Rehabilitation Leave Sample Clauses

Rehabilitation Leave. (a) In the event that a Member, in the sole opinion of the Division Leader, is abusing alcohol or drugs or is otherwise engaged in addictive behavior detrimental to the performance of his or her duties, the Division Leader shall advise that Member in writing of his/her opinion and may, at the expense of the College, direct the Member to undergo an examination by a professional who is experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of the addictive behavior. This professional is to be appointed by the Chief Human Resources Officer. (b) A Member directed by the Division Leader to undergo examination shall be granted leave with pay to attend the examination. (c) If the designated professional confirms that the Member is abusing alcohol and/or drugs or is engaging in other addictive behavior, the Division Leader may direct that Member to undertake and/or attend a treatment and rehabilitation program (the "Rehabilitation Program") approved by the College. The Rehabilitation Program may be either or both of the following: (i) Out-Patient: being a Rehabilitation Program that requires the Member to attend counseling and other treatments while attending to the Member's employment duties; (ii) In-Patient: being a Rehabilitation Program that will require the Member to be absent from his/her employment duties. (d) In those instances where the Rehabilitation Program is on an Out-Patient basis, the College, where necessary for the Member to undergo the Program, will grant such daily (or part thereof) leaves as are reasonably required, without loss of salary or benefits. (e) In those instances where the Rehabilitation Program is on an In-Patient basis, the College shall grant a leave to the Member for the purpose of undergoing the Rehabilitation Program, not to exceed forty calendar days, hereinafter referred to as "Rehabilitation Leave". (f) During the initial Rehabilitation Leave, the Member shall receive his/her salary and other benefits as provided for by this Agreement. (g) In the event that a Member is required to undertake a second (or more) Rehabilitation Leave, the Member shall not receive his or her salary or other benefits during the second or subsequent Rehabilitation Leaves. On the second or subsequent Rehabilitation Leave, the Member shall, upon payment of the premium during the term of the Leave, be eligible for all health care insurance benefits as set out in Article 11. The term of the second or subsequent Rehabilitation Leaves shall not count towards years o...
Rehabilitation Leave a) If either the Employer or the Union identifies an employee who has become addicted to alcohol or drugs, the parties may agree to co-operate in assisting the employee to obtain treatment and rehabilitation. Where needed, the Employer may grant an unpaid leave of absence for up to three (3) months. b) It is agreed that each case will be handled confidentially as in any other kind of illness. The employee in either case, will receive the same consideration and benefits as are provided to employees afflicted with any other illness. The Employer may reinstate upon receipt of a certificate from an attending physician that the employee is capable of resuming employment and of performing duties in a satisfactory manner.
Rehabilitation Leave. The Commission shall ensure the implementation of Rehabilitation Leave for work-related injuries in accordance with Section 55, Rule XVI (Leave of Absence) of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 as amended by CSC MC Nos. 41, s. 1998; 6, 14, 24, s. 1999).
Rehabilitation Leave. The parties recognize that personal illness due to substance abuse or mental illness may affect an employee's ability to perform her/his work duties. The purpose of rehabilitation leave is to provide an opportunity to recover from illness rather than receive discipline and/or termination. Rehabilitation leave for the purposes defined above, may be requested by an employee. Rehabilitation leave may be required in cases where an employee has received progressive discipline because of his/her inability to perform work. Rehabilitation leave will be granted for a reasonable time, and the employee is to use accrued vacation, sick leave and comp/flex time, which may be integrated with SDI (State Disability Insurance). The Employer agrees that the length of a rehabilitation leave will be determined by the affected employee’s treating medical provider as provided for by law. Additionally, during such leave, the employee must provide certification of treatment. Before being permitted to return to work, the employee must provide certification of completion of the treatment program and/or ability to return to work.
Rehabilitation Leave. (a) In the event that a Member, in the sole opinion of the Board, is abusing alcohol or drugs, the Board shall advise that Member in writing of its opinion and may, at the expense of the College, direct the Member to forthwith undergo a medical examination by a medical doctor appointed by the Board for that purpose (the "Doctor"), the said Doctor to be experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and/or drug abuse. (b) A member directed by the Board to undergo examination as aforesaid, shall be granted leave with pay to attend the examination. (c) Where the Doctor confirms to the Board that the Member is abusing alcohol and/or drugs, the Board may direct that Member to undertake and/or attend a treatment and rehabilitation programme (the "Rehab Programme") approved by the Board. The Rehab Programme may be either or both of the following: (i) Out-Patient: being a Rehab Programme which requires the Member to attend counselling and other treatments while attending to the Member's employment duties; (ii) In-Patient: being a Rehab Programme which will require the member to be absent from his/her employment duties. (cont'd...)
Rehabilitation Leave. 37.1 Leave to attend rehabilitation program: (a) The Employee is affected by addiction or a related health condition of any kind, including, but not limited to, alcohol or other drug (AOD) use/misuse or other addictive behaviours (e.g., gambling); and (b) The Employee is prepared to underake a course of treatment designed for the rehabilitation of persons with addiction or like health conditions. 37.2 Evidence and quantum of leave: (a) On production of proof of attendance at an approved rehabilitation program an Employee will be granted 30 days’ unpaid leave to support completion of the program. (b) For the purposes of this clause, approved rehabilitation will include any program offered by the Victorian Workers’ Health and Wellbeing Foundation including ‘The Crossing’.
Rehabilitation Leave 

Related to Rehabilitation Leave

  • Rehabilitation Program The company agrees to the implementation of an agreed worker’s compensation rehabilitation policy. The operation of this policy shall be reviewed on a regular basis. The parties commit to ensuring that the rehabilitation of injured workers is an accepted practice, and that suitable duties are provided when available. No employee will be terminated whilst on workers compensation during the first 12 months without prior consultation with the union. The parties agree that the person responsible for the management of rehabilitation cases must be adequately trained to do the job. If such a person is not available within the company, then the services of an agreed building industry rehabilitation coordination service will be used. The parties to this Agreement shall ensure that any employee who sustains a work related injury, illness or disease, will be afforded every assistance in utilising a rehabilitation program aimed at returning that employee to meaningful employment within the industry.

  • Medical Leave Pursuant to applicable provisions of the Civil Service Rules, County Code, and other law, medical leaves of absence will be granted by the employee’s Department Head upon request only upon submission of a doctor’s certificate or other satisfactory medical evidence of the employee’s need for such leave.

  • Family Medical Leave (a) An employee is entitled to family medical leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. (b) An employee who is on Family Medical Leave shall continue to accumulate seniority and service and the Home will continue to pay its share of the premiums of the subsidized employee benefits, including pension (if permitted by the Plan and matched by the employee) in which the employee is participating during the leave. (c) Subject to any changes in an employee’s status which would have occurred had he or she not been on Family Medical Leave, the employee shall be reinstated to her former position.

  • Educational Leave Leave without pay may be granted for educational leave for the duration of actual attendance in an educational program.

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Contractor shall comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which provides that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of a disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the performance of any services this Agreement. This Section applies only to contractors who are providing services to members of the public under this Agreement.