the class from which he or she was laid off. It is not a refusal of employment for the employee to decline an offer of reemployment for fewer hours than assigned at the time of layoff.
12.11.4 When a laid-off unit member is rehired from a reemployment list, his/her accrued sick leave balance at the date of layoff shall be reinstated.
12.11.5 Upon reemployment in the class from which he or she was laid off, a unit member shall be placed on the step of the salary range to which he or she was entitled at the time of the layoff.
Reemployment Procedures. 19.6.1 Any unit member on an active reemployment list shall be required to maintain the unit member’s current address and telephone number on file with the Human Resources Department.
19.6.2 If, during a unit members eligible period for reemployment a s specified by Education Code 45298, a classified position to which the unit member has reemployment rights becomes vacant, the Human Resources Department shall send written notice by registered mail to the last known address of such unit member advising the unit member of the vacancy, providing such unit member still meets the minimum qualifications required of the classification. The reemployment list for class shall be used following transfers and return of veterans and before other means of filling vacancies.
19.6.3 A unit member who receives such notice of reemployment and does not accept in writing the offer of reemployment within three (3) work days after receiving the notice, shall be deemed to have rejected the offer of reemployment.
19.6.4 A unit member on a reemployment list may decline three (3) offers of reemployment to the unit member’s former class and/or status. After the third refusal, no additional offers shall be made and the unit member’s name shall be removed from the list.
Reemployment Procedures. 24.5.1 A unit member who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month reemployment list. The unit member shall be required to maintain his/her current address and telephone number of file with Human Resources.
24.5.2 If, during a unit member’s eligibility period for reemployment, a position in a classification to which he/she has reemployment rights becomes vacant, Human Resources shall send written notice by registered mail to the last known address of such unit member advising him/her of the vacancy. Provided the unit member meets the minimum qualifications required of the position, he/she shall be reemployed in preference to new applicants.
24.5.3 A unit member who receives such notice of reemployment and does not accept in writing the offer of reemployment within five (5) calendar days, shall be deemed to have rejected the offer of reemployment.
Reemployment Procedures. A. A unit employee who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty-nine (39) month reemployment list. The unit employee shall be required to maintain his/her current address on file with the Office of Human Resources.
B. If, during a unit employee’s eligibility period of reemployment, a classification becomes vacant to which the employee has a return privilege, the District shall send written notice offering reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, or telegram to the last known address of such unit employee(s). A copy of this written notice shall be sent to PCC-CFT.
C. A unit employee who receives such notice of reemployment and fails to respond in writing within ten (10) working days shall be deemed to have rejected the offer of reemployment.
D. If the unit employee in a layoff status accepts the position being offered, the unit employee shall have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the postmark date of the notice to report to work. This does not preclude a unit employee from returning to work in fewer than thirty (30) calendar days. Failure to report to work within the thirty (30) calendar days shall be considered a rejection of the offer of reemployment.
E. A unit member rejecting an offer of employment under the conditions set forth in C and D above, on three (3) occasions, shall have his/her name permanently removed from the reemployment list.
Reemployment Procedures. 44 45 Any regular unit member who must be laid off after exercising all rights guaranteed under this 46 article shall have their name placed on a preferential reemployment list by class and in order of 47 seniority. Such unit member shall be reemployed in preference to new applicants for positions in 48 which they meet minimum qualifications for a period of thirty-nine (39) months from their layoff 49 date. As vacancies occur, reemployment shall be offered to the unit member with the greatest 50 seniority.
Reemployment Procedures. 13 1. A unit employee who is laid off shall be placed on a thirty- 15 his/her current address on file with the Personnel Office.
16 2. If during a unit employee's eligibility period for 17 reemployment a classification becomes vacant, the Assistant Superintendent of 18 Human Resources shall send written notice by certified mail or telegram to the 19 last known address of such unit employee(s) offering reemployment in order of 20 service, providing such employee meets the minimum qualifications required of 21 the classification.
22 3. A unit employee on a reemployment list shall have ten (10) 23 days after receipt of an offer of reemployment to accept or decline, in writing, 24 employment to his/her former class and status. (After the third refusal, no 25 additional offers need be made and the employee shall be considered 26 unavailable.)
27 4. If the unit employee in a layoff status accepts the 28 classification being offered, the unit employee shall have up to thirty (30) 29 calendar days from the postmark date of the notice to report for work. This does